
24 September 2014

the reason for the season

yeah, yeah. What an original post idea, GRACE.

Bridget already asked here.

Kate already asked there.

Fran talked about it here.

And now I'm making it into a post.

Everyone is talking about fall. And how it's their favorite season (lest we forget! it leads directly into WINTER ... the season of futility and death but ... minor d'tails, folks) and how easy it is to dress during (let's get fancy!) autumn.

It's fine. I like fall. It's one of my top three seasons and I'm not going to turn down a salted caramel anything because I'm always 4.5 years behind a trend on average but I have to admit I get pretty giddy about the return of the television programming (RIP Bachelor in Paradise, forever - hopefully).

Here's a few of the greats (according to Grace with potentially terrible taste).

Initially I was eh on this show but I've grown to love it. And by love I mean obsess over getting the kids to bed with plenty of time to adjust and position our antenna accordingly so that we don't miss one hysterical second. I'm eternally impressed that Mindy writes, directs, AND stars in the show and is so naturally hilarious.

... don't argue with me.

I fought my addiction to this wildly unpopular show for awhile but then came to grips with how upset I was to hear that this is the last season. I almost cry or cry during every episode and I am petrified someone is going to die in the final season. Please no. My television heart cannot handle it. And on my hunt for the above photo I read that the show didn't get cut because of ratings (they were actually quite good because the show is actually quite popular, but because it's too expensive to produce because of the large ensemble cast - for curious minds)

This isn't normally my type of show (I have to close my eyes a lot ... violence is not my thing) but I'm totally hooked. I love Kerry Washington and covet all of (which I just spelled, "ove" ... someone come revoke my typing/blogging license, now) Olivia's clothing because how appropriate would all ove (notfunny) her killer outfits look on my weekly trips the Costco? The most killer. You like that pun? I'm sorry.

Okay, I'm going to be brief (for once) and lame (like always) and stop at three.

But ...

Super Honorable Mentions:
Modern Family
Parks and Rec

On the Chopping Block:
Nashville (maybe, I'm still on the fence)
New Girl (what happened?!)

And this is only TELEVISION shows. I would have to dedicate an entire post or two to Netflix etc. shows (I'm coming for you, Gilmore Girls .... 99 years later).

Shows I HEAR are Awesome:
Pretty Little Liars

Can't Wait For:
I'm not sure.
How to Get Away with Murder looks promising? Maybe.

What say you??? I'm missing a million I know it. Tell me while I watch in humorous horror as all the kids melt into "life is over/just woke up from our naps" puddles at the exact same moment. Lucky day lottery, right here, right now.


  1. I never watched Parenthood before, but just started Netflix-binging on it last week! Am no into Season 2. Love it!!!

  2. YES PARENTHOOD. I'm in the middle of season 1 of The Blacklist right now and I don't think you'll like it. It's much more violent than Scandal and I think you'd regret watching it. Have you ever looked into Revenge? A lot of people compare it to Scandal. It's not as violent though... USUALLY. And I agree, what did happen to New Girl???

    1. Ahhh why are we all saying this about New Girl?! It's my favorite show and I just finished season 3 on Netflix. Does it get awful after that or at what point...?! Help!

  3. Did you know that Kerry Washington just designed a Scandal clothing collection? It drops tomorrow...and I'm going to need all of her coats.

  4. Gilmore Girls will forever be one of my favorites. Somehow my husband even got hooked on it (I'd come home to him watching it without me!) so I'm looking forward to your review.

    Currently I'm binge watching The Good Wife. I don't think it's on Netflix yet and it's still on air so you have plentyyyyy of time before you can be late to the bandwagon. ;)

  5. I live for the Mindy Project.

    I also live for PLL, and I hate myself for it. BUT WHO THE EFF IS A.

  6. We've been watching reruns of The Goldbergs on Hulu...just started last year I guess and it is HI-larious!! Super funny, cliche 80s humor. The best part is the end there are always real old school VHS home video footage from the real Adam Goldberg, show's creator. It starts again tonight, before or after Modern Family.

    1. YES! the gold bergs & for the record...i'm a scandal, nashville, mad men, mindy project orange is the new house of cards & housewives loving kind of girl

  7. Parenthood definitely brings on the tears. U read that someone is going to die this final husband says Christina or Zeek.

    Agreed on New girl...last season was bad.

