
25 May 2014

some links about some things

If this photo could talk it would sound exactly like four Patton kids crying.
Road trips aren't our strong suit.

Are you having a nice Memorial Day weekend? I hope so. I really do. We drove to Wichita to visit Simon's family and Simon sprung for a hotel room for me and Phoebe .... a belated babymoon of sorts. It was the only solution to ... 4 kids in one hotel room do not a fun night make AND not enough room at the inn (Simon's parents) for our family of 6. And I'm not complaining about it one bit. But if you would've told me when Julia was an infant that I would find some nights with "just the baby" to be a luxury ... LAUGH. Time and perspective are funny. Funny indeed. I fought Simon when he initially came up with the plan but then he reminded me about the nine nights he spent solo in hotel rooms on the interview trail and .... sold. 

Anyway ... here's some clickables for your viewing pleasure:

Have you read Hallie's new e-book, Spice Up Your Marriage: A 28-Day Adventure? Because you SHOULD. Worth every penny. Well, it's worth a lot more than that so snatch it up now now now! 

Surprisingly, this has proven to be my very favorite postpartum shirt. It's loose and lightweight and is totally nursing friendly.

I know I've blogged about it before and I tried to go generic for a bit but I caved and bought this baby shampoo again. It zaps cradle cap immediately (because who has time to coat their babies scalp in oil and scrape, scrape, scrape away? ... I probably do but ... priorities!) and smells the best of all the baby shampoos. Don't argue with me.

Speaking/typing of baby stuff ... behold!! A diaper bag specifically designed with dads in mind. I loved reading the back story behind this project and the prizes for backing the concept are pretty cool. I hope it comes to fruition because Simon's been looking to up his diaper bag game ... I know it.

Ah! The Bachelorette is BACK. This show is my super guilty vice/jam/pleasure. I think it's going to be a decent season after the train wreck that was Juan Pablo. And the best, best, best part about the franchise are Ashley's recaps. The bomb. And now that we have an antenna and some channels .. I can read her live tweets. Life is all downhill from here. Oh! And don't miss her hysterical rundown of the men ... I died .. I'm actually typing this from my comfy grave.

I love to read but am always (always!) at a loss for what to read. Luckily, for all of us, Anne has put together another brilliant summer reading guide. She truly has a recommendation for everyone with multiple categories (breezy novels, nerdy nonfiction, southern fiction, foodie memoirs, and MORE). Check it here.

Okay ... the time has (almost!!!) come for me to start running (slowly) again. Help. Please. I need some music suggestions that will help drown out the sound of my out-of-shape-ness. You know what I'm talking about. Thanks in advance. Thanks a lot.


  1. Don't judge, but I'm currently obsessed with Fancy by Iggy Azalea right now. Totally my jam.

    1. No judgment, totally agree. That and "Problem" by Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea have been my jams lately. Plus "Talk Dirty" by Jason Derulo. I'm not even embarrassed because the saxophones on the chorus are awesome.

    2. This. Yep. My fancy jog goes a bit faster than turtle with two broken legs when this jam comes on!

  2. When do you run?? I have a 4 month old and a husband in residency, so the best I have come up with is running or working out on the one night a week he is maybe home. I know people say get up early and go, but a residency schedule is irregular (to say the least) and my husband is rarely available in the morning hours.

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  3. You just made me laugh and feel for you as well as realize how much I miss having Mustela Massage Oil. I LOVED the smell.
    I really like the song Counting Stars by One Republic right now and old school wise I have been listening to Veruca Salt's awesome song Volcano Girls. :)

  4. I'm in desperate need of nursing-friendly postpartum clothes! The link to the shirt just says it's out of stock and doesn't have a description. Can you tell me what to look for?

  5. So yeah I'm totally trying to be just like Grace because I bought some of that baby shampoo recently (in addition to switching to Huggies diapers AND joining Costco... I'm not going to get a matching throat scar, though, I'm not as dedicated as Jen is) because my fourteen-month-old still has cradle cap O.O although maybe be the time they're over a year old it's just dandruff? I don't know. It does seem to be working, though. Slowly. I really miss the squishy plastic washy-brushy thing we got from the hospital, though :-(

    Awwww, I love it that you and Phoebe got to have a little baby moon. She is too cute and I bet you actually got a LOT of sleep, LOL. You're right, you don't realize how easy it is with just one itty bitty baby until that baby gets big... and learns how to walk and talk and wake up at six a.m. and stay awake ALLLLLL DAAAAAAAAYYYYYY.

