
09 November 2014


I'm going to be a total lamesicle and do something I've been meaning to do ever since Phoebe was born (procrastinator por vida) and take a little breather from the blog for a few weeks.


who cares?

Probably no one! At all. And it's probably some unwritten rule that announcing blog breaks is like the biggest faux pas of them all but c'est la most clueless vie.

I was sitting on our bed with my sweet baby butterball of an insomniac (I won't name names but see above photo) last night when I looked up and even in the poor lighting saw fat layers of dirt built up on all five blades of the ceiling fan and so I think it's time to think about doing some deep cleaning and maybe start exercising again now that Phoebe is 6.5 months old and my postpartum excuse well has run more than completely dry. The gym down the road offers free childcare and I know they'd be so thrilled to have the opportunity to watch four docile little angels a few fun times a week, right?

I just need to catch up on some important things like ceiling fan cleaning and cold/wrinkled nine day old laundry folding and polishing off these last 10 days of Whole30 (aka chopping/cooking my life away, jk - sort of). I also need to reconfigure the day to work blogging in now that Julia isn't napping anymore and my window of quiet time has pretty much vanished.

which is totally fine and a lot more enjoyable than I feared but can I get an amen for her new early bedtime? And how about an alleluia too?

I know there are millions of humans and moms that are significantly busier than I am doing important things so I really should be able to crank out some fluffy blog posts during the week but right now I feel like nothing is getting even a sliver of the time and attention it deserves (the blog, the kids, the Simon, the housework, the meals, etc etc .... this list is in no particular order, I swear) so I'm just going to play catch up on the other areas for now. I'll still be hanging out over here though! Because I can only handle so much productivity in my day.

Aren't you so happy I took the time to overtype about this?

Me too.

But I'll be back.

Here's Theo waving at the neighbors and looking to me for an explanation as to why they are paying zero attention to him.

Story of his third born little life.

And even if you don't miss me ...

... I'll be missing you.


  1. You have very much earned a break. Don't spend it all on working. Have some fun.

  2. As someone with a long and illustrious history of blog breaks, I totally support you in this. Sometimes you just need to walk away for a while! Enjoy the breather and come back swinging.

  3. As a long time reader, but first time commenter, please know that you will be missed. Your take on life with kiddos, your humor, and the pictures of your offspring ala lovelies is a highlight of my day. Enjoy your break, enjoy your littles, and remember this feeling of being too busy to clean the ceiling fans.

  4. I dont even know you....and I miss you already! Come back soon Grace!!!!

  5. I've pretty much been doing the same lately. For the same reasons. (My own butterball is 7 months old.) But so far, my ceiling fan blades look just as bad as ever. Must. Get. To. That. Enjoy your time "off!" I hope you're able to get a lot accomplished!

  6. You take your time. You underestimate the crazy you've got going on. 4,3, 1, 0 am I right? The physical and mental demands on you right now are no small thing! And I hope you're not doing the Whole30 for weight loss because you need that like you need eight years of night float. ;) Enjoy your hiatus.

    1. cracking up - good analogy. No, def not! Just trying to get on a healthier track! :) Thanks Jill!!

  7. You definitely deserve a break! Please know we will be missing you & all the fun stories of your sweet babes! PS My little one is 13 months (and I only have 1) and my ceiling fans look BAD! Eh, back to Pinterest ;)

  8. I care! But completely understand that blog breaks are a necessity sometimes :)

    P.S. I would totally wave goodbye to Theo, unlike the lame neighbors.

  9. You deserve it Grace!! I will miss all your stories, I look forward to your post and drop everything to read it once it goes up!! (stalk much? I am totally normal I promise :) ) enjoy your break!

  10. You know what? As much as I know I'll never give up blogging forever, when I SAY I'm not going to blog for _______ time and I really don't let myself do it, it's almost like....a vacation from a job you love. Like, you still love the job but WHOOSH the break feels good, dagnabit. Enjoy! Really! It's gonna feel good :)

  11. Girl!!!!! I'll be missing YOU! I'm glad you told me otherwise I would start to worry something happened to you. Enjoy your break! 😘

  12. Good for you!!! Not an easy decision, but I hope you really revel in the "down time"! Enjoy!!!

  13. Can't wait for you to be back, but enjoy the time away :) Also, do the "pinterest" pillow case trick for those ceiling fans - it works!

  14. I'm looking at ceiling fan dust right now.

    Fist pound, bump, whatevahyacallit. So good for you!

