
20 January 2015

mom chop

For better or worse I'm the resident barber (stylist? no, not even close) around here which is usually fine except for every third time I cut Simon's hair I tend to always make a semi-noticeable mistake in the back. I have to try to hold my breath and forge ahead so that I don't laugh out loud and let him know of said botch. It never works and I always laugh but he's always a good sport, thankfully.  We did spring for a professional cut last year when he was interviewing which was a very wise decision, despite the gal cutting his hair asking lots of, "does your wife use scissors or .... what exactly?! and, "is this a fade?!" types of incredulous questions. I also cut my own which is most definitely for worse but I'm so petrified to go to a real stylist now for fear that they give me the same deserved earful about my skillz that Simon got that I'm happy to just keep on hacking at random, for now.

Enough of an intro. We got it, Grace.

I came across this photo on stupid Pinterest (love/hate Pinterest ... so much) and asked Julia if she'd like me to cut her hair like that and she said, "sure I would!!" so ... I watched a YouTube on how to cut a "lob" (long bob, get it? good) and went to work.

The before ....

... isn't really fair because obviously we'd just pulled her hair out of her perma-pigtails but I need all the help I can get for the after so ...


I cut it once and then trimmed it up a little bit a few days later ...

... nothing you'll find roaming the dangerous wilds of Pinterest but not necessarily the potential, "well, we'll just have to buzz it and slip some prenatals into her yogurt and hope for the best" disaster it could've been.

I think.

If you disagree, forever hold your peace. Thank you kindly.

My favorite part is that these photos were taken after a long nap she graciously took and she doesn't look like a scarecrow. There is one bonus to the kids not making my hair dreams (Simon's volume + Grace's color = blonde curls but instead we got Grace's notvolume + Simon's color) come true and that is that their hair stays pretty tame between washes. I just put the teeniest bit of this stuff on when her hair is just about dry and then blow dry it with a big round brush for four minutes (she will tolerate no! more!) and we're good until her highness requires her next "baraxing" bath.

I've said it on Instagram and I'll say it again but even with Phoebe wearing a headband I still get, "four boys??" comments left and right (this morning the lady was baffled when I said otherwise - but I guess it was kind of understandable) so I might need to reevaluate whether or not I gave her a glorified bowl cut before we make our next batch of rash hair styling decisions based on Pinterest perfection.


  1. Love it! I don't see how anyone mistakes Julia for a boy. It amazes me. The first time we took bristol out when she was like 3 days old she was wearing a giant pink bow that said daddy's girl, some one told my husband he had a handsome son.

  2. I love it! I don't see how anyone could mistake J or P for a boy. My little man will be wearing all blue and people will say oh a girl? I get very confused how they could even think that and just want to be like oh sure.

  3. She looks adorable! You underestimate your scissor skills... and J is kinda twinning with Janssen's Ella, no?

  4. It looks so cute! I also can't believe how she gets mistaken for a boy! Although people mistake my oldest son for a girl all the time. People are just crazy sometimes!

  5. I don't know why people think Julia is a boy because THAT IS THE CUTEST LITTLE GIRL HAIRCUT EVER EVER EVER. I'm a fan of the "lob" for older kids too (i.e. me) :)

  6. She looks adorable! I cut my daughter's hair and my husband's too. His is easy though- buzz cut. I don't think I have the skillz for anything more impressive than that.

  7. Oh so cute! She looks like an adult!

  8. So cute! This is giving me the inspiration I need to FINALLY chop off my 4 year old's wispy locks. The time has come! Thank you Grace Patton.

  9. Haha I can relate, as I am the family barber too, well partial family barber now. With my husband being a Marine and the weekly haircut+ frequency of my mistakes, he now takes the risk of cutting his hair himself haha. My four year old son is now my only client until he says otherwise :)

  10. Isn't it funny how the internet makes us think we can do ANYTHING if we just research via youtube/pinterest/google? I mean... I used to be an insurance agent and now I do heart surgery and make fly fishing lures while decorating wedding cakes!

  11. You did a great job! Henry's last hair cut definitely had an OOPS moment. Hopefully no one looks at his right ear for a while.

