
05 August 2014

pinterest vs. reality {giveaway closed}

full disclosure: this is a big bad sponsored post and I completely understand if you'd like to exit the premises and never return again, I do! I also really appreciate those of you that do stick around for some vintage Patton snaps and a grand finale of a giveaway for this beauty. You're the very best.

I hope the post title doesn't scare you into thinking this is going to be a post chucked at the pile of posts about the tired "pretty blog vs. real blog" debate. It's not! At all. I have all the confidence in the world that everyone that lands on this blog is instantly painted a deep shade of green with envy over my whimsical existence. And my decorating skill set. ALL of the confidence in the world.

But, really.

I'm guilty of pining after and pinning images like this ....

and this ...

and THIS ....

super guilty.

I fall into the trap of thinking, "one day!!" ... "one day our house will be sparkling and functional and dripping with DIY projects galore!"

And then I remember that growing up my mom had a quote hanging in the kitchen that read, "cleaning your house while your kids is still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing" (I've also read that it's like brushing your teeth with Oreos ... also, truth) and I thought that was funny but ... maybe a little bit of an exaggeration. Until I had kids. And now I know it just skimmed the surface of the truth because ...the blessed reality of life with small humans comes crashing down after a quick click back through a few framers ...

like this.

and this.

and THIS.

And I know that one of these days we'll come to the happiest compromise once I find and hone my (currently blind) eye for decor and the kids learn to respect the pantry lock.

Where are you going with all of this, Concise Patton?

Well when I dig my way out of, "just stay on top of the laundry + don't run out of diapers" mode I'm sure I'll start to care a little but more about keeping our future home spic and span with something pretty like this. Or more spic and more span than my current paltry standards hold me to. Simon does the majority (cough *all* cough) of the vacuuming because my excuse is that the cord is fraying (taped with electric tape, "very safe!" he promises .... ) and well, I prefer mopping. On occasion.

But the Dyson DC59 Motorhead looks like my vacuum hating dream machine.

It tackles both carpet and hardwood floors (hello hardwood majority of our house), is cordless, empties quickly and easily, is lightweight, and comes with extra tools for those hard to reach places around your home (ceiling fans are my vice, always).

I'm super jealous that one of you gets to win it and keep it and rub your victory in my forlorn face.

Entering to win is SUPER easy. All you have to do visit this page for the hottest of seconds and then leave a comment back here with your favorite feature of the Dyson DC59 Motorhead.

Thanks for reading, clicking, and playing.
You're the bees pajamas.
Or something even better.


  1. I love that it's cordless so I can use it at home or in the car with ease

  2. The ease of cleaning stairs! Cordless!

  3. It is cordless and lightweight!!

  4. 3x the suction of other cordless machines on the market sounds nice. I like the dyson line and would trust it to work well.

  5. Cordless. Also can use on hardwood (no carpet in my house!)

  6. It's cordless, and looks so lightweight!

  7. Cleaning all floors!! And it pink? That would be another one

  8. With a toddler and a dog, a cordless, lightweight, heavy-duty vac is exactly what I need in my life.

  9. My husband says he'll vacuum his car when we get a cordless. So...

  10. First of all, why on earth don't YOU get to keep one??

    I'd say I love the fact that it doesn't weigh 2500lbs.

    1. cracking up. I'll forward your comment along to Dyson :)

  11. I love that it's... Wait for it... Never gonna guess... Cordless!!

  12. I might actually help my husband with the cleaning if I won this... Love that it works on hardwood floors since that's the majority of our condo (and our almost-1-year-old is ALL over them)!

  13. Love that you can use on hardwood! And seriously cordless? I'm in love.

  14. Love that it works on hardwoods and carpet! :)

  15. I love that it does both hard floors and carpet. I'm also kinda excited that the charge last for 24 mins of vacuuming time. Sounds like the perfect amount of time to work and then we can both recharge!