  15. I will miss your posts and look forward to your return. There will be a hole in my internet life. Enjoy your break! And hopefully you a chance to enjoy some trash tv or reading at the gym, it maybe the only reason I ever make it to work out (ANTM forever).

  16. Grace waves to people at the grocery store, as we're walking past them. She fortunately is not at the age of caring whether someone waves back (not including mom and dad, who must). I feel you on the deep cleaning... this pregnancy is totally knocking the wind out of me. Breathe easy knowing your readers will still be here and double checking your instagram for all the updates. :)

  17. This break will be good as I will no longer have to stalk Camp Patton for new posts and now I will have more time to tend to my own children :-) Seriously though, I will miss your posts while you are taking a break...but you really deserve some time off mama. Enjoy!

  18. yours is my FAVORITE blog - you will be MISSED!

  19. Really the ceiling fan dusting needs to be done every six months or so;) Come back will be missed!

  20. Enjoy your break! You will be missed! :)

  21. No. No no no no no no no!!!!!!!!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Love your blog, but totally understand. I'll probably still check the blog every other day out of pure habit! Enjoy your time and precious family!

  24. Take a break and hire a cleaning lady, so you can spend your free time on more fun things!! :)

  25. There eventually comes a time when turning on the fan is no longer an effective means of avoiding looking at the dust. Am I right? Been there.

  26. Grace, we need you. And miss you already. 👋👋 theo! So presh!

  27. You (and the kiddos) will be missed but enjoy your time with them pretty lady. We will be here ready and waiting for your return.

  28. Noooooooooooooooo! But seriously. I'll live - I guess. Your blog is the best. Hope you get in some great non-blog living, and come back swinging. Is there any easy way to know when you're back in the blogosphere?

    Also - the fan problem - every fan in my house has the problem.

  29. Do it up mama!!! You deserve it! And that whole gym thing with child care sounded kind of amazing. I hope you find some you time in between the to-do list and eating cardboard, I mean wholesome food ;)

  30. Is it weird that I miss you already? Jk kind of. Good for you to take a break and prioritize. Enjoy your time- hope that Simon will be working normalish hours so you can have some quality time!

    Thanks for the fan reminder. Haven't looked at those since forever.

  31. You deserve a break, and I so hope you enjoy it, but you'll make me oh-so-sad if you don't come back someday!

    For now though, enjoy those fan blades. Pro tip: my brother and I used to stick clothing and underwear on top of his fan (he had a really convenient bunk bed) then turn it on high speed. It works awesome and is super fun, so you should definitely give that a try.

  32. Yup. You and your sweet family will be missed but excited for your break! We recently had a weekend away that had zero reception and it was all kinds of wonderful! :)

  33. I check your blog for updates waaaay too often. I love hearing your thoughts and seeing pictures of your sweet children. Enjoy your break and we'll all be waiting. You are you wonderful mama!

  34. We will miss you, obvi, but so glad you're taking a much deserved break! Enjoy it and soak up some down time :)

  35. You and your sweet campers will be missed, but a break to get some balance and a routine sounds great! ♡

  36. I will miss you very, very much but I want you to take your time and just breathe in and out and do what needs doing. Hugs my friend and lots of prayers for you to find that balance that all Mama's need to find. Hugs from VA!!

  37. I hope you enjoy it and feel a little more put together afterwards. I'll miss reading your posts every day!

  38. You totally deserve a break. As a person with a blog (who rarely, if ever, blogs) I don't know how you find the time. I have 2 kids and I just find that I have too many other things that need to get done. So, good for you for knowing where you need to scale back. We will all be here when you decide you are ready to come back.

  39. prayers that your time tending to more important matters will be fruitful to you and your entire family. may you enjoy this precious season. ad Jesum per Mariam

  40. I will miss you!!! But enjoy the break :)

  41. Oh girl - you definitely deserve it! Anddd if you happen to finish everything on your to do list with time to spare just know that you're welcome to come clean my ceiling fans any time! ;)

  42. I will miss you! Blog reading is my ultimate form of studying procrastination and your blog is my very favorite. :) Also, I think it's totalllllly normal to have dust on your ceiling fan. Who has time for that? Hope you enjoy the break and come back rejuvenated!

