
15 September 2014

calling in

The kids and I all have fairly miserable but completely innocuous colds. Simon called it, "snot on tap" as he wiped poor Phoebe's nose for the 55th time over the course of an hour last night. As soon as we get struck by the head cold bug I just start saying prayers of thanks that it isn't the stomach flu because toddlers + projectile throw up is just the worst. I'll take faucet noses over the vom plague any day, in case the illness gods are reading. Thanks.

Anyway, so I'm figuratively blogging in sick so that I can let Julia nap in my lap while she tells me in 76 different and creative ways how much she hates being sick:

My nose is so annoying!

I just can't handle this any wonger!

My wife is so frustrating, Grace!

Maybe a milkshake will help?

Can you find some better medicine?

Where's my tissue?

Where's my tissue?

Where's my tissue?

etc - fun - etera

... and yet she still managed to pull together a half-bottomed Halloween costume for our emergency diaper run this morn.

the melodramatic doesn't fall far from the tree.

(and many thanks to sweet Megan for sending the headband our way!!)

Phoebe seems to have been hit the hardest but is proving to be the toughest cookie ... I took a tiny video of her stoic disposition and in case clips of other people's kids are your thing .... here it is.

I promise I won't mention Miss America again but did you see that my cousin Sierra won America's Choice last night? She wont by three votes and I have every confidence in the world that the Camp put her over the edge. Furious and exaggerated wink.

I tried to make dinner every night last week (oh, you think your standards are bad? come on over to disgraceville) and for ONCE ... I succeeded with the help of a couple of meals that stretched for two nights. Tonight's excitement comes in the form of shrimp and avocado quesadillas and maybe I'll even start paying attention to my What's For Dinner Pinterest board. My life is young. You never know.

I made a little witching hour playlist that will most definitely get your young folk up and dancing for anyone in a boat by the name of Desperado at the magical time of day like I am. Phoebe is just as much of a sucker as her mother for beats that are probably popular with the 14-year-old female crowd. You were warned.

I hope to get a video of Theo shaking his tail feather in the very near future. You were warned about that as well because I'm sure I think it's about 999 times more hilarious that anyone ever will.

And now Julia is trying to make Phoebe cuddle with a notsmall wooden statue of an owl so I better go referee that one-sided squabble.

Less blah blah blah in the very near future.
SAHM's honor.

Stay well, dearhearts.


  1. Creepily commenting .2 seconds after you post (I swear I just happened to sign on FB right that moment! Less weird?) to say that I back up your taste in music. Fourteen 4evr. Musically-wise, anyway. And hope you guys are feeling better super soon!

  2. Thanks for the playlist–I'll be using it in an hour or less when the kids pull out tutus or drive me a little (a lot) crazy and Joe is nowhere to be found... whichever comes first.

  3. Shrimp and Avocado Quesadillas!!?? I'll be right over and I'll even bring the booze....and a 1 1/2 yr old that also has a cold. Did I mention we have a dish of chicken enchiladas and some spinach/lime brown rice sitting in our refrigerator right now, just waiting to be popped in the oven tonight? My in-laws are currently visiting so I had the opportunity to make it yesterday, for today.

  4. Ugh family wide colds are the worst! Julia askin for better medicine made me chuckle tho.

    I'm definitely going to check out that play list as I have exhausted my cures for witching hour around here as the latest stint of daddy working from 3p-3a has us all going crazy!

    Maybe I'll video J singing to T. Swift ...his new fav. "Shake it off, mommy. Shake it off" Ha

  5. I'm pretty sure you took that playlist straight out of my iTunes. No shame for this 28 year old with no kids and her awesome taste in pop music. ;-)

  6. The sickies of any kind are so tough! But, YES, to it not being the stomach flu. I think I am pathologically scarred from the few bouts we have experienced in the past three years. Feel better Pattons!

  7. Ugh. I think the sickies are slowly hitting my household one kid at a time! Hope you feel better soon!

  8. you're much too tough on yourself. believe it or not we (your readers) like to read your posts...all of them. don't put yourself down so much - THAT'S what we don't want to read.

