
08 May 2014

spirit fingers for Simon

In a couple of hours Simon's very last flight from his very last fellowship interview will (should!) be landing.

Toe touch.

{shamelessly stolen from Rachael a la Boston}

Over the course of the past two months on top of work and call weekends and baby birthing [ahem ... sort of] he's been on nine interviews but could only be bothered to take photos at five of the locations ...

Let's see.
In order of appearance we've got ...

Rochester, Minnesota
Morristown, New Jersey
Temple, Texas
Tampa, Florida

And not pictured ...
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Birmingham, Alabama
Cincinnati, Ohio

So now ... we (he) makes his rank list and the programs make their rank lists and we wait until mid-June to see if he successfully dazzled anyone in particular and pray that he matched somewhere. It's a really fun process.

Even though it's a pretty competitive field I have all the confidence in the world that he did well because he's Simon and I think and know he's the bee's pajamas and the cat's knees and all of that.

I'll keep you posted.

And in the mean time we'll be debating the merit of three years of sunshine basking vs. three years of igloo inhabiting along with redefining Grace's definition of, "really effing cold".

oh! and the biggest thank you to Kristin and Matt (no picture - blame Simon) for showing Simon around Tampa and to Rachael and Joe for letting Simon stay at their place in Boston. Kindest souls on the internet and in real life.


  1. I know you hate winter, but I won't be sorry if you end up in Minnesota–Rochester isn't so far from me! wink.

    1. Totally with you, Francine.

      Come our way, Pattons! It's not that cold (but ohmygoodnessyesitis)!

    2. ^^^ liars. MN is colder than WI, and -30 was pretty standard. I say Tampa so I can come babysitter crash ;)

  2. I thought DC was on the list for some reason -- was hoping to suggest attending St Augustine's very kid-friendly gospel mass!

  3. It will be so fun to follow along with your family during the big move!! Good luck!

  4. If you think Tampa is a strong possibility you should check out Lakeland for a FANTASTIC place to raise a family. My husband and I went to college here and loved it so much we moved back after only three years spent away from the area. I'll email you some links to activities to check out. I have two little girls with another due in July and I can't imagine a better place to raise them. We are right smack dab between Orlando and Tampa, so tons to do if you're into the touristy stuff, but honestly, there are so many parks and awesome things to do here with kiddos that we usually save the big city for date night or brunch sans kids. Check out for info on our town and our city magazine:

    P.S. I just got out of the pool. :-)

    --Rachel Plating (lurker of your blog for the past two years but this is my first ever comment.)

    1. Sorry I'm a dummy and couldn't HTML you those links. :-/

  5. Hope it's his (y'alls) top pick!!

  6. Obviously Boston has the best hospitals in the country, and since Simon is the best doctor to be in the country, its a perfect match! And the beautiful fall and spring weather make up for the cold winters, so you'll be fine :-)

  7. Way to go Simon! Now it's just normal busy residency stuff which is practically smooth sailing. Except for that whole at some point soonish you have to pack up and move thing.

  8. Oh man, for a minute it kind of sounds like our life. We will be moving once again in a year, we know a little bit about the possibilities but no for sures. But I can't get any colder than Alaska....I will keep my fingers crossed for warmth. Although my in laws live in morristown and kind of love hopefully you guys get a good match!

    1. Morristown's downtown is really bustling with good restaurants and stores and those of us who are on the outskirts and even further are giddy they are getting a Whole Foods. Sad? Maybe, but this is my life LOL

  9. Boston is the coolest city ever! (No, I'm not lucky enough to live there--just a frequent visitor). Only downside is the expense of living in a major city, but dang, is it a fun place.

    Also, I will pray for you that you do not have to live in Alabama, because that sounds... well, it would be warm, I guess. :)

    1. Hey now, Alabama ain't that bad.
      I, too, had the same sentiments when my husband's job made us relocate to Huntsville from Atlanta. BUT, it's actually a really nice place, as is Birmingham! It's not all barefoot and pregnant, trailor homes and Walmarts.

  10. Is it wrong that I'm organizing those picks in order of what I think will make for the best blog reading experience?

    1. And Birmingham is your best pick if you want to have mild weather but experience all four seasons.

      --- signed, A Southern Girl Who Thinks The South Is The Best Place To Live
      P. S. Florida is not the South.

  11. I grew up in Cincinnati and loved it!! Plus...lots of great Catholic schools! Year-round warm weather ain't so bad though either... Excited to see where you end up!

  12. We are in Cincy and my in-laws are always looking for more grandchildren. Plus, my fil is an ob so they could

  13. Well, I for one am glad all of that interviewing is over. Here's a shout out for Indy! Lots and lots and lots of things to do with kids. And, of course, we have costco and target. :)

  14. I live in Morristown, NJ! It's a great place to live! Expensive, but nice :). Good luck choosing :)

  15. I remember the stress of "match" day. Good luck to guys, wherever you "land." You have a wonderful family and any of those locations would be blessed to have you and Simon! (But Minneapolis is definitely COLD!) Good Luck!!!