    Thanks for the reading rec link! I need new books. I'm in a terrible rut.

  6. I'm far too lazy to run, but an athletically superior friend told me about the Zombies Run app (I think that's what it's called). I guess you listen to it while running and there's a storyline and you have to outrun the zombies when they chase you. If I ever tried to start running I would try that, because feeling like I'm being chased is probably the only motivation that would work. For now I'll stick to watching the Walking Dead from my couch.
    And thank you for introducing me to Ashley's blog - I thoroughly enjoyed her Juan Pablo recaps.
    PS, rock chalk from KC :)

  7. Songs: All I Do is Win, Carryout, Fancy, I Would Walk 500 Miles, and The History of Rap are my go-to songs on my painfully slow and jiggly runs.

  8. Spice. Marriage. Sold!

    I'm super lame and can't get my technology act together enough to listen to music while I run, so I sing that Katy Perry "Eye of the Tiger" song in my head for motivation, except that I'm super super slow, so it sounds like "You're.....gooonnnaaa........hear........meeeeee.....roar...."

    Enjoy your weekend!

  9. I WISH I knew about that baby shampoo about four years ago! Seriously.

    Good luck with the running! I fell off the wagon when things were successively always icy/always downpouring/crazy-busy and now I need to hop back on it!

    Thanks so much for the link love. :)

    1. Thank you for fueling my next week of beach reads! If I can get through the rest of The Flamethrowers and Kristin Lavransdatter, I know where I am turning!

  10. You have to read the recaps at Sooo funny!

  11. I am cracking myself up right now even suggesting this, but I went on like, my 3rd postpartum run in 18 months last week and my favorite song on my list was hands down "Kung Fu Fighting" by Cee Lo - ok when you are done cackling seriously just check it out before you write it off, the remake is a zillion times more awesome than the original!!! ;)

  12. Love your blogs! Been following for a while….. you actually inspired me to write my own just for therapy of sorts. A lot cheaper than laying on a therapist couch. Ha! I have a five yr old and twin two year old boys. When the boys were born my daughter had just turned three. So I found all of your stories relatable and felt human. ;-) Thank you for that!!! Check out my blog:

  13. Well I just have a feeling you won't listen to me but I'm HUGE HUGE HUUUUGE Avett Brothers fan and "I killed Sally's Lover" and "Colorshow" (live version of both of those) have gotten my over the exhaustion hump of some long rides - I'm a cyclist, not a runner. Also "Laundry Room" also by the Avett Brothers because there is a fun little hoe down thing they have going on at the end that just makes you want to go and go and go. And of course there's always Hey Brother ;)

  14. Some of the highlights from my painfully slow half marathon mix are -- "Hello" by Martin Solveig with Dragonette, "The Wire" by Haim, "Midnight City" by M83, and then a bunch of songs that I'm embarrassed to admit to admit are on it (but I would share the rest if you'd like -- Dropbox!).

  15. Fancy, as mentioned above. I've also been hoofing it to Turn Down for What and breezeblocks/any alt-j are move it music for me.

  16. I'm always a couple years behind on new music thanks to Spotify and having the musical taste of a 60 year old at 24. Roar by Katy Perry, Bulletproof by La Roux, Applause by Lady Gaga, and I Love It by Icona Pop are my favorite runners right now!

  17. If I ran, I would for sure enjoy the Far East Movement's Like a G6. I am behind on pop music, but I love it. Also, We are Scientists and The Roots have new albums out.

  18. OK, I have just one thing to say:
    Grace, just guessing here, but I'm thinking one of the main reasons you look so happy in the car photo is because Simon totally Rock Chalks that Kansas t-shirt he's sporting there in the driver's seat. Go Hawks!

  19. Been using that shampoo with Ella since pretty much day one and she never got cradle cap, so maybe it is preventive too...?...or maybe I just jinxed myself and she will get it next week, haha.

    I love the Bachelorette, too, but is it just me, or is abc repeating some dates now? Snow adventure and stripping for charity as first dates AGAIN??? Waiting for Jones to recap...

  20. I read Ashley's recaps and Tweets, too ... she's practically the best part of the show!

  21. Just got back from postpartum run #4. I had La la la by Shakira on repeat.
