
10 October 2014




(name that song)

So, as it turns out, I can either stay on top of the ever dire laundry situation or I can blog. The laundry mountains won out these past few days along with a teething (?) and wildly unhappy Phoebe and her Everest of needs.

Phoebe Badger does not care.

Not that you noticed I ducked out for a warm second but ... as soon as I figure out how to master the illusive "balance" bologna ... I'll let you know.

Moving onward and upward to less disappointing areas of the 'net.

I have a lot of favorite blogs but here's my latest and greatest. If you click over and never return to the Camp ... I won't blame you. Wit and legit writing skillage for days.

okay, FINE. I've been totally sucked into the blog world's new obsession. For good reason. Her archives have made for some less frustrating sleepless nights with Phoebe.

My loyalty knows no bounds

I've blogged about it a few times before but the only thing that's zapped my random breakouts is this stuff. And right now it's 30% off with the code: EDDOCTCLEAR so I wanted to pass that along. {Here's my referral link for $10 off any order but, no pressure! Like always.}

In true Grace fashion I am shamelessly copycatting Kate and Bridget (and other bloggers, I'm sure) and am putting together a little vlog to answer reader questions. I won't pretend to flatter myself and think that there are dozens (even one?) of questions people are dying to ask but thought I'd ask for some anyway. You can leave a comment here or just send a quick email with "vlog" in the subject line. Many many MANY thanks.

And most importantly, one of my favorite readers and e-friends is going through an unimaginably difficult time right now. Somehow, she manages to navigate these scary waters with an abundance of humor and grace. She's one of the most thoughtful people I've ever encountered and has sent us care packages galore and notes of encouragement during Simon's difficult rotations (which are laughable compared to her day-today, I know!). Anyway, I know she would so appreciate your prayers and if you feel the call to give at all ... pretty please do so here! Thank you in advance.

We are in Indianapolis for the weekend because we tagged along with Simon for a work conference. As crazy as the hotel room + the kids + the sleeping arrangements can be ... it's still so fun to get out of the house for more than the duration of a Costco trip. The kids are quite taken with the (FREE!) ice machine (Simon may have really talked that one up, and they bit), the variety of channels, and the view.

"Open this door, mom?!"

To your inevitable death? Nokay.

And I am quite taken with the laundry situation being hundreds of miles away.

Oh! I'm also reading this book on the trip and loving it, so far.

Okay, that's really it.

Happy weekend.


  1. ...I don't like your girlfriend, I think you need a new one? :-) enjoy the vacay!

  2. I hope y'all partake of the pool facilities too! A favorite of our girls hotel experiences

    1. I didn't realize there was a pool :( and taking 4 non-swimmers alone miiiiight be a disaster :) :) ha.

  3. Long time reader delurking to say welcome to my city! Indy has a fabulous children's museum too -- biggest and best in the U.S. And there's a great area on the third floor called Playscape that's perfect for your kiddos with fun stuff for babies and toddlers alike. My nearly two-year-old daughter and I were just there this morning.

    Enjoy your time in Indy!

  4. We just did a hotel stay and the kids had a blast joy-riding the elevators and taking a long luxurious bath (in our main bathroom, we only have a walk-in shower, so this is a big novelty). Oh and comp breakfast too... kind of crazy town, but they're so easily entertained!

  5. I'd say that's a Billy Ocean song. And i'd be aging myself...

  6. That book sounds really good! I havent read fiction in so long...but I am going to reserve this one. Thanks! OH and just adore that baby girl! cute cute cute!

  7. How do you manage to have time to read?...I feel hopeless with just one child (13 months) and I am expecting twins in 5 months...:S

  8. Speaking of a "dire" laundry situation, this morning, I woke up to my husband frantically looking for a clean pair of underwear before going to work. I joined him in the search and we determined that there was not one clean pair to be found anywhere. He had to go to work wearing dirty underwear from the hamper. Talk about a big fail! If that has never happened to you, at least you can know that you are doing better in the laundry battle than I!

  9. Wait, wait, wait! When are you doing the vlog? I promise not to send a novel of questions!

  10. Do you use the whole system or just the cleanser? Because I am at a point in life where I still get break outs with my new wrinkles! And, NO. That needs to stop. Thanks!

  11. I've been waiting eagerly {read: not so patiently} for that book to be available from our library. I think I was something like 78 on the list when I got my name on there. Now, I'm number 3. Any day now.
    Hope it lives up to the hype! :)

  12. I only have one child, and her laundry has gone through the fluff cycle in the dryer 4 times this week. It's still there. But hey, Fall is here, so I really don't need all those short sleeved onesies that are in there anyways. Right??

  13. Ordered the Paula's Choice. I have been interested for a while but today with link + offer code + a magnifying mirror I can't seem to pull away from the disaster that is my jawline, today was the day. Thanks Grace!