  16. commenting for Krystin Rowley - her comment won't go through :)

  17. Oh my gosh, cordless?! I could vacuum my car! Oh please pick me pick me!

  18. Call me boring but I am intrigued by the easy emptying. I haaaaaaaate cleaning out the bag and filter of the vacuum we have now.

    1. Oh, and my mom says the shoveling the walk thing too :)

  19. Carpet and hard floor, because, CHEERIOS!

  20. Oh my, cleaning stairs and hardwoods. The only carpeted part of my house is the stairs and vacuuming it is the worst. Who designs houses with carpets only on the stairs? People without little kids, that's who.

  21. Cordless! And a Dyson! And all the the things!

  22. So…I don't have kids but I have 2 dogs…2 labs to be exact…who shed a lot…and of course we have different colour labs (black and yellow) so we really can't win on the camouflage front. Needless to say, this little (maybe not so little?) piece of equipment would definitely come in handy. Just sayin… :) :)

  23. How about the fact that the woman is carrying it ONE handed from the stairs to the ceiling to the car (sung to Little Jon's "Get Low"...from the windowssss to the wallssss! ...I've digressed..)! And the fact that it comes in pink/purple!

  24. Lightweight enough for kids to clean their own messes!

  25. Love that you can use it from floor to ceiling! Would love to clean with this thing!

  26. Cordless so I can reach everywhere in my house without having to plug and unplug constantly!

  27. I think blogger ate my first comment. Totally not trying to game the system so feel free to delete one if they both show up. I love the fact that it is cordless and can be tiny for post road-trip car cleaning. Also, I love that it has its own hanger for storage!

  28. I probably can't win bc I am in Canada but we have a Dyson pet and owning a Dyson actually makes me want to vacuum.

  29. Cooooordleeeeessss. That right there--I'm sold.

  30. Cordless does it for me! And it's actually quite pretty for a vacuum...

  31. Cordless aaaand with a built-in keg? Amazing. I already loved vacuuming, but now i'm sold.

  32. Hardwood and carpets! I'm already dreaming of a clean house (and someone willing to vaccum the house sans complaints!)

  33. Oh please oh please. Let this be my lucky day! My five and six year old just discovered how awesome vacuuming is and they take turns, this would just be over the top heaven for them compared to our $30 vacuum!!!!! Maybe they would actually get something clean with this thing when they "vacuum".

  34. Definitely the cordless factor!

  35. Cordless, balanced for getting the cobwebs (which I NEVER have in my house *cough*) and lightweight.

  36. I love that it's cordless and that I can use it on hardwood :)

  37. Cordless…didn't know vacuums that powerful could be cordless.

  38. Cordless and lightweight. Plus I may get around to finally cleaning out my car!

  39. Cordless and works with carpet and hardwood. Love it!

  40. Cleans microscopic dust. But I like to think of all does as microscopic so if I can't see it I don't have to clean it. But the gray color othe brown furniture is not the newest trendy shade of chalk paint.

  41. Lightweight and slim for easy apartment storage!! I love my Dyson vacuum, which was gifted to me by a lucky friend whose house keeper preferred her own :) but seriously I could never go back to another brand now that I'm spoiled by its easy to use features!

  42. floor to ceiling vacuuming. what?

  43. Hardwood AND carpet AND it's Dyson...need I say more?

  44. Cordless. Having a toddler who things its fun to unplug things while I'm vacuuming would make this little bugger a dream!

  45. Can use it on hardwoods and carpet! Nice!!!

  46. I've always pined for a cordless vacuum!

  47. Hardwood and carpet and the different attachments!

  48. Love that it is cordless and can be used on both types of floors!

  49. Love that it goes from hardwood to carpet....except then it would kill my excuse for never cleaning the floors...hmmm

  50. The size!!! Especially because my vacuum is permanently parked in my living room!!!

  51. Oh!! The hygienic bin emptying and just walk and cleaning up the stairs--I've only cleaned them once. Also, I'll do joint custody with you--you'll have to come to Hawaii though...poor you. ;)

  52. Cordless... who vacuums for more than 24 minutes? It's perfect!

  53. Cordless (not an unpopular feature, clearly).

  54. I love the color! That is the only thing that matters.

  55. My favorite feature is that I might win it...please! Also that it is cordless because my kids are always runnig ove rthe vacuum cord ( I do it too).