    1. I love hearing Grace put herself down, it's the voice inside my own head and it makes me laugh reading her spin. Please don't stop with the self-flagellation Grace!

  9. Loving the playlist! All about that bass baby!! Feel better soon!!

  10. Is it sad that I'm 45 and wondering if I could pull off Julia's look? Maybe if I ditched the ears but dang that's what makes it so cute. I probably wouldn't get too many stares in Target....

  11. Video request: that furious and exaggerated wink! C'mon throw it on the gram! ;)

    Sending wishes and prayers of health your way!

  12. I missed Miss America and I will never forgive myself. Once a year...

    Your playlist makes up for it allllll.

  13. Seriously... I made my mom watch Miss America last night and used Pop's tv to DVR the Ken Burns documentary on The Roosevelts so that I could watch both PLUS Big Brother. I mean, it took some creative couch potatoing on my part but I just KNEW that Sierra was going to win America's Choice (and I wish America had a little more pull because... c'mon... if talent is 35% playing a cup wins? I'm bitter.) Anyways... by the third child I was wiping noses on my own clothes, hands, hair, whatever was handy but I never managed to develop the skill of not vomiting when someone vomits in my presence. I'll always take snotty noses over tummy trouble. JUST found out this weekend that I'm going to be a grandmother so start talking about baby stuff because I've got a lot of catching up to do.

  14. I'm pretty excited about the playlist. I need some new workout music and Blurred Lines just isn't doing it for me anymore.

  15. I'm thinking because Theo is so in love with Phoebe that perhaps he could be in charge of wiping her nose. That would be true, sacrificial love right there.

  16. I gotta mail you a jar of my sister Molly's bumble balm. It's the only thing keeping our noses from bleeding out of raw snot streams. Love these moments in your life! Thanks for letting us peek in :)

  17. Definitely checking out this playlist!! I need this for on call nights! aka...tomorrow or every freaking 4th day :/
    And Julia is the cutest, love those cat ears and leggings!!

  18. II occasionally find my wife to be so frustrating, too, Grace. She's amazing. I'm regretting not stealing her away for an hour of girl talk last weekend!

  19. Grace, I absolutely want to be your friend, but we canNOT listen to music together. Just want that upfront.

  20. Please, for the love of all that is Patton, post that video of Theo!!

  21. We are just getting over the same thing here. I spent on whole day hearing every two minutes, "I need bwow my noooooose" whined at me from my youngest. Super fun, that was. I hope everyone is on the mend at your house and may we all avoid the projectile-ing this year!!

  22. I'm going to have to invest in some leopard print leggings. I have a feeling Julia's on to something with those sassy pants being a cure for colds.

    And love the playlist! I've told my husband that after my nsync childhood, I'll always be a teeny bopper at heart. #boybandsforever

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Oh my goodness! My 7 month old had his first cold and fever last week! I feel your pain! You all still look lovely as always! Thank you for sharing :)

    The Mama Gazette

  25. Can colds be transmitted via the internet? Funny/notsuperfunny: I read this post last night before bed, then was up half the night with my 8 month old trying - and failing - to sleep with rivers of snot pouring from her nose. We're both in the grips of it today: sneezing/coughing/snot for miles. It's enough to cement me to the couch with Netflix all day. Sending good vibes (aka prayers) to you toughing it out with your brood!

    Also, THIS was keeping me from feeling too terrible about the state of my life during the early hours of the morning:

  26. love this. my kids had one of those really fun colds a few weeks ago when we were road tripping, and my daughter did not handle it with 20 million different ways to discuss her discomfort. Inconsolable crying in the hotel rooms was where it was at. ugh. thanks goodness she was usually so tired, she could only keep it up for about 15-20 minutes before she fell asleep for another 2 hours and gave me a cat nap before I got serenaded with beautiful screams again. Hope everyone feels better SOON!

  27. Both kids sick with colds and up way too early from afternoon naps. Your playlist got me through one helluva witching hour before their dad got home...a half hour later than normal. Thank you!
