
22 March 2015

payback's a pc

My puns need work. 
I know.

I have to admit that when it comes to using the laptop here at home ... I'm the biggest hog. I hide behind the excuse of the blog and the fact that I'm at home the most but Simon has always been a great sport about "firing up" (in quotes because it takes about 20 minutes to do so) his aged dinosaur from med school to work on projects and presentations when duty calls.

Until now! Since the kids and I reap 99.9% of the blog's product review rewards I thought it was Simon's turn to have some fun at the expense of his wife's time consuming {"just a few 200 pictures, real quick!!"}  hobby. We had the fun opportunity to test drive HP's new Sprout which makes my little laptop look like a flip phone thanks to a screen the size of Texas and all of it's capabilities. I'm scared my kindergarten tech-savvy self will only ever scratch the surface of it's full potential. And after watching the older kids help Simon take the Sprout on her maiden voyage ... I'm fairly certain even kindergarteners could teach me a techy thing or twelve.

Look at Sebastian working that, "favorite child" angle ...

... hard.

Thanks to a huge 20 inch touch pad, a stylus, and a built in 3D camera (that basically acts as a lightning fast scanner for anything that will fit and sit on the touch pad) the creative possibilities for not only the kids' activities but also potential blogging graphics and Simon's work presentations are virtually endless.

Bash is SOLD.

They tested the waters by scanning one of Phoebe's bottles and the kids hands because we crazy like that ...

... and then Julia did a phenomenal and thorough job of painting their nails.

I know you'll be waiting with baited breath for any project updates so I'll be sure to keep you posted. But for now I'm more than a little thankful that when I'm hunting around for an old photo on the laptop I can rest assured that all of Simon's surgery presentation pics are safely on his new mothership.

More than a little thankful indeed.

Happy Monday Eve.


  1. Ha! My dad is a surgeon and I've stumbled upon some pictures from surgeries that I wish I could erase from my memory 😁

    1. dying. seriously. there are some things that cannot be unseen!!

  2. Bash is just being all favorite child-y so that he can have his turn on the big giant computer :)

  3. That thing looks so cool! How are you going to handle the competition from the littles as to who gets to "help" use it?

  4. This looks so cool!

  5. I really like the idea of this computer... it combines so many neccessary things for any blogger/designer! I was surprised that it wasn't more expensive, to be honest!

  6. I want one!! Somehow I have taken over the laptop and the desktop and Chris got on the other night to finish some work and said "I mean could there be one more posed picture of you on here?" sorry sorry, lofty goals my husband....lofty goals I have. LOL

  7. I have seen this computer on some other blogs I follow and I am so in love with it! It's screen time but...super creative and endless imagination! Must have :) XO Chelsea play. wash. rinse. repeat.