  8. I never watched the Gilmore Girls, but I heard so much about it (99 years or so ago) that I might have to check it out if it's on Netflix now.

    And The Mindy Project has always had me intrigued--but ever since we stopped getting a TV Guide that I could actually hold in my hand and flip through, I never know when any shows are on! I'm going to hunt down that one, though. It sounds great.

  9. Gilmore Girls is THE BEST!! After your raves about Friday Night Lights, I tried it out and am hooked!!

  10. I ugly cry almost every episode of parenthood (at least it feels like I did... I was also pregnant though...). I'm also sucked into scandal and waiiiiiting for Gilmore girls. I watched the first episode of forever (where the medical examiner can't die? I think that's what it is called.) and it was only meh to me. Guess we shall wait and see and be grateful bachelor starts in January!

  11. Parenthood is the bomb! Scandal is the bombier! Ew no sorry! But totally on the same page!! Gilmore girls is forever a fave and I totally think you need to jump on board the PLL train like stat, pronto, tonight!

    1. Speaking of being behind the times, what is PLL?

  12. I keep getting annoyed at Scandal for the violence and for not being The West Wing... but I'll keep watching it anyway. (I can't help but think "Him? Really?!" about the pres.) Hoping that New Girl gets better, and definitely going to be watching Parks and Rec's last season. I saw a few episodes of the Mindy Project and am wanting to watch... is it free anywhere?? Otherwise I've been disappointed in all the new previews I'm seeing... and then I feel old when I wonder where all the good shows we used to watch went.

  13. Big Bang Theory is fantastic. Over on HBO, Veep is amazing Silicon Valley is good.

  14. New Girl, right? They already made me super angry with the breakup last season... I get so mad when thwy "develop" a character on a show (Nick, in this case) and then act like it never happened. If they wanted them to break up then fine, but don't contradict your own writing. Ugh. And then the season premiere sucked and the second episode wasn't much better. Bleh.

    Clearly I'm too wrapped up in all this since I always get fixated on the love story and I reeeally loved Nick and Jess together. Plus, you built it up for 3 seasons!

    Okay, rant over. Even without the breakup it just hasn't been funny. :(

  15. I binge watch Parenthood episodes in 2's or 3's...Dave disapproves, I can tell, but meanwhile he's watching John Adams or Breaking Bad in the other room and I'm all, who's really the bigger man? I mean come on.

  16. Add "About a Boy" to that list and it is my tivo! I can't wait for your Gilmore Girls catch up. #coffeecoffeecofee

  17. Seriously. New Girl. W.T.F. The Mars Landing episode was one big ??????? for me. I think breaking Nick & Jess up was the worst idea ever.

  18. I liked the first episode of The Mysteries of Laura (with Debra Messing) and am looking forward to How to Get Away with Murder.

    BIG fan of Mindy, Modern Family and Scandal (sometimes I confuse the story lines with House of Cards, though). Really like the Blacklist. But totally agree about New Girl...I guess quirky can only go so far.

  19. YES GILMORE GIRLS. Favorite show, hands down, forever. I also heard that someone is going to die this season of Parenthood, and I just don't think I can handle that. More tissues!

  20. True Detectives & The Americans NEED to be on your queue!!

  21. You forgot Chicago Fire and Chicago PD... is it hometown pride? No it's attractive men in uniform and good yet unrealistic story line...

  22. Nashville (could be going away - nOOOOOOOOO!) Mindy Project (funniest show on TV EVER.) Parenthood (speaks for itself) I also, never fail to cry and watch over and over again on NetFlix. When it goes off air I will feel like my whole family died.

  23. I double dog dare you to start watching Suits :)

    1. Always puts me to sleep. What's my problem?! I need to start from the beginning!!!

    2. oh my goodness...yes, If you missed season 1, you missed the excitement! Give episode 1 a shot, and you'll see why! :)

  24. Love The Mindy Project! Have you read "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me" (by Mindy Kaling)? You MUST (or you could be lazy like me and listen to it on tape - even better, it's Mindy's recording!) - it's amazingness.

  25. My husband watches Blacklist, and I've seen a few minutes of a few episodes. It is violent and creepy. (For reference I cannot watch Criminal Minds and Law and Order or I won't sleep a wink.) Just wanted you to know.

    I love Parenthood. So many feelings and tears. Another random show you might like is Community. It's weird, but hilarious.