  56. cordless and lightweight

  57. Cordless! No giant snake to track around with me.

  58. Carpet AND hardwood? Bye bye broom!

  59. Cordless! Although, any vacuum that turns on is better than mine :/

  60. Ummmmm.....hardwood floors!! Yes please! That's my whole house & I have 4 mess-makers! Plus it looks so cool!

  61. I love that you can take it from home to car! That's pretty awesome.

  62. I like the fact it works. Okay, mine works. But this would work better. But that's probably not specific enough so let's go with hardwood/carpet. Because I have both hardwood and carpet. And they get gross.

  63. I like that it can be used for multiple surfaces...this is a great giveaway :)

  64. I love that it's less than five pounds, and no cord! Giveaway gods, if I could only win one giveaway for all eternity....

  65. Oh I like the "microscopic dust" part. Because AZ=dusty and we all have a tendency to get a little itchy in the nose area because of it.

  66. Cordless! No more looking for plugs!


    lightweight, hardwood floors and cleaning my car...I hope this is reality and not simply the best dream I've ever had!

  68. Cordless! Lightweight! And hello, ALL THINGS DYSON, ALWAYS!

  69. Oh, Dyson is just the best. Lightweight, cordless, endless suction. And it just looks cool.

  70. i love how lightweight it is because i have wrist problems.... and cordless too!!

  71. I love how powerful it is yet compact. This would be great in my new apartment with my new hubby :)

  72. Cordless: Cue to the long anticipated scene where Katelyn finally vacuums her neglected car floor.

    Hygienic Bin Emptying: Raise your hand if your middle name is "klutz" causing you to inevitably drop the bin. (both hands held straight-up while head hangs in shame!)

    Motorhead: After assuring myself it has nothing to do with the imaginary of a different motoring that comes to mind, I'm hopeful that maybe this is the God-sent machine that will finally collect all those flat, fine strands of hairs in this hizzy from a certain someone's head.

  73. Lightweight! I need something I can use quickly and easily.

  74. Cordless, lightweight, powerful cleaning on hard floors and carpet, and out-cleans full-size vacuums...this is the vacuum of my dreams!

  75. I like that it's lightweight- my little guy likes to "vacuum" too! And stairs...

  76. hands down cordless. i love my dyson now, but with a cordless, oh the things i could clean! the things my KIDS could clean!!

  77. 1: I love the Max mode feature! How cool is that?!
    2: The removable long handle is better than my two-cordless-vacuum system which I don't have time for.
    3. Explaining that they used Archemede's principle of the lever appeals to my inner geek.

  78. Cordless feature! Because I am klutzy, and can't pass off tripping as a fancy dance move.

  79. Holy lightweight!!!! Cleaning stairs would no longer be almost as tough as an Olympic sport.... Okay, dramatic much, but for real, the lightness if the amazing Dyson is a dream...

  80. It cleans both carpet and hardwood floors! And it's a Dyson!

  81. Umm...everything!! Love it! I have a Dyson animal and absolutely love it. I think this one would be great for all the spots I can't reach...under the bed oodles of dog hair :-/

  82. It's cordless! I am envisioning a future where the vacuum doesn't come crashing down on my head (for the twelve hundredth time) while I am doing the stairs....uh huh....

  83. Are you kidding me with this one handed business?! I would be vacuuming the walls and the furniture and the mattresses and everything!

