
25 January 2014

What's Good

When Theo wakes up 80 hours before the other kids .... this is the only trick in my book. It's a quick read.

I know I'm perpetually blogging about the trivial details around here but thought I'd pound out a little behind-the-scenes post. I don't know. I thought and now I'm doing. Let's roll.

ahem. I feel like I'm starting a Christmas card letter.

It's hard to believe but residency WILL eventually come to an end. Simon recently applied for Urogynecology fellowships which is pretty much exactly like applying for residency when you're in med school. You apply to a bunch of programs and then wait to hear back from programs with interview offers, cross your fingers you even get interview offers because fellowship spots are competitive, go to the interviews, and then make a rank list of your program preferences and say a lot of prayers that at least one program liked you enough to want you (this type of fellowship has one spot per program and since it's a relatively new fellowship there aren't a trillion to choose from) before the "match day" comes in June and if you matched you find out where you'll be moving the FOLLOWING July (when residency will be over forever and ever amen) and living for the next three years. I hope that makes sense.

Anyway. So he's heard back from some programs and scheduled interviews and we'll be saying our prayers until June. And then we'll stop praying. Just kidding. I just hope I don't give him a bad haircut before he hits the interview trail because I've been known to do that.

Fellowship hours will still be rigorous but I'm 99.9% sure there is no nightfloat and no in-house call which would be every synonym in the thesaurus for AMAZING.

And - that's that!

Julia and Bash started preschool a few weeks ago. Julia goes two mornings a week and Sebastian goes one but because of the weather and illness and the holiday on Monday they've only gone twice so far. I'm going to (of course) dedicate an entire post to this but they love it. I was talking about how great it was for them the other day when Simon interrupted to say that the person it was really great for was .... Grace. And it's true - I can't deny that. We weren't planning on putting them in preschool at all but things just sort of fell into place and the school is a block from our house (when it's warm enough they'll be taking the bus --- aka the triple jogger --- hope they don't embarrass easily) and I don't know why I go into justify mode when talking about it. I think it's a symptom of reading too many differing opinions about schooling on the internet. You just do what you gotta and I'm trying not to feel guilty about loving it.

Theo recently learned to say, "mama" ... he knows his throne is about to be disassembled and he is pulling out all the stops.

I made the 22 minute trek to Costco yesterday, parked the van, looked at the kids in their car seats, started the car again, and turned around to drive home. You know how much I love a good Costco run but I've hit a pretty stubborn fatigue wall that I know will magically dissipate when the weather isn't reminiscent of hell frozen way over. I do get to fly out to Philly (no kids! Simon's mom is going to come watch the kids and will be canonized a saint by the time I return) for a couple of days this week to do a bit of filming for the Momnipotent study. I'll be holding my breath until my flight takes off that they don't realize they've asked the wrong Grace Patton to participate because I'll be in some pretty intimidating company. More to come on that as well!

And my skin is starting to flake and itch because this post is dry. Let's liven it up with some links to greener pastures ...

Bonnie is hosting the fun and only Sheenazing awards again this year. The Camp was nominated for a few awards (inspiring blog, blog by a mom, funniest blog, smart blog, and cool blog and all super undeserved) and I'd love love love your vote but I'd also love to be chugging a big gulp chocolate milk shake at this very second so sometimes I dream a little too big. You can vote here or just go admire the floral background that Sebastian is especially taken with because ... he's Sebastian.

Jenny is blogging about what she's dubbed, "the wellness project" in an attempt to feel more like herself after just having a baby. It resonated with me and I'm still pregnant so it's definitely worth checking out no matter your gestational or married or whatever state in life. I've been trying to read fewer blogs because I'm terrible at comparing and contrasting my own to others and our floor really does need to be mopped more than once every four months but I could never ever quit Jenny. She's the best. And I don't type that lightly.

Now to sound like a total hypocrite ... there are a lot of blogs I wish would blog more but one that's at the top of my list is Fran's blog. Consider this my beg, Fran(k).

And last but most most most importantly .... the biggest congrats to Ana!! Yee haw.

okay, goodbye forever.

right. you know me better than that.


