
28 October 2014

Bash Chats

shirt & vest - thredUP
shoes - Vans via eBay
hair product - watermelon juice

As we were driving by the Arch recently ...
Bash: WOW!!!!
Julia: what?
Bash: Look at that mountain!!

In an effort to avoid bedtime the other night ...
Grace: okay, time for bed!
Bash: no
Grace: it's time, Bash
Bash: did you know you're looking so pretty, Mama?

After he told me that he read a book about a witch at school:
Grace: what was the witch doing in the book?
Bash: oh, just sleeping around
Grace: sweeping around?
Bash: yeah, sleeping around

Despite my 99 requests that he please, "stay close to me!" at the grocery store Sebastian bolted to the toy truck aisle and gave me a 1.5 minute heart attack before I found him  ...
Bash: No, there YOU are!
Bash: I told you, "stay close to me, Mom!!"

While playing with Phoebe's face and touching her monster pumpkin cheeks ...
Bash: You're face is so big and so cheeky, Beebee!!
Bash: turns to tap the back pockets of my jeans and your bottom is so big and so cheeky too, Mommy!! 
After he got in trouble for biting Julia and he was protesting a timeout ...
Bash: but Mom!
Grace: please go sit
Bash: but MOM!!!
Grace: please go sit down
Bash: but moMMY!!
Grace: please go sit down, Sebastian
Bash: but GRACE, no I won't go!

After he heard Phoebe loudly filling her diaper ...
Bash: God bless you, beebee

While looking at a photo of himself petting a camel at a petting zoo ...
Bash oh, I loved that polar bear!!!


  1. Giving Julia a little run for her money in the funny department!! PS- make sure I tell you about the Patton lookalike/COUSIN? on okc!!

  2. Bahahaha! Sounds just like my little guy. I got almost the exact same bum comment too.

  3. I agree with Meredith - his comments are as great as Julia's! You are raising some wonderful kids, Grace - you are a FANTASTIC Mommy! Bash sounds like a sweetheart - the girls better watch out!

  4. But really though... how are all of your kids so stinkin adorable?? I don't know what I love more, the fact that he calls Phoebe beebee or how he tells stories of witches sleeping around... HA!

  5. Omg telling you how pretty you look is genius, smart boy!

  6. Where do your children get their hilarious sass from? Must be hereditary.. :) He's looking so grown up!

  7. Oh my gosh I just love him. "Sleeping around" was my favorite. Cutest boy!

  8. Oh I LOVE Bash!!! These are great as usual! And those pictures....he is one cute boy!!!

  9. Hahaha!!! Boys start the sweet talking so soon don't they? Ace does the whole, "but I love you so much mom. you so beautiful. can I stay up now?" And Pierce is not so subtle, "Oh mom you belly is getting so fat". Did I say I love boys? I do.

  10. Sleeing around. Sebastian Says will give Julia Styles a run for her money. Made my day.

  11. I cannot wait until Theo can talk so there can be more of these. Also, holy heck is he cute!!

  12. YOU stay close to ME. This kid's a winner.

  13. Love me some Bash antics. He's gonna keep you on your toes for sure Miss Grace.

  14. You just make funnier children than the rest of us.

  15. "Sweeping" around!! LOL! And,you are a part-time photographer because you're ability to capture the perfect expressions of your kids is awesome, and with a smart-phone, I am assuming! Kudos. You're captions, to boot, make them absolutely hilarious!

    1. haha of course my nicer camera photos would like cell phone photos :) .... lots of work to do

  16. WAHAHAHA!!!! I LOVE BASH. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM! This made my day!

    And wuuuuuuut---leopard print sneaks? He and I are destined to be friends.

  17. Oh Bash. Where on earth do you get your funniness from? I truly have NO idea :)

  18. He is so funny! I love it. His hair is so cool...I must get some of that watermelon juice...

  19. Your kids are the best.

  20. These posts make my day. So freaking funny!

  21. Glad he loves polar bears! lol he's hilarious! :)

  22. Bahahahaha. Your photos look fantastic! Look at that depth of field. Nice aperture work, patton. Nicely done!!

  23. Love it. These crack me up every time. How do you remember this stuff so well?? I think my kids say funny stuff sometimes, but I can't remember any of it for the life of me!

  24. I loved that polar bear.....bahahaha! Too funny!

  25. Oh so funny! Little kids seriously say the best things. Thanks for sharing :)

  26. Oh my gosh! I am so excited that Bash has been added to these fun posts! They are my most favourite of all!! Isn't it about time for a Simon Says? hint hint ;)

  27. I want to hear his little voice on a video! I just can't imagine how sweet he sounds.

    Whoa. I am getting very sappy as I approach the 3rd T...

  28. I love these posts. Your kids are so charismatic.

  29. So funny! And what a little sweetheart. "Your bottom is so cheeky"-- I just can't handle it!

    My nephew (about Bash's age, actually) to his great-grandma-- "Your skin isn't flat, Grand." That's one way to describe wrinkles, I guess...

  30. Bash gets in on these posts now - yay! And dang, he is so cute and stylish! (and by stylish, I mean you dress him really well)

  31. :) Funny! Love these posts about what your kids say!

  32. Haha he's hilarious! The grocery store one is so funny.. I can't even handle it. More Bash chats please!

  33. I agree with Simon. We need to hear/see more Bash on the blog/instagram.

  34. Ah, thank you for the great laugh! I needed that today, I missed my nap. :)

  35. I see Julia has been schooling him appropriately...!

  36. I really just want to hang out at your house. Of these, I can't even pick a favorite. Maybe the store. Maybe the 'big and cheeky'. I dunno. Don't make me choose.

  37. trying not to be butt hurt that your kids are better dressed than me.

  38. Oh man, I'd love to hear a conversation between him and Joseph. Joseph (very loudly) asked in church last week (after he tooted and was scolded), "MOMMY, DID JESUS EVER TOOT IN CHURCH?"
    Thankfully this wasn't the same church where he vomited from the front pew onto the steps in front of the altar during the Consecration. However, now we have to avoid 2 parishes....

  39. Oh, oh!! Now we have Bash Chats! I loooove it!! I think he'll give his equally funny sis a run for her money. Hilarious!!!!!!