  43. Totally understand your need for a break...but, please come back, ok? I'll miss your sweet family tales!

  44. Good for you!! Boo for Julia not napping anymore... going through the same transition myself, it's not easy! Glad you're giving yourself a little break from the blog. Makes me think of this quote: “Do not give yourself to others so completely that you have nothing left for yourself” -St. Charles Borromeo. Thanks for all that you give to others through your blog, but thank you even MORE for taking care of yourself :)

  45. I'll miss you! Enjoy(?) catching up on cleaning and other fun things :)

  46. Enjoy your break. Side note: resting to books on cd was a lifesaver when my oldest dropped naps. She had to rest and listen to one cd before she could get up.

  47. (forgive the double post if it happens). I really appreciate the blog break announcement. It's a little annoying when my fave blogs take a break with no pre-explanation, imo. Good luck with getting everything done!!

  48. I'll miss you! Although, I hope you enjoy your time off.

  49. Enjoy your time off! Please don't leave us forever. I'm still mourning the end of Young House Love.

  50. A sabbatical does wonders, no matter the initial circumstance. Enjoy.

  51. I'm no stranger to blog breaks (though I didn't use my month+ off to clean any fans when I really should have ;) ) so I get it. But I'll miss your posts a bunch!

  52. oh. em. gee. I'm dead for those cheeks. Enjoy your vaycay!

  53. Enjoy your break! You will be missed! I hope you still post some pics of the cuties on IG! They crack me up!

  54. As sad as I am for the rest of us I totally get it. This space should be at the bottom of the list. Enjoy the break and your lovely family and just know I am really going to miss your posts. And I know I'm not the only one. No pressure to return quickly or anything. ;)

  55. aww.... will totally totally miss you. my play group moms and I talk all the time about Grace.

  56. crazy phone and commenting.... anyway, don't worry, we will be right here when you get back. waiting for the newest escapades of the camp.

  57. I will miss you SO but totally understandable.....every mama needs a break and you have earned it!! I mean with all the laughs you provide me every week, I suppose I can let you take some time off! Enjoy your time and those precious babes of yours! I'll be here when you return fo sho!!!

  58. Yes I will miss you! But I totally get it! Plus, weird coincidence, I just cleaned my fan blades yesterday! I was feeding the babe and looked up to a totally grody ceiling fan and thought... that hasn't been cleaned since we moved in... 3 years ago!

  59. You will be missed! But don't underestimate how hard you work and how much you deserve a break. I don't know how the hell you do it all anyway. As a doctors wife and mom of 3, I can only find time to shower 2 or 3 times a week. But as I type this now, my 20 month old just licked my leg...does that count as one of my cleanings for the week? Seriously though...enjoy the break! And PS--phoebe and her cheeks have made me decide I want a 4th baby. So thanks for that.

  60. I totally get it! I'm glad you gave us an update so we know you're doing a-ok! We're saying our prayers for you to find fun in the daily stuff. You are an amazing person. I live that through your blog we get to see you be a mom, a wife, a friend, a sister, a daughter, a Christian, a blogger...and through all those amazing roles you are so REAL (and hilarious) and there isn't one piece of you that I don't just smile about. That's hard to do. There isn't another blogger out there that I feel that way about. Good luck and lots of hugs and prayers. We'll see you and the fam soon.

  61. Completely understand! But you will be missed! As well as your cute kiddos!

  62. Well, at least now I know your are human! I have always wondered how you manage to get everything done! You will be missed, but this is well deserved break, and you we all still be here whenever you get back. Maybe a binge watch of Gilmore Girls is in order :).

  63. I'll totally miss you, but I sooooo get this. My "little blog break" turned into a permanent vacation. And I never even blogged as regularly as you did! It's tough to crank out content. I got to the point where I wasn't really paying attention to life for what it was; instead, I was looking to see if I could turn every situation and happening into something bloggable. It may look like a piece of cake from the outside, but blogging is draining work! Enjoy your break! I hope you don't leave forever (like really, really badly hope this), but I'll totally understand if you do.

  64. Enjoy your break!! I will miss your humor and posts, but totally understand needing to take a blog break. I don't know how you do all that you do every day. And I think it is awesome that you know yourself well enough that you need to take a break from something. It's a lesson I am still struggling with. :)

  65. I care! But I also get it, only 24 hours in a day and such. I hope you accomplish everything in your plan! And I will be among hose waiting (im)patiently with open eyes for when you come back.

  66. aww everyone cares! have a good break but you better come back! jk. you deserve it.

