
23 February 2015

this is two

two minutes in the life ...

Grace: can you say good morning?
Theo: no.

Grace: can you tell me what you want for breakfast?
Theo: no.

Grace: can you say hello to Phoebe?
Theo: no.

Grace: can you smile for the camera?
Theo: no.

Grace: can you tell me your favorite color?
Theo: no.

Grace: can you say mama?
Theo: no.

Grace: can you tell me your favorite book?
Theo: no.

Grace: can you tell me what a cow says?
Theo: no.

Grace: do you want to go see if we can find Penny (the neighbor's dog)?
Theo: no.

Grace: can you tell me what you want to do?
Theo: no.

Grace: can you say no?
Theo: {silence}

This is two.

And this is fun.


  1. He makes up for that attitude with all of his cuteness!!

  2. The things that set off tantrums are down-right mind boggling. I'm sorry you asked for help with your zipper and then suddenly changed your mind in the 3 seconds it took me to walk over to you and told me silently. And then I DARED to touch your zipper. Seriously, my bad.

  3. Oh, that strategic silence. He's a smart one!

  4. Seriously. Soph was a cute, mostly compliant little toddler until about the week of her second birthday. Now she's a cute little piece of work.

  5. Theo pretty much sums up my morning/afternoon. Kindred spirits? I think so.

  6. Wow! He looks a lot like Bash in that 3rd picture! And even when he is in a grumpy mood, he is still the cutest little thing ever!

  7. Ha ha, such a cutie! My 22-month-old has started saying no and I actually kind of love it. He says it a little funny, kind of like "nyo" instead of "no," so for now it's still fun to hear it. I do have to wonder when that will fade though ;]

  8. lol! My soon to be two year old is already singing this tune as well...

  9. Such a cute little thunderstorm of a boy!

  10. Love him. He sounds eerily similar to the two year old living in our house. I almost laughed because he started using the word no *on* his second birthday. Can we say predictable?

  11. Life is rough at 2... e'erybody always asking you all those questions!

  12. but what a cute two. we have a two over here too! but the loves he gives make up for the bad moments.

  13. Too funny! We are going through the same thing here!

  14. Ha! Definitely needed a good laugh today :-) And my puppy's name is Penny too!

  15. My kids have all been normal humans at two. At age three, they all became moody, tantrum-throwing nightmares.

  16. Ohhhh, two IS fun. Mine turns 2 next month, and I don't remember 2 being this way with my first. ;-) How cute is that little guy of yours, though! NO and all! ;-)

  17. Golly, I've got one of those too. But he's nearly three.

  18. This. Yes. Mine just turned two last Thursday and it was like he woke up that morning with a new attiTWOd

  19. Yes, exactly this. One of my favorite things is asking "do you always say no?" after a string of negative replies. ;)

  20. haha, yes!!! I can identify with this perfectly. I once counted the number of times my almost 2 year old said no, my intentions were to count for the full day, but once I got to 180 after 1 1/2 hours I stopped… Not even 2 hours and I was just about to break 200!

  21. Ah, those glasses! The cuteness is overwhelming. Tow is such a fun age!

  22. hahaha I had a feeling "can you say no" was going to be one of the questions. Personally I would have asked that question after 3-4 no's.

  23. Oh, he's just perfection, Grace!!!!!!!

    The word no... oh, the stories I could tell about the word no...

    SSG xxx

  24. I actually really like two year olds, grumps and all. It's three and four that drive me nuts.

  25. haha! And that first picture of him…he still might be my favorite

  26. Hahahaha. I feel ya, sister. This is the story of my LIFE right now. Not to mention I made her birthday pancakes (at 5 am) and lit candles and home girl said, "no."

  27. First of all, I adore your blog! I have told pretty much all of my Catholic mom friends that they need to read it... Next, I am in the thick of sleep training my 10 month old and I would love it if you did a more recent post on sleep training now that you have done it 4 times. What specifically do you do? On night one of sleep training do you not go in there throughout the night? If they are used to eating throughout the night, do you just cut them off cold turkey? What do you do about naps? I am feeling insanely guilty listening to the crying but it helps that I know other moms have done the same thing!

    1. oh gosh - I honestly don't feel qualified to write a post on that. Every kid has been super different! yes - I go in throughout the night. Even Theo still wants a sip of water sometimes which doesn't bug me. I just like that they go down easily and stay down for several hours. To other moms - they would hate getting up slash not put up with it so -- they might be better to talk to!! I hold off on naps until they are crying very little for bedtime and then do naps too but they never cry for more than 5 minutes because they know the drill at that point. I guess I mostly follow the Ferber method but never let them cry longer than 30 minutes and if I suspect they are teething or sick - all bets are off :)

  28. Oh my goodness! What a cutie and hilarious post! Thank you for sharing!

    The MAMA Gazette

  29. Happy Bday, Theo! You've got Sam's personality and Theo's name...or vice versa...

  30. Oh goodness... My little Peanut is right there with "no want to" and "no like it" allllllllllll the time.

  31. Oh no! I'm worried about that with my son since my daughter wasn't too bad at 2..

  32. He is so cute :) And although two has its moments, I'm a hater of the 3's... We're 2 months into the 3's over here & oh boy... I'll take 2 back! ;) Also, I just love your blog!!!