  26. Brooklyn 99!!! My hubs (hate that I abbreviated that) both like it. This might not make any sense but if you love The Mindy Project and Jimmy Fallon, then I think you'll like Andy Samburg in Brooklyn 99.

  27. Love the Blacklist and parks/rec. Excited for grimm...and any new episode of bubble bubble guppies guppies

  28. Did I ever tell you that Jacob worked on set for the first season of Scandal and rubbed elbows with your style icon? Well he did...and we've watched the pilot and basta. I should really give it a chance because everyone knows pilot episodes never do a show justice.

    Watching The Blacklist...and meh. It's basically Alias without Jennifer Garner and her cool costumes.

    I've never even seen an episode of The Mindy Project. And I can't think of a single reason why not. So I'll remedy that soon!

  29. We are currently obsessed with Person of Interest and also really enjoy Blue Bloods. Mentalist is also great. So sad to hear about Parenthood, my sister and I loved to dissect that show and analyze all the characters ;)

  30. You probably already know this, but The Limited (store at the mall) has a line of clothing based on Scandal... I saw a cape in my Facebook feed this morning and it was pretty cute!

    Also, I live in Clearwater, across the bay from Tampa, and there is basically no fall here, so enjoy this last one! We still drink pumpkin lattes and salted carmel whatever, but we do it in shorts and flip flops. ;-)

  31. I feel you on Fall. On its own, not a bad season, it's just that it leads to winter.

    New Girl used to be cute, it is awful now.

    I can't get on board with Parenthood. I have a crazy tight knit family, my parents have 4 kids and we see each other on average 4 times a week with kids and fiancé' and spouses. And I have an autistic son. I can't watch it because I watch TV to escape my boring reality and it is like watching my life on TV. Add to that the fact that everyone asks me, after learning Sol is autistic, "So do you watch Parenthood?" I want to say, "Not really, but I've seen Rain Man, so we can totally talk Autism experiences all day long! Right?" (so I kind of hate internal voice Emily. She's a filterless b----.)

  32. I've recently gotten obsessed with the Mindy Project too! Have you read her book? It's awesome as well and just made me love her more. I have a feeling my productivity is going to decrease substantially as soon as Gilmore Girls appears on Netflix…...

  33. Do not get me started on New Girl. I used to laugh so hard my husband was worried I'd die from lack of oxygen. (dude, when Schmidt had the cat phobia on the roof??? Died.) But,then it just tanked. To me, it jumped the shark with the Prince episode. watch Dr Who. And that's about it. Ooh, and Mad Men!

  34. Lame-o here since I've never seen any of those aside from the occasional Gilmore Girls back in the day, buuuuut I did binge watch Big Love this summer and I'm still in withdrawls. John almost had to find me a support group haha. Maybe I should catch some current shows during the next week of night float h-e-double hockey sticks

  35. I am all about the comedies, like Parks and Rec, and Modern Family, but new last season (and starts again tonight!) is The Goldbergs which is set in the 80's with the director's own family as inspiration and it is super hilarious. Also, Brooklyn Nine Nine. And Gilmore Girls forever! I own all 7 seasons and watch them yearly (at least).

  36. Are you sure you want to ditch Nashville just when it's getting so bad it's good? What if they write Hayden Paniblahblah's pregnancy into the storyline? I think you'll be disappointed that you missed it. :) And last night's New Girl was as good as the first season. I think you'll like it -- well at least the Jess/Schmidt side of it -- the other half was lame. OK I just disproved my point.

  37. We tried to start Blacklist. I could not handle the blood/violence. I've heard it's really good though!

    We loooove Suits. I think it's on USA? We've been watching it on Amazon Prime. Sooo good.

  38. Maybe not your things but try a few episodes- White Collar. So intriguing. Not usually gorey. And, well, Matt Bomer is adorbs.

  39. LOVE your rendition of a fall post! Parenthood all.the.way. My husband even tears up. We got rid of cable and hence all tv because we're too remote for an antenna to catch anything, and now that fall is here I'm a liiiiiittle bit sad about missing our shows. So PLEASE come through on your Netflix picks!

    Also, I love Big Bang Theory, but it took me a while.....

  40. I watch most of the ones you watch! I also love Brooklyn Nine Nine...Andy Samberg as a cop is hilarious!

  41. I'm so sad this is the last season of Parenthood. :( I second the comment above me about Brooklyn Nine Nine. I'm also pretty jazzed about Big Bang Theory. And all of those NCIS/Scorpion type shows => not good for the easily creeped though. I like fall only for the new tv!