  12. I think it looks awesome! Who is mistaking Julia for a boy?? Are these elderly people who maybe forgot their binoculars? She looks so cute with the lob. And I cut Chris's hair for work every Sunday and last Sunday my bump got a little in the way and I made a HUGE line, I couldn't stop laughing. Oops! Blame the baby.

  13. I think it looks amazing and I'm amazed at your skill :) And I won't be trying that on my own kids because it wouldn't turn out that well :P

  14. I think its adorable...can you do mine?????

  15. ADORABLE. And very girly.
    And my son (wearing a grey onesie with a blue guitar on the front) got called a girl 4-5 times last night at the grocery store so... yeah.

  16. You did an awesome job! I love bobs on little girls. Not such a fan of mulletts on little girls, the look Darcy has been sporting since birth (crying emoji)

  17. I think it looks SO GOOD! I have avoided stylists because of comments they've made about my dye jobs. Same with my mom. The best stylists just try to improve what you have and don't make comments on anyone's work! I just found someone who will come to my house. I'm SO excited. Naptime cut here I come.

  18. looks great!! We live overseas and I "fix" mine every once in a while in between trips to the US. My stylist in the US is kind and just smiles and nods when I come in and asks me about life, no judging that's why I like her!! :)

  19. you missed your calling Gracer. You're a regular pro!

  20. Looks great! I do my husband's too, and I absolutely dread it every time.

  21. I saw that SAME haircut via Pinterest and have been wanting to get my daughters hair cut. And I was desperately hoping this little post would end in disaster (not for Julia's sake, but for mine) because you've got me thinking I could maaaaybe just swing it myself (because I also have been known to cut my own hair). But definitely no. I'm confident I could never pull off a bob. But it looks adorable on Julia! Way. to. go.

  22. I feel like having the guts to do an actual cut somehow lends you creditability as a stylist in and of itself. Considering how fearless you are about it, you're a regular (famous hair stylist).

  23. it's adorable! and so is she! I will say she looks older; not sure if that's a positive or a negative! :)

  24. So cute!!!! Great job!

  25. Absolutely gorgeous haircut and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

  26. Ellen thought long and hard and decided to keep her long hair. But she does believe that J's hair looks "pretty!"

  27. So so cute. I can't decide if I like the new cut or the popped collar it, Julia!

  28. Can I book at 10:00am appointment for next Wednesday?

  29. I'm impressed! There is no way I trust myself with scissors and anyone's hair. Plus, I'm always terrified one of the kids will move or jerk and I'll stab them in the eye. Probably best to leave it to the professionals. :p

  30. HOLY COW. She looks so grown up! Willll you cut my hair please?

  31. I love it! I cut my hair all the time...but I have curly hair so it's very forgiving. Although I am afraid of what the hair people would say. I would almost put money on it that your kids will have some sort of curl to their hair. Both of my sister's had STICK straight fine thin hair and when they hit puberty, both of their hair got REALLY curly. So I think it will come around :)

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Oh, it looks really nice! Well done!

  34. "well, we'll just have to buzz it and slip some prenatals into her yogurt and hope for the best"

    This is why we read. You're hysterical!

    And the cut looks good! I'm impressed "her highness" will let you do four minutes with a round brush--I used to scream bloody murder when my mother so much as touched my hair, so I think J's doing alright!

  35. How on earth anyone could think that sweet girl is a boy is beyond me! Great job on the hair - I have been cutting Jim's and all 4 boys forever - saves us mucho dinero, since Jim has to have his cut every couple weeks for the army. She looks adorable and it makes her hair look so much thicker.

  36. I love it. I just have to be brave and cut my girl's hair :)

  37. Impressive! I just cut my daughter's bangs for the first time a couple days ago and I was SO NERVOUS! They turned out mostly okay.

  38. It's perfect! You did a great job!! I just had my hair professionally cut it doesn't look nearly as fantastic as Julia's. I'm jelly.

  39. You might have given me the courage to cut my little boy, Finn's, hair! Aaaannnd that's a little scary ;) Question, how do you fix Sebastion and Theo's hair? What products do you use? Thanks!!

  40. Oh, it looks so good!! It suits her!! Good job, Grace. ;)

  41. I am super impressed! This is the cutest!

  42. i think it looks adorable and you did such a good job!