  16. Proudly holding up the banner for Oklahoma! Way to go Pattons!

  17. I'm voting Tampa for your poor, winter-averse soul.

  18. Another vote for Boston! Then you're an hour from Cape Cod, the best place on earth :)

  19. Because I'm sure you're tallying our votes for this minor life decision on your kitchen wall...mine is Minnesota. ;) It's actually really nice up here - pinky swear!

  20. Best of luck to Simon and all the Pattons! Being a northerner, I know it's not so bad but for your soul and sanity my prayers will have a twang!

  21. What about good ol' NM?! I want to hang out with y'all. Is that creepy? Eh, I'm sorry.

  22. Mayo all the way. Getting ready to move there in a couple weeks (although we might have to come up with an alternate plan if this baby doesn't decide to make an appearance soon).

  23. MN is great. Freaking cold and igloo-worthy, but great.

  24. Throwing in a Texas vote here! But, with the match deciding your fate...who knows! That has to be the most convoluted way to hire people ever invented. My sympathies, and may you have much peace and little flying/traveling for a few months at least! ;)

  25. I vote for Boston, because then you're only an hour from us. ;)

  26. I love when women speak well of their spouses. Thank you for modeling a good marriage and a respectful, loving wife.

    And I'm bummed Peoria wasn't on the list but how would we compare to Boston? Just can't.

  27. Good luck!!! I hope he matches somewhere awesome. And I'm soooooo glad for you that he's done with his interviews :)

  28. Good 'ole Temple, Texas is my vote! Just up the road from the wonderful Austin!

  29. Birmingham! Birmingham! Birmingham!!
    So glad for you that interviews are over.

  30. Ok, I vote Oklahoma because it's not too far away. Unless it's not too late to convince Simon he reeeeeally wants to work here in KC....:) You see what I did there?

  31. None anywhere near my warm neck of the woods (sunny Charleston, SC), but girl. Sun. Flipping. Shine. Also, in order to make your decision, you should research Costco locations in proximity to housing.
    The only good thing about Navy life is that I can guarantee that I'll be near the water at all times. Gives me hope.
    Best of luck to the Patton Camp and it's patriarch!

  32. My husband and I are currently having to list about 50 cities(he's not a doctor) and it's so hard! Please tell me I'm not the only mom who's googling cost of living/ housing markets to help us decide! Haha

  33. MN is a wonderful place to raise a family. It's cold but we love it here. Oh and yes, there's a Costco

  34. I vote Ohio! You went to college in Ohio, right? While I've never lived in Cincy, I have lived in Columbus, and now a small town on the river bordering WV, I think it would be great! Wishing the Pattons all the best in the upcoming months!!

  35. I am a better mom in the summer!!! We live in Canada (toronto) and I would do tampa in a HEARTBEAT. or Texas. Go somewhere warm... (this coming from the worstlongestcoldestwettest winter of all time with a baby and 3 yr old). It's finally spring and there is less Netflix and more outdoors - so much better for everyone! this is me, preaching to the choir, i know.

  36. on the tail end of our fellowship year in Boston. I'm partial b/c I grew up north of the city - but there is so much to do with kids here, and so many other moms/wives in similar boats that there is a great network of people to tap into...and the winters are cold, but the ocean is minutes away - I can tell those Patton kids probably tan up nicely ;) - I will say cost of living on a fellow's salary has spurred some major creativity but worth it in the long run. and we are a mere months away from a real live doctor with a real life doctor job - can i get a HOLLA, b/c i love the man but eleven years of training is a long time!

  37. I may be the first person to vote for Jersey! Ha! It's way different than tv makes it out to be I promise! :)

  38. As I've not so subtly expressed in the past, North Dakota has left me cold and bitter toward the Northern Plains/Upper Midwest. However, being a military wife I have learned that one can endure 3 years in any place for the one you love :) Lots of of parts of Minnesota are beautiful. We stayed at this awesome bed and breakfast in Duluth for a weekend getaway once - the Cotton Mansion ( And even though it was rainy, Duluth was still a fun place to visit overall. Plus EVERYONE you meet from MN will have a lake cabin and that's alot of fun :)

    I did go to college in Boston - such a fun place to live! I love that city, and there are some really awesome Catholic communities. The Brotherhood of Hope, Oblates of the Virgin Mary, Daughters of Mary of Nazareth...oh yeah, and Cardinal Sean O'Malley basically being the man. I think urban life would be tough to navigate with kids, but I remember seeing lots of moms out and about the city with their littles - so it can be done!

