
24 January 2015

all the things they said

"I think we should name her, "Lazy" - Julia

"When will he be born? Four minutes?" - Sebastian

blank stare + speechless - Theo

"not care, not look."  - Phoebe

"you call this an adequate pregnancy announcement?' - baby #5

Yes sir!

Or ma'am!

We'll find out in June {as clearly illustrated above} and we cannot wait.

Oh, what?

A bump snap?

You know I always aim to please ...

 ... I'll wait for the full on clutch and gaze until tomorrow because Simon said I looked like I was pulling a Vanna White with my own stomach PLUS ... daily updates until d-day so there's plenty of time for posing variety.




  1. Hurrah! Congratulations!

  2. WOW and HOW!? Baby making machine....5 kids under....5? Med School Hubs?!! Brave Brave Lady. Congrats.

  3. Yay, congrats!! Love the announcement!

  4. Congratulations!!!!!!!! Another beautiful addition to your already beautiful family!! How exciting!!!

  5. I am just so damn happy for you all. God is so good. More Patton's in the world is a very, very good thing. I love you my friend and I will be praying for you and Baby Patton. Hugs from Virginia!!

  6. 5 under 5! Hooray!!! I hope you're letting Julia babysit Phoebe during her dropped nap so you can get some extra sleep :)

  7. Congratulations!! I am so excited for you and your family. I was actually wondering about this the other day (like I know you or something…). I was thinking you are due for another one with your whole birthing once a year thing going on.

  8. I want to say I read a post recently that said how very NOT pregnant you were! Maybe it was a while ago. :) Congratulations!

  9. We are thrilled for you over here!!! So happy and so wonderful!!

  10. Congratulations!!! So happy for you all!

  11. So Julia will be officially kicked out of the triple stroller. Ah well, exercise is good for her. ;) Congratulations Pattons!

  12. Congratulations!! I'm having #5 too but not til September:)

  13. Wow I was literally thinking to myself while reading your last post, "I hope there is another new Patton baby sometime soon!" Congrats from Toronto :)

  14. Super excited!! Love this!! I think you are the epitome of an all around amazing woman. Thanks for sharing with us! Prayers and thoughts for a smooth pregnancy!

  15. Awesome!! Congratulations Patton family!!

  16. This is just the best news. Wonderful wonderful.

  17. Yes!!!!!! Best news ever!! We love you, baby Patton!

  18. Oh Sebastian. If only.

    Congrats, Pattons! Grace, you are amazing!

  19. Congratulations!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeee so exciting!

  20. Congratulations on the continued Pattoning!!! It's highly inappropriate for me to care about the spacing of your children, but I will cop to some sadness when there was no announcement at Phoebe's fifth... or sixth... or seventh...

    I should really get a hobby.

    Congratulations to your entire family! Upcoming move, new job, and new Patton! It's going to be a great year for all of you.

  21. First Patton birth I won't read about in the archive! I'm so happy I found your blog. I pretty much live here now. Let's hope for June 8th...I may be slightly biased though. Congratulations from Vancouver!

  22. I have to confess to recently wishing you were pregnant (I know, super weird) Congratulations!!! :)

  23. Another Patton!!! Yay!!! Congratulations to all of you :) Also, you and Lauren over at Aspiring Kennedy didn't happen to have a pregnancy pact, did you? ;)

  24. Congratulations!!! I end up inordinately excited about Patton children announcements. I can't help it- you make insanely adorable children and the stories that will come... excitement allllllll around. Question though- is this bambino coming before or after the move?!? Either way: Bravery is thy middle name, Gracer.

  25. Congratulations!! That's lovely baby bump!

  26. Wonderful, wonderful news! Congratulations!

  27. So funny and soooo exciting! You are so teeny tiny- you look amazing x

  28. Congratulations! So excited for the new camper!

  29. What wonderful news! So thrilled for you and the rest of the Camp. Congratulations, Grace!

  30. Congratulations Grace (and Simon) !!

  31. "Children too, are a gift from the Lord; a reward" Psalm 127:3

  32. Congrats Pattons!! How exciting for you all :)

  33. Congratulations!! Baby + Move = an exciting year for you all :)

  34. Thank goodness. Was getting a little tired of listening to you whine about all the free time you had! Finally, something to occupy your idle hands.

  35. Congratulations!!! New life is always amazing. :)

  36. OMG congratulations!! So exciting!!! Honestly I do not know how you manage it all (nor stay so thin after multiple babies--and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible). Rockstar mom!!

  37. Woohoo!!! This is great news! Congrats Patton family!!

  38. Congratulations!!! What an exciting year you will have with the new baby and big move!

  39. So exciting!! Yayy more Patton babies...Phoebe looks thrilled to be a big sister! Congrats to you and Simon:)

  40. despite Phoebe's lack of enthusiasm, I am sure you guys are over the moon! congratulations!

  41. So happy for y'all, Grace! What wonderful news :)

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Wooty-woot! Congratulations from another stranger on the internet! I love reading your (spelled correctly this time) blog and the stories you share about your beautiful family. Lots of love from the webs!

  43. Congrats Grace!!! What a wonderful witness your family is to being open to life! Can't wait for all the pregnancy updates!!

  44. Also, oh my goodness, Phoebe is so chunkalicious. I just adore her.

  45. Congratulations- Jim Gaffigan would be proud! That being said, with all the trends I've been following on your blog lately I'm going to have to deviate from this one. Either way, that kid is going to get some really cute hand-me-downs!

  46. Congratulations Pattons! Super-parents is such an understatement for you two. So happy for you and your growing family and look forward to following your journey as a mother of five.

