
07 January 2015

the man behind the blog

I have to confess that one of my very favorite blogging genres to read/peruse while I'm sitting in my printed pajama pants and mismatched socks on a bed of cold and wrinkly laundry is style (fashion?) blogging. There are so many great ones out there that can effortlessly throw together an outfit with the best of the thrifted + clearance rack duds that make me want to ... um, throw together equally amazing outfits (stifle your laughs). And while I make you sit through the occasional outfit post as I try desperately to stuff my stepsister-shaped foot into the Cinderella slipper of "style" (necessary quotes) blogging, I'm well aware and happily resigned to know that this is just ye old mom(my) blog. But! A mom blog with a supportive husband that takes far too many photos of said wannabe whenever she asks.

that's him. and me.

Abbey has a fun, "Man Behind the Lens" series running and Simon was able to take part today. Hop over and see what he really thinks about his unpaid gig as photographer. And then stick around and join me in pinning her entire blog ... or stalking her pretty feed over here. Every single photo is more gorgeous than the last. You'll see.