  42. I am soooooooooooooo devastated about parenthood ending!

  43. The Mysteries of Laura first episode was really good. I too am Mindy Project obsessed. and : ''winter, the season of futility and death''..hahahaha. I will be using that!

  44. Funny that you're writing about autumn cause I have watched season one of Gilmore Girls at this time for the past the years. With pumpkin spice treats in hand.

  45. Pretty Little Liars is great! I maybe 30... but I love it :) Along with The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Reign... all very good (geared towards teen) dramas... and the actors are easy to look at so that helps. I love New Girl, my husband even likes it and has gotten upset with me because I watched it without him. I did notice after Jess and Nick got together things got weird... hopefully they can recover the show this next season or else I may be out.

  46. We started the Blacklist on netflix and it is AWESOME. Oh, and of course, you HAVE to watch the Walking Dead because it's literally the best show on television and completely not about zombies (if you can get over the guts and gore which are higher than anything I have ever watched)

  47. I too am super bummed about Parenthood ending. But Gilmore Girls forever. I have no shame about recording the reruns.

  48. My husband always makes fun of me for having to close my eyes during those violent scenes in Scandal. He always asks "why do you watch this if you hate these parts?" and I always reply "because I love everything else about it!!!!" :)

  49. We are TV soulmates! I haven't seen The Mindy Project, but so many people are raving that I am going to try to start. I just recently discovered Modern Family (super tardy to the party), and am now properly obsessed.

    Have you never seen Gilmore Girls before???? I am SO SUPER JEALOUS if that is the case, I wish I could have the chance to watch it for the first time again!

    PARENTHOOD I LOVE. I am devastated that this is the final season. It's one of those shows that, after almost every scene, I turn to my husband and say, "Oh I love him/her. She's got to be one of my favorite characters." I can never quite seem to get the memo that apparently they are all my favorites.

  50. Just a warning, as a 30-y-o woman (I giggle even writing the word "woman" so let that be a judge of my grown up character) who binge-watched all of Pretty Little Liars in a few weeks and then caught up to watch the last two seasons live, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TURN BACK. Do you hear me? The acting is terrible, the plot is impossible to follow at times, and it's literally one of the best shows I've ever seen. I don't know how it works at all. I should hate it and I am just counting down the days until the ABC Fam 13 Nights of Halloween special PLL episode. I dare you to judge me. No really, you can.

    Also, my love for FNL, P-hood, and Gilmore Girls knows no bounds so I fully embrace your addiction to them (I include GG because it's THAT good - I don't even question whether or not you'll like it). I'm currently binge-watching The Mindy Project and...let's just say that I've been cancelling my social obligations lately. A lot. My couch + wine + Mindy on Hulu = this is not a cry for help. I swear.

  51. Ah, I really need to catch up on Parenthood! I think I'm somewhere at the beginning of season three...?

    Yes, can't wait for Gilmore Girls to come out on Netflix in a week! Watched the first few seasons religiously and then went to college and never found out how the series ended. What a travesty.

    The last show we Netflix binge-watched was House of Cards. Yes, there are scenes where I covered my eyes, but whoa this show was so good. And so addicting.

  52. OOOOH you've made a HUGE mistake by leaving The Big Bang Theory off this list! So funny. Same humor department as Mindy and Parks and Rec! :) Check it out. I could watch reruns for days and still laugh my butt off. My very favorite show is about to start next week on HBO, Homeland. But it is a little more intense, and you'd totally have to go back and start from the beginning! It's crazy to see what the government can hide from us middle class and get away with! (yes, it's far as we KNOW!)

  53. I had to give The Mindy Project a second chance too but now I can't help but laugh every time I watch. And definitely excited about tonight's premieres!

  54. Grace you have to watch The Voice! The celebrity coaches are amazing (and not bad to look at, either) and your kids will love hearing all the different types of music and dancing to them. It's a family staple in our household.

  55. My fav shows are as follows in no particular order, you're welcome....Parenthood (BEST ever and I will seriously cry forever if they kill someone off in this final season cause I am still crying that it's in fact the final season), Grey's Anatomy (been watching it since season 2 and although it's not as good I will never give it up), Chicago Fire and Chicago PD (soooo good), Survivor (again, been watching since season 2 and will never ever give it up)!! Oh and this summer or late summer or whenever we watched the show Satisfaction on USA....first season and all a bit scandalous but really, really good and I am SO hoping they sign on for a second season! We'll catch up on Netflix shows another time, mmmmk??!!!