  47. Good gracious lady, your uterus is my hero! More cute Patton bebes!

  48. Oh, Yeah! Congratulations, Grace and family!!

  49. Congratulations! Phoebe will be a great big sister!

  50. Woo!! Congratulations!! I'm jealous!! (I have 4) I hope your having a wonderful pregnancy and I can't wait to read the updates :) Such a blessing xx

  51. Congratulations and many blessings!

  52. You. Are. Superwoman. Congrats!!! So happy for your entire clan!

  53. So, so great!!! Congratulations Patton Family!!!!!

  54. Congratulations! What a blessing.

  55. You and your family are so blessed. Those kids are so so so sooooooooooooo lucky to have those siblings. plus you guys make the cutest kids. Congrats.

  56. Okay....Phoebe and Ruthie are, like, mere weeks apart in age, and until now I was perfectly happy NOT being pregnant still. You have officially made my uterus jealous. ;)

  57. Wow!! Congratulations! You must be amazing to have all of those adorable kids and another on the way. You are so beautiful, by the way

  58. oh Grace you guys are amazing!

  59. So, so very happy for you Grace. We are due sometime in early August. All these summer babies make my heart happy :) God bless you!

  60. Congratulations! Wonderful news!

  61. Congratulations!!! Wasn't Phoebe just born last week???!!!

  62. So so so happy for you! Patton babies are the cutest. I'm so impressed with how you handle all these little people. I want a lot of kids but sometime I feel like I'm drowning with the one easy baby I have. Which means God's laughing and I'll find out I'm pregnant next week. ;)

  63. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  64. Is this like "Sweeps Week?" Wait, do they even still have "Sweeps Week" on television? Whatever, is this a coincidence, this pregnancy announcement during The Sheenazing Blogger Awards?

  65. So happy for you guys!! Babies babies babiesssss!

  66. Wonderful news!!! Hope it's an easy and enjoyable pregnancy. He/she is bound to be adorable! Congrats to you all.

  67. eep! This is so exciting! Gosh, I have the fever, and this didn't help. ;-) congratulations, girl.

  68. Awesome, Grace! So excited for you all!

  69. Congrats!! Such wonderful news. Looking forward to the pregnancy play by play :)

  70. Congratulations I am so thrilled!!! Baby # 5! More cute, adorable photos all over the interwebs! I am soo excited! and I love the announcment and that picture of you is gorgeous!!

  71. So I've been reading since before Theo was born so I feel like a Grace pregnancy veteran, yet still flawed at how tiny you are. Congratulations!!! I'm due in May, but with baby no 1. :) and So I will keep telling myself that you are super tall and I am super short to make me feel better about my bigger bump haha. Also I am very interested to see the stroller and baby carrier situation in your near future, already impressive so I mean where to from here haha.

  72. I have only been following you for about year and a half, but can we talk about how excited i was to read this, like as if i was right there in the trenches with you!!!! Congrats!!!!!!

  73. Late to the party Grace, but OHMYGOODNESS! SO excited for you guys, EVERYONE IS PREGNANT! eek!

  74. SO EXCITED!!! I love this wonderful, wonderful news!

  75. Congratulations! Phoebe looks ready!

  76. Wow!! You are a machine! Congratulations!

  77. Congratulations, so exciting!! And I think it's a precious announcement :))

  78. I'm so excited for you! I love the announcement too. You look fantastic. Are you feeling sick?? I could barely get dressed, let alone do my hair and look cute for photo. You are a superstar.

  79. YAY!!! Baby fever is in full force over here, so I just can't get enough of the babies!!! :) So excited for you guys.

  80. OMG congrats!! so happy for you. God bless.

  81. YAY! Congrats! this is so exciting, I hope you are feeling well!

  82. Oh YAY!! Congratulations! You are seriously a wonder woman/mom. I feel like I can barely handle my two that are 15 months apart, and you will have FIVE under FIVE!! Praying for a healthy pregnancy!

    1. Same here! 17 months apart...whoa! Two toddler is craziness at my house!

  83. Wow, it won't be long before you and Simon are basking in the fun of a houseful of school-age children, whilst still looking great and acting like you still got it. Great move to get all the pesky baby-raising done during the residency period!

  84. Congratulations! I found your blog early last year, and you've been my inspiration! I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant with our first and I am SO THRILLED to read all your updates. :)

  85. So exciting - and I'm so glad your kids are excited, too. ;-)

  86. Congratulations!!! What a beautiful announcement! You are the queen bee, Grace!

  87. You are amazing! Congratulations! I've loved seeing your kids grow up - I started reading your blog when Basher was a baby. :)

  88. congratulations! i recently started reading your blog and i love all the things your kids say!

  89. Oh hooray! I mean, congratulations!
    I sure hope you are feeling well.
    PS -- I am one month behind you (due at the end of July) and I'm already much bigger than you. Totally not fair :-)

  90. Congratulations!! But wait, were you pregnant when you did the Whole30? I wanted nothing but bread and sweets during the first trimester.

  91. Aw congratulations :) I smiled super broadly when I read this and then proceeded to send this post with much excitement (read: exclamation points galore) to all my friends who were probably thinking, "Liesl, why are you sending me *another* Camp Patton post!?!"

  92. Oh, congratulations!!! This is another tie-breaker round for you guys, what fun! ;-) I had 2 boys and then 2 girls, so that is what I always tell my husband whenever we talk about our hypothetical 5th child. God bless you and your beautiful family!

  93. Congratulations! You're a rock star! And I have to thank you for introducing me to Lily Jade. We are expecting twins in March and my husband just surprised me with a Lily Jade bag - can't wait to put it to use!

  94. congrats!! so do you find out the sex of the baby in june or are you due in june? because you do not look like you are far along enough to be due in june!