  1. Pre school is the best! Ben has learned a lot and the time apart is good for all of us. Don't feel guilty!

  2. I'm praying Simon gets exactly the right position (and selfishly praying it's semi-close by :)

    Also, who could fault you for loving preschool? Good heavens, they haven't been sent away to boarding school. A few hours of Theonly time is well-deserved and even needed before #4 (girl?!) arrives!

  3. Ha! You're trying to cut back on the blogs, I'm trying to add more in. Trying to read different writing styles, broaden my horizens a bit, so to speak.

  4. No school judgement here… of course, my kids are in public school ;) After picking up my son from preschool the other day, I thought about the fact that I will have a hiatus from preschool next year because number my #4 will be too young. I thought about how much I will miss it. (That's right… it's ME that will miss it.) It's not just about the "break," it's about the community, it's about the routine, it's about making sure that I actually have to get dressed and go somewhere and see people on a semi-regular basis. It's also about making friends (the kids, yes, but, dare I say more importantly, me.) The best friends that I have made since becoming a mom were my fellow pre-school moms. The long and the short of it is, enjoy it--- guilt-free, (especially since they love it!) P.S. I bet the teachers get a total kick out of Julia!!! That kid is a riot :)

  5. So excited for your trip to Philly! Vicarious living, what can I say? Mark and I got engaged (and went on most of our dates) there. There's this restaurant close to old town we'd love to go back to called The Latest Dish. The servers have way to many tattoos and the meatloaf was made from tofu, but it was delicious. And we'd totally go back. If Simon doesn't object *too* strenuously you should totally go!

  6. Do not apologize for sending your kids to preschool. I sent both of mine and they loved it and I loved it and it was a win-win. Everyone has their own style/approach/philosophy blahblahblah. You have got to do what makes you all happy. No apologies necessary. So glad they love it! And it's only a block from your house? That's even better!

  7. Hope you have the best time in Philly! And, hooray that preschool works for you guys - sounds like a wonderful thing :)

  8. We went back and forth on preschool too until we moved to alaska and realized our children needed a sanctuary away from the cabin which induces insanity! My four year old only goes a few times a week for a couple hours and my 2 year old is going to start as well. I think it's good for them, and hell yes it's good for a mama too!!

  9. We did preschool in residency, too. Never was planning on it - I was a "I'm gonna homeschool all the way through" kind of girl, and well, residency broke me. I needed that additional adult help with the kids to not feel like a total failure, and I NEEDED the break three mornings a week!

    Fellowships! Eek! Part of me wishes Mike had done one, but the other part of me is glad he didn't. Mixed feelings and all. Where are the urogyn fellowships?

    Mike just got promoted to chair of the women/infants health departments at his hospital. Four more years until Simon's done, you say? hmmmmmm....

  10. I love this post. I was actually going to ask about the preschool when I saw you mention it. We opted not to do it (coordinating with my work was too hard), but I think it's great for kids and moms!

    A little confused with the residency he will be a resident somewhere else for three years? Will you be in the same state? What's Urogynocology? Glad he will not have to do nights or be on call. Seriously don't know how you both manage that. I have so much respect for doctors and nurses! They work so hard and are often not appreciated.

  11. I'm a preschool teacher so I can't wait for your preschool post. The hilarity of your kids is how I found your blog in the first place actually. I am sure they crack their teachers up big time!

  12. My Dear Grace - no guilt, no comparison, just do what needs to be done for your family. No one lives your life but you, so stay strong and enjoy the "JOY". You deserve a break my friend. Hugs from VA!

  13. We put our 3-year-old in preschool a few months ago and he LOVES it. It really, truly is good for him. And for me too. But mostly for him. Just because something is good for you doesn't mean it's not good for your kiddos too!

  14. Oh Philly sounds fun! And like a January...what could be better?!

    And don't feel bad about the preschool, I think if you're approaching it as great babysitting time you've got the right attitude!

  15. mop your floors at least every four months?! You are way ahead of me...unless you count the 8 month old who drools all over the floor and then rubs in around with his sleeves as mopping. In which case it gets mopped daily.