  84. The carbon microfilaments for hardwood floors- A constant battle in our Chicago home!

  85. I got hearts in my eyes when I saw that lady cleaning up her stairs. My current (clunky, corded) vacuum situation doesn't allow for stair vacuuming and it's getting desperate. Hoooooycrap a Dyson is my dream.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Oh my gosh my brother and sister in law have this vacuum and I immediately fell in love. It is actually on our "to buy" list we have just been shopping around for the best price. There are a couple things about this vacuum that stood out to that. First it's cordless, second it's really light weight which is important with all my back problems and third it has enough suction power to actually do the job of a full sized vacuum cleaner and when you have as much dog hair as we do flying around the kitchen floor like tumbleweeds in the desert, that becomes extremely important. I've entered a ton of your giveaways but this might be the first time I am actually aching to win! Ha! True sign of hitting adulthood over here... Aching over a vacuum cleaner.. . *sigh* Depression and excitement all rolled into one!

  88. Ohmygoodness, vacuuming my carpeted stairs is impossible! This would be awesome!

  89. I love that you can use it on hard floors. I vacuum my kitchen floor like 10,000 times a day!

  90. Yay for Dyson cordless vacuum cleaners making cleaning a breeze!

  91. Max mode with increased suction power! We have two little terriers that shed like no other dogs I've ever seen. I'd be able to rid my sofa of all the pet hair (oh and of course the crumbs between the cushions from the kiddos too )!

  92. The dump function. Bagels for life yo!

  93. I love that it's cordless and can be used on hard floors. Double love.

  94. Beside the fact it's cordless I LOVE I could clean floor to ceiling with just one appliance!! Soooo amazing

  95. My favorite feature is that it is a Dyson....always wanted one, but just not in the budget!

  96. Um yes, because it's cordless and would be SO MUCH EASIER to pull out than the current vacuum...

  97. Lightweight so I can drag it upstairs to my abandoned upper levels is perfection. Not having to drag along a cord is even better, if possible.

  98. I love that it's cordless and goes from carpet to hard floor with ease. Anything to make cleaning more simple and efficient :) Dyson rocks!

  99. Lightweight and easy to do stairs with!

  100. It can clean hardwood! Amen!!!! This OCD mama still believes I can have the Pinterest reality...maybe it's with this new magical machine?

  101. My in-laws have this and I love it! The small head slips under dining tables and chairs with ease! Love it and would LOVE to have my own!!!!

  102. My husband does all of our vacuuming too. We would love one of these! Cordless rocks!

  103. I love how slim it is and the versatility!

  104. :) Can I choose two? Cordless of course is huge plus, but also the hygienic emptying rocks for me.

  105. The hygienic bin emptying feature is awesome. That's always my least favorite part!

  106. I would use the crap out of this!

  107. Where to begin...compact...cordless...floor to ceiling...powerful...looks like magic!

  108. Cordless, and easy for kids to use

  109. Oh gosh where do I begin. I have a Dyson dc24 compact and love love love everything about it, a lightweight vacuum is wonderful! Buuuut this dc59 has my eye a wandering, lightweight AND cordless. Oh the possibilities!

  110. Add me to the cordless fan club.

  111. The fact that it is cordless and so easy to lift up seems awesome. I actually really need a new vacuum and would looovvve to win!

  112.'s CORDLESS? Hello, lover.
    The powerful suction ain't the worst part either.

  113. Helloooooo cordless! With two cats there is hair everywhere and cordless would be helpful cleaning all of the weird places the cats find! (I realize this makes me sound like a crazy cat lady... And I am... So please give me a vacuum!!!)