    But you better believe I'll be giving a big "SEE YA wouldn't want to be ya" to the Upper Midwest come this August. Next stop: Pennsylvania for 18 months. Then Dayton for 3 years. After that maybe I'll get to choose where we live :) Best of luck to you, Pattons! From all the great things you say about Simon, I'm sure he'll get a match. God's will be done!

  39. Casting another MN vote. :) It really is great here, despite the winter cold. Rochester is a cool city and just a short drive from the Twin Cities (there are SO MANY things to do in St. Paul-Minneapolis).

    I have to admit that I chuckled to myself when I read some of your posts this winter about how "cold" it was in St. Louis. Yes, Minnesota is freezing in the winter (or, like on some days this past winter, 70 degrees BELOW freezing with windchill), but it makes us appreciate the summer warmth that much more. There's nothing like that first 55-degree day in mid-April when the Minnesotan streets are filled with people clad in shorts, t-shirts, and flip-flops. And don't worry, we get some 90-degree days in July and August. Variety is the Ms. Dash of life, right?

    Plus My brother and his wife and kids live in Rochester while he's in residence at Mayo. So you can check "instant Catholic friends" off of your to-do list.

    Best wishes from the frozen tundra of 10,000 lakes!

  40. I hope and pray you guys end up where you want to be, but it'd be awesome if you were in Cincinnati.=)

  41. So cool! I'm sure it will happen how it's supposed to, but I'm secretly wishing y'all come to Rochester so we can meet up!!! :)

  42. Oh my gosh!!!! I'm not even 30 minutes from Morristown, NJ! I'm really, really hoping we get to meet one day. Can't wait to hear where you end up. We're also planning a trip this summer to Boston too ;)

  43. I live 30 minutes west of Morristown! I also had my son at the hospital there. He ended up in the NICU due to low glucose and the staff was AMAZING!! Sorry, I digress, but I am a lifelong NJ resident and have lived in four different counties and I have to say Morris County rocks. Seriously, the state's better side is never shown to the masses and it is a terrific place to live.
    Best of luck to you wherever you end up!!

  44. I vote sunshine! Way easier to dress littles in summery clothes than winter gear. I know this from mountain living experience.

  45. I'm cheering for East Coast, NJ all the way! :)

  46. Glad the traveling part is over! My BFF (since middles school so I can totally call her that) and her husband are finishing up residencies and I beg them to come closer to me for their fellowships I try and lure her with promises of always watching the baby when they are both on call at the same time. so far no luck. something about finding the best programs for them blah blah blah. As a fellow-I cannot sleep unless the boy is home-er I can offer my hang out services to you if you end up in OKC on days that you just need some extra hands because omSLEEP. But as someone who grew up just south of Tampa, I'm tempted by the idea of that for you!

    Good luck wherever you end up!

  47. My fiance is in med school and I am so looking forward to doing this twice. It's such a balance of wanting to be involved, but not wanting to tell him where to go. UGH! Thankfully we still have a couple years until then. And everything is temporary.

    I'd pick the sunshine! (But I'm from Buffalo, soooo yanno).

  48. Oklahoma City! I definitely admire how much of an effort you guys make to see family and I'm sure it would be nice to be a bit closer. We live in Seattle (which is beautiful and lovely and just generally awesome) but both our families are in Houston and we very much hope to move closer (like Austin - fingers crossed) to them in the next few years.

    But while we're on the subject of Texas...maybe Temple would be nice because it would kinda, sorta be in between your families?

  49. Cincinnati's cool. Then I can be your friend. We can get together with our combined nine children five and under for really great conversations in between refilling zippy cups, cleaning up poop, and finding runaways toddlers.

  50. That sounds like rush week with the "we rank you" and "you rank us" - hope you guys get matched up with one of your first choices! Good luck to Simon!

  51. I am praying selfishly that you come here!!

  52. New reader here - I don't have kids yet but just discovered your blog today and it's fantastic! You're a very funny and talented story-teller. Just wanted to chime in as I currently live in Rochester, MN, and have to say it's a pretty great place to raise a family. Not small town but not big city, accessible to Minneapolis/St. Paul, best health care in the world, and the summers are amazing. We moved here three years ago from Arizona, and I'll admit that the winters are barely tolerable, but the rest of the seasons are pretty great. We've had friends go through their residency at Mayo (I happen to have a good friend in the OBGYN program and I've heard it's a fantastic department!), so I know how difficult the match process is. Best of luck! Looking forward to following your hilarious journey wherever you go! :)

  53. Just discovered your blog through Aspiring Kennedy, and I just had to tell you that after skimming around some of your past posts, I'm laughing out loud over your observations about St. Louis! (I grew up there, but I've been in Colorado for the last ten years.) The obsession with gooey butter cake, and where you went to high school, and jokes from trick-or-treaters?! So funny to hear about these things from someone new to STL. Ha! :) It's all so true. Anyway, I love your blog, your family is adorable (and real, I love that too) and best of luck in the job hunt.