  14. "Get into my car!
    Who me?
    Yes you! Get into my car!"
    I have no idea what the name of the song is (Get into my car?) or even the rest of the words. . . Is "Who's that lady?" in there somewhere? Thanks a million for prompting those few lines to replay over and over and over for me this nap time :)
    I hope you're having fun in Indy!

  15. Are you at one of the hotels that is connected to the sky walk? I could see kids making laps through there. :)
    VLOG: Top 5 Costco Items...and, go!

  16. The capsule: who's not purging their closets this month?? **crickets*** Seriously, even me, the frumpiest of the frump with the fashion sense of a typical homeschooler is running to catch up to the bandwagon.

  17. Go to Yats... Whatever you do. And thank me later. Tell Joe I say hi.

  18. Welcome to Indianapolis. Sorry for the crappy weather we're having. Hope you are able to enjoy the fun indoor things the city has to offer.

  19. Have a lovely break!
    Vlog: Top 5 tips for blogging and vloggingand top 5 things you wish you'd known before becoming a parent

  20. Vlog question: Do you have your hands full?


    Waving from Northern Indiana!

  21. Remember a million moons ago when you painted your living room gray?! Yes. Well today I bought the same color gray for our bedroom. At first I was super excited. Now I am worried it is all wrong for a basement bedroom! Just tell me you still love the gray please?!!

  22. Vlog question: any tips you might give to a person who wants to be dressed well, but has absolutely no fashion sense?

  23. Vlog question? How do you handle discipline/tantrums, etc?

    1. I second this one! I have one *very* spirited toddler (as well as a newborn) and sometimes I am really just at such a loss on how to handle the tantrums. I love hearing how other moms do it.

  24. Hey hey You you! Get into my car! (It's that one, right? Get outta my dreams! Get into my car!)

    Vlog question: What are some things that you loved from your single years (can be actually things you did or something like "freedom to travel whenever I wanted booooyaaaaaa!") and what are some things that you love now in your married and family years?

    Question 2: Will you please go on a blog tour of the country? Like a book tour but for your blog. OK, maybe that's not a vlog question but it's 1/3 legit.

  25. Hey hey, you you, get off of my cloud. The Rolling Stones.

  26. Hey! (Hey!)
    You! (You!)
    I don't like your girlfriend!

    - Avril Lavigne

  27. Of course you go to Indy the weekend I go to st. Louis! My question - any tips for my husband when he takes all the kids to Costco? I always say "if Grace can do it with four, you can do it with three," but his response is "I'm not Grace." Lol. Poor man :)

  28. Vlog question: How to you deal with/handle sibling jealousy? I have a 2.5 year old and just had another baby and my 2.5 year old has been having EPIC tantrums. I just did a blog post about this too but she's also resorted to hitting her brother on occasion. Any advice would be so great.

  29. Phoebe badger indeed! Her scowl would make Queen Victoria shiver, lol. She is adorable and I am already in line to because one of her minions. Have a safe trip!

  30. vlog question: is there anything you wish you had done before children that you didn't? I'm not asking if you regret having them at a certain age or anything (of course not!) but just curious if you feel like you got to do everything you wanted to do before 'being tied down' to kidlets. i ask because there are things i want to do before kids and some people are telling me i'm selfish or that they can be done with kids, but i don't feel the same. I'm kinda rambling, so I'll stop.

  31. FYI: kids museum in Indy is super great! Enjoy!!

  32. Phoebe badger just made my day. :)

  33. Love me some Phoebe and Bash shenanigans. Always makes me smile and smiles are needed today. Thank you sweet Grace. Love and hugs from our laundry pile to yours. <3

  34. Yay! I loved that book! Light and airy and funny.

  35. I did notice that things have been quiet at the Camp lately, but every once in a while we have to set aside the good stuff and go for the laundry. That book looks interesting, as do several others by that author. I may have to check that out.

  36. My eternal love for Costco knows no bounds and was just further cemented by that awesome article. And I'm grateful that you weren't posting because I was away also, sans decent internet, so I didn't miss anything......! I know that's why you did it....! :)

  37. And that book is great - I loved it.

  38. SUCH a good book - just finished reading it a few weeks ago! As a newly-wed myself, I won't deny I might have teared up a bit. Or possibly a lot. :p

  39. i literally LOL'ed at the excitement over the {free} ice machine! lol amazing.

  40. Our book club read that book, too! Here's 2 more the group all like: "The Secret Keeper" by Kate Morton or "Wildflower Hill" by Kimberley Freeman. Safe Travels!

  41. Wifeytini is SUCH a wonderful blog. Thanks for the recommendation!

  42. You liked what Alice forgot?? I couldn't get into it. I ditched it 60 pages in. Way too slow