  67. Your kids are the cutest - Theo's face...aww!!!

  68. Overdue, for sures. Enjoy the break! I know I'll miss you....

  69. Time invested in yourself is never a mistake! Enjoy it and stop by for some quick at home workouts for the days the gym doesn't happen!

  70. my favorite blog - of course you will be missed, but heaven knows you deserve a break. even if it is to clean the ceiling fan. enjoy your time. but please come back too!

  71. I will misssssss you! But take the break you deserve!

  72. Sad face. As long as you keep 'grammin in the intermission, to get us through! :)

  73. I will definitely miss your posts! I feel like a creeper when I check your blog every day for new posts, but I'm pretty shameless and can't help myself!

  74. Fully support the break -- but will miss my daily Camp Patton! It's truly one of the highlights of my day.

  75. As much as I'll miss the stories of your sweet littles (you're only my favorite blog ever, you know ;)), I'm so glad you're taking a break. Enjoy the time off with your family! "See" you when you get back!

  76. I love your blog..and especially that butter-ball! Take many pics and share when you come back. I DO NOT want to see her at 3...I just love that baby butter-ball stage!!!

  77. Will miss Camp Patton updates so much but this'll be a good opportunity to reread all your old posts. For the sixth time. A true stalker fan am I! Enjoy your breather!

  78. I will miss your adorable family updates but I will be here waiting for when you come back! Enjoy the break!

  79. I'll miss you! Enjoy your time off - and try and throw some fun in amongst the cleaning and cooking. And Happy Thanksgiving if you're not back by then! And it's a sad day when the nap goes. Several of mine were still having "rest time" FAR beyond their need because I just couldn't say goodbye....! :)

  80. Noooooooo! You completely deserve a break and I have no idea how you've managed to keep blogging up until this point, but I will miss reading you so much! I'm going to cross my fingers that you won;t be able to resist increased Instagram posting.

  81. I'll miss you but totally understand you need a break! I've been wondering how you've been doing it since Phoebe was born- four kids is busy!
    P.s. I would kill for a gym with free child care. Enjoy!!

  82. Totally understandable. Enjoy the break!

  83. You will indeed be missed!! I look forward to your new posts but totally understand. Hope you have some wonderful catch up time!

  84. It may seem strange that an "older" mom, with pretty much grown children (youngest is a junior in college) would be so interested in a blog about young children--but I LOVE your blog and I LOVE your humor! Please take as much time as you need. You are an amazing mom, and I feel, at least from personal experience, that if you can catch up on some things that are eating at you, then you will feel refreshed!

  85. Enjoy your break! Just PROMISE that you won't pull a Young House Love and decide after your break to never blog again! I would cry.

  86. I for one, am THRILLED you are taking a break. (Call the internet police, there's a hater on the loose!) Kidding. I am obviously your biggest fan ever. But I have always felt a little bit (o.k. a whole huge heap) of a "Holy smokes she has four kids under 4 and an amazing blog and how the crap does she ever even shower?" and this just helps me believe that you are, indeed, human. And we human people have limits. We mere humans need breaks. We humans have dirty ceiling fans and neglected gym memberships. And it just does my soul immeasurable amounts of good to see you, well, being human. So cheers to the break. Come back soon.

  87. I can barely even keep up with reading my blogs, I don't know how you keep up writing blog posts! Even though you think no one will miss you, we totally will. Yes, I am speaking for all the Camp fans. Catch you on the IG side!

  88. I WILL miss you!!! Totally!! Your blog is one of my favorites!!

  89. you will be very missed! thank goodness for the gram

  90. I'm ok with you taking a long as you come back!

  91. I will definitely miss reading you blog. It is one of my favorites!

  92. Enjoy your much deserved break! We'll be missing you!

    Also, saw this on another blog today and thought of you!

  93. Okay, it has been 11 days. could you please come back now? I am having withdrawl and it is not fun. I miss you.

  94. @ Ashley ^ I totally agree. How sad!? I keep coming back to check if you've returned (as if I wouldn't already know from my insta-stalking!). I hope you return in a flurry of Julia Styles & Bash Chats. Enjoy your time off!

  95. Take that break!! I've been wondering for YEARS how you manage to keep up with this blog so regularly (and emails and social media and comments and instagram and and and) with all the little ones. I have 3 now (kids, not blogs) and can't seem to update my sad little blog more than once a week. You're basically superwoman and could you teach me how to do that please??