  114. Love that it goes from carpet to hardwood. I HATE sweeping!

  115. Cordless, hardwood and carpet, lightweight- what's not to love?!

  116. Stair cleaning. My arch-nemesis.

  117. Its cordless!! And its a Dyson....there is something fancy about the brand name, lol.....couture chore time!!!

  118. I think it had me at "Hygenic bin emptying", and cordless is always a plus with kids running around!

  119. Cordless and quick charging! I only vacuum 25 times a day.

  120. Cordless means no more tripping children! And to go from carpet to hardwood easily is rad too!

  121. I love that it's cordless and lightweight! I hate dragging my current vacuum from floor to floor bc it's so heavy!

  122. Lightweight and cordless and powerful and carpet and hardwood, I couldn't pick one. I have a cordless stick I love that is lightweight and great for little messes/touchup cleaning on tile and hardwood and a brand new Shark that is powerful but corded. My 2 yr old's favorite game is to unplug the vacuum and well make the messes that are why I'm need to vacuum so much. Nothing I have has all those features.

  123. You had me at "pink"! Love thAt I can use it to clean my car, and feel all fancy while doing it bc of it's pretty color!

  124. I love the cordless feature!!

  125. So portable! This would have a hot date with my car ASAP!!

  126. Its 4 a.m. so what better time for a blog comment ... Love the docking station ... Huge fan of anything that comes with an organized way to store!

  127. I like the easy to empty feature. I curse a little (ok a lot) every time I have to empty the current vacuum.

  128. Works on hardwood floors! I love the look, but I hate the upkeep.

  129. I kinda love how it says it captures microscopic dust! I loathe dust! It never ends--could this be the answer??

  130. Love that it's lightweight!

  131. The fact that it's lightweight; therefore, I won't rip my arm out of its' socket lugging a huge, 25lb vacuum up the stairs.

  132. That vacuum would be super awesome on my stairs and on my hardwood.

  133. Cordless in my enormous old house with very few plugs might be the selling point. I have to plug and unplug six times to vacuum the rooms we actually use. And stairs are my nemesis when it comes to vacuuming, so if it's really as easy to vacuum stairs as that model makes it look . . . well. That would be a life-changer.

  134. cordless - would love this to vacuum the car!

  135. 4 kids...2 flights of stairs...the lightweight and 3x suction ability might be a game-changer!

  136. So the thing that can bring out the most anger in me ever is the dang cord on the vacuum. It laughs at me. It wraps around me. It mocks me. "Haha, you will not pass over this area while I lay here!" EVERY time I vacuum I say "Man, I wish there was a good cordless vacuum..." And it appears there is one!!

  137. My favorite feature is the amount power this thing has, even though it battery operated. I live in an RV and the Dyson DC59 Motorhead is lightweight and compact, two things hugely important when you're in such a confined space, with limited storage. It's great because it will clean carpet and bare floors, unlike my central vac, which doesn't work on carpets, no power head for thrt system. I would be able to get over and under pretty much all the furniture with this vacuum, without having to move things around in an already tight space. I could really use this!

  138. How easy it makes stair cleaning...ugh.

  139. Cordless and convenient on the stairs!

  140. Easily does stairs! Mine need it so bad but I can't hold the big lug of a machine and do it. Also the 2 year warranty is appealing.

  141. I love that it captures even microscopic dust and the amount of power it has. My old vacuum just moves stuff around on the floor!

  142. AHHHH! I love that you can just carry it right up the stairs. I HATE vacuuming my stairs because it is exhausting and HARD. I would LOVE to have this vacuum!

  143. Cordless and lightweight...very "grab and go!"

  144. Loving the no cord thing goin' on!

  145. Love that it's cordless and very portable!!!

  146. That it can do carpet and hardwood! Score for only needing one vacuum!

  147. Small and lightweight (easy to store and easy to get out

  148. Um, my fav feature would be pretty much everything about this vacuum. But I think the cordless-ness and the fact it works on hardwood and carpet takes the cake!

  149. Love that it can do carpet & hardwood -- while also being lightweight!

  150. Love the no cord and the attachments!

  151. Love cordless and how east to do the stairs!

  152. Cordless! Lightweight! I live on the third floor of a house and let me just say that the stairs leading to it do not get vacuumed currently because three flights info stairs and heavy vacuums.