  56. For us, after the end of The Office our lives were OVER. But we discovered Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Life is better now. And the second season premieres on Sunday. PUMPED.

  57. If I had to pick one show to watch every second of every day for the rest of my would be Scandal. The fact that it comes on an hour earlier now, just made this single mama's heart flutter in a very excited manner. Bring on the wine.

  58. LOVE Parenthood--totally agree about crying or almost crying at every episode. Will be sad when it's over. As for New Girl, I'm not ready to give up on it yet. I LOL'd several times at the premier episode so I'm going to stick with it. And of course Gilmore Girls--watched when it aired and that's where my husband fell in love with the name Lorelai that we gave to our daughter. We also have a Logan, which may or may not be a coincidence. :)

  59. Seriously, what happened to New Girl? I never finished the last season. And one of these days I'll watch Scandal, I promise! Let's just say that I'm saving it for our collective impending doom (winter) or post-baby.

  60. Nashville should not be on the chopping block, Grace!

  61. black-ish is great! Just watched the pilot.

  62. Just in case my first comment didn't post...There is a Scandal inspired clothing collection at The Limited ;)

  63. We super love Revenge. If we were neighbors, I'd bring you the previous seasons we HAD to purch on DVD.

  64. Well, I have to give a HUGE shout out to the new show, Madame Secretary. Just started this week, so you can catch up. Sunday nights. My BIL is the script supervisor on the show and it was really good the first week. And if I have to pick only one sit com, definitely Big Bang Theory. ALWAYS funny. We tend to watch drama around here - Person of Interest, Blue Bloods, NCIS, etc.

  65. so my hubby loves the blacklist and Sherlock. I can't watch either. especially black list. way too much evil.
    I love parenthood.
    and I'm gonna try Nashville. just heard that a friend (isaiah stratton) got a lead role in it. interested to watch him act and see what the show is all about.
    also love the profit (kinda like shark tank) and survivor

  66. Pretty Little Liars... the worst show ever, and completely addicting! All of the male "love interests" sincerely belong in prison (grown men dating high school girls? wtf?), the show never actually goes anywhere, and the acting is... eh. But I have watched every episode and have run out of episodes on Netflix, so I'm shaking in the corner until I can get my next fix of it. And the clothes, oh, the clothes are so lovely. Especially on Hannah.

  67. my husband and i were just saying what happened to new girl?!?!?! seriously! and yes to the mindy project, parenthood tears and kerry washiongtons clothes.

  68. Stop what you are doing immediately and watch the blacklist NOW it is life changing and the best show on tv in h history of tv ever. It's all on Netflix

  69. I LOVEEE PARENTHOOOOOODDD! I could create a blog just abou Parenthood. In fact, I'm considering it.

  70. Lol, I just came to write "I looooooooovvveeeee Parenthood" and saw that the person above me wrote that too :) Sentiment still stands. Love it so much, going there to live. (Which is funny because I do actually live in the area it supposedly is set in which is...sadly, just not up to tv standards). Love Scandal. Rationing my way through season 3 on Netflix at the mo. And just got so excited that New Girl season 3 was on Netflix only to echo your sentiment: What happened? Wha? Why? So? Dumb? Now? Please make it go back. And I'm geeked for How to Get Away with Murder even though it has murder in the title and I am also a no-violence tv watcher, but I BELIEVE in the power of Shonda. With exactly that much fervor :)

  71. Love The Mindy Project!
    Also, fun fact, I watched the entire season 2 of parenthood while awake all night in early labor with my second. It got me through until my water broke. Ha.

  72. Definitely watch revenge (first few seasons on Netflix!) and also reign if you like period dramas. Oh and hart of Dixie.

  73. You have to watch Once Upon A Time. But you must start from the beginning or else you'll be lost. It's my favorite show, but of course even in my 30's I still love all things Disney. Me and my 4 year old, we have a good time together as she of course is also majorly into princesses. But the thing that's awesome about the show is that they take the stories you know and twist them. For instance, Peter Pan is the bad guy and Captain Hook is the good guy in one season. Just give it a try. If it's not for you, then okay, but try it. It's a good fun show in my opinion. Although, I tried to explain the concept to my dad and he totally didn't get it at all. Lol :)

  74. ALL about that PLL. Do it. Start it now. You have to get over the whole "high school" aged thing but even my husband has been hooked with me since the beginning. And he doesn't usually dig shows like that.