  16. I agree that the need to justify every decision comes from reading way too many blogs that justify their decisions. I hadn't thought of that but you are definitely right. Sometimes it's freeing to just say, "We let them cry it out/are weaning him a little earlier than planned/aren't doing preschool right now" and then just end the sentence right there. Super, super hard. But freeing.

  17. Woah-I'll add some prayers for Simon! We're in the trenches of job interviews over here too...I don't do the haircuts but he just asked for some pants to be hemmed, so let's hope they dont come out (noticibly) uneven haha. Also looking forward to hearing how preschool with Bash goes as J is only a few months younger and I need to figure out how to begin schooling this child :)

  18. 1. Preschool is the BEST. Ryder loves his... and it's so good for them to have the extra kid interaction and get used to other adults telling them what to do... because let's be honest, that's what the next 40 years will look like for most of us, right:)
    2. You're coming to Philly!!!?!!?!!?!!??!! I can practically see the city from my house!!!!!! I wish you were bringing Bash so we could have a playdate. Have you ever been here before?

  19. LOVE me some preschool. I live and breathe by preschool and FORGET IT when there is a delay or it is canceled.

  20. Urogynecology! My friend (whom I know through my kids) Anna ( mentioned once that women LOVE their urogynecologists. I would certainly love to have one! If Simon knows of a good one anywhere near Harrisonburg, VA, please tell me! Y'all might even get a commission, like some cookies or something!

  21. Would you life be better if I told you I'm always comparing myself to you? Not a lie. Don't laugh. Girl confession.

  22. We've done all different things with school around here - regular school, homeschool, pre-school, no pre-school. Basically, whatever is going to work best for our family situation at that time. And that's what you're doing now - now shame at all in loving that you've found what works best for your family right now. The key is being willing to evaluate and judge every year, and make adjustments if you need to. Can't wait to read the post about school!

  23. Many good things here...For one, I'm about to go SEE a urogynecologist (although I always mix up if it is a gynouro--- or the other way around...) but I won't go into THAT. Good for him--an important role indeed. I kinda think my man did family residency b/c he was just so over it that he didn't want to have to keep in residency...You guys have good stamina apparently. :)

    Next, on school: you've got this: you will always know best. I personally have sent all of my kids to preschool, then end up homeschooling from elementary on. I love that system. But to each her own, or something. :
    Keep up the good work--happy travels, and keep us all entertained, k?

  24. Totally not a dry post. I always enjoy your rambles! Saying a prayer for your family; that fellowship opportunity sounds perfect!

    And thank you so much for introducing me/us to Bonnie and her Sheenazing Awards. I've found so many more great bloggers to add to my Bloglovin' feed!

  25. As soon as my kids are potty trained, I'm like "Don't let the door hit ya on the way to preschool!!"

  26. Hi Grace! My husband will start his residency (podiatry) this coming July. I'd like to get him some sort of a keepsake gift as a congratulations. Can you think of anything that might be cute as well as useful? Thank you!

  27. HUMBLED AND HONORED, Grace Patton. For the record, I commented on this the other day and Blogger was rude and apparently didn't post it. I will blog, for you. My posts are few and far between lately since I am like, "Do people really want me to wax poetic about my stretch marks?" probably not.

    Also, you should move to Cincinnati. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY AMAZING HOSPITALS WE HAVE HERE? And our Maybabies could be great friends.

  28. I really have no idea how you feel and what you are going through with residency but I have what I feel like is a never ending struggle of living in a pretty small 2 bedroom apartment waiting for the company to "go big" There are so many ups and downs with it. And....all of this is sounding so dumb. Love your blog!

  29. Gahhh. I just found your blog. After my own heart. Well, I only have a 3 month old and my husband is in his third year of medical school,but still. I'm an attorney (who dreams of being a SAHM) and my husband is starting to look into residency programs/what he'd like to do. We'll be interviewing in about 11 months. Praying and hoping for the best. Probably going ENT with a fellowship after. So, basically, we'll be picking up and moving somewhere where HOPEFULLY the July bar exam deadline hasn't passed so MAYBE I can get a job to pay off some of my loans. Sheesh....the terrors of the application process. Girl, I'm praying for y'all!