    And don't ruin my New Girl fetish! I started the first season a few weeks ago and just landed on Season 2 earlier this week. I accidentally read a comment about a break up (WHO?!!?!?) and quit reading your comments after that.

    also.....we recorded How to Get Away with Murder tonight and can't wait to check it out. Parenthood is one that I need to get on....

  75. HArt of dixie!! Its the new Gilmore Girls!

  76. Mindy!!!! Yes!!!! I knew I liked you. I'm obsessed with this show. When I sat on a chair and broke it, I wasn't upset. I thought,"I'm having a Mindy moment!"

  77. Mindy and Scandal all day long. All day.

    How To Get Away with Murder was pretty good last night!

  78. I just finished binge watching "Parenthood" at 1:30am this morning. I watched the first episode of season 6 on TV last night. I love that show.


  79. Totally hooked on Pretty Little Liars and not the least bit sorry about it!

  80. Gilmore Girls is TOTALLY worth it. You gotta do that. (Ialsocryateveryepisodeofparenthood...let's pull it together Joel and Julia!!)

  81. Why is no one talking about Seinfeld... oh yes because it stopped airing over 16 years ago. Talk about late for the bandwagon. I don't care, I can walk because I love to love to LOVE that show. But if were talking currently on Netflix hello How I Met Your Mother... SO funny! And does anyone else find Parenthood so addicting, not because its really good but purely because your a parent and can relate??? no? no one? any one?

  82. If you want a drama, try The Good Wife.

    If you loved Mindy's book, read "Dad is Fat" by Jim Gaffigan. He's a Catholic comedian with 5 kids living in a tiny NYC apt. Hilarious.

  83. I totally feel you about the "autumn" thing. I thought I was the only one not obsessed with it. Um, folks, this just means the good stuff is almost over and we are about to enter the season from hell. Let's celebrate!

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  85. I'm going to have to start watching Parenthood on Netflix because I've heard just too many good things about it. Usually I watch the more Scandal/Hawaii Five-O type stuff, but a change up is always nice!

  86. um, not to spoil the party and all, but my best friend just watched some of the Mindy Project, and she said it was really really funny, but she was super disturbed because she said that we're supposed to be rooting for a married man (who we're not supposed to like his wife anyway) to get together with Mindy instead.
    I mean, it disturbs me a lot, because its so funny, and packaged in so much sweet stuff, that we just swalow it down. And I find, at least for me, that I subconsciously imbibe my entertainment, that my view of the world, and espically romance and marriage and sex, gets really influenced by movies & shows.
    And to normalize that marriage vows don't mean anything, that being a homewrecker is ok if the wife is a flake anyway, etc, isn't good for us in the long run.
    I think.
    I'm not trying to be judgy, I really am feeling kinda tormented by all this...(and maybe its just because I AM SO MALLEABLE through the heart, especially at what I laugh at and root for in maybe its just me.)

  87. Mindy. Hells to the yes. I thought she was ridiculously annoying at first, and now, like you, I'm obsessed. New Girl is going down hill, but as long as Schmidt keeps becoming his normal self again (I hated that season where he was mopey) I'll stick with it.

    Modern Family's always a win, of course.

    Benson and I are way into Brooklyn 99 with Andy Samberg too.

  88. Why did no one mention Breaking Bad??? Or Friday Night Lights? Have you already watched those? I adore Parenthood--I totally agree, it makes me cry nearly every episode.
    Do you watch Homeland? SO good. Makes 24 and Lost look like child's play. If you're looking for something not quite so intense, Newsroom with Jeff Daniels was really good too.
    And also, my new favorite--OUTLANDER. Can't believe no one mentioned it. It premiered on Starz last month, and is based on the book series by Diana Gabaldon, which is completely addicting. Strong female protagonist, beautiful Scottish scenery, hunk in a kilt. Win win win.

    1. FNL is my very favorite show of all time!!!

      And I'm so lame but I can't get into Breaking Bad. What's wrong with me?!

  89. The Good Wife. I knew nothing about it, a friend suggested it and I've binged my way through the first five seasons so I can catch up to this, the sixth season.
