
05 December 2013

Julia Styles

boots: Sorel via eBay
coat: Gap via thredUP
shirt: no tag via thredUP

And now for a little Conversations with Julia ... the she-must-have-a-doting-mother edition.

Regarding the ridiculous amount of hoarded items that she keeps in multiple purses and bags in her crib:
Grace: okay this is getting to be a little much (plucks formerly missing mascara from one pile and formerly missing teaspoon from another)
Julia: I'm so sorry. I know I have a problem.
Julia: But it's my problem. 

One morning while I was getting her dressed out of the blue:
Julia: maybe it's time to start cleaning your hair?
Grace: what?
Julia: I think I see some cradle crap in dare

During last week's Costco run where the samples were a flowing more than usual:
Julia: (popping a piece of chocolate in her mouth) this is the most fun I've had EVER EVER in my whole life!!

On Thanksgiving
Grace: and what are you thankful for, Julia?
Julia: the presents I'm going to get for Christmas

When she expressed great joy that Christmas was finally here:
Grace: well it's actually Advent
Julia: admit?
Grace: Advent
Julia: elephant?
Grace: Advent
Julia: maybe you could say it in English?

When Sebastian was freaking about Theo wearing his socks:
Julia: wife goes on, Sebastian

While Theo was in the middle of one of his epic whine/roll around the floor helplessly fests:
Julia: okay, crazycake - that's enough.

After walking into a public restroom (that did smell a little pungent) and walking by a lady washing her hands:
Julia: do you think that lady is just potty trained and not poop trained maybe?
Julia: hmm or maybe she just had a little gas?

Yesterday after I discovering that one of the stroller tires was flat and that the day would be runless and Grace was not the happiest camper:
Julia: I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry for you
Julia: You just need to take better care of your sings

After Theo bit me (really hard!!!) and I was having a bit of a cow:
Julia: you know what, Mom?
Grace: what?
Julia: I think you're going to surbive

And after being given total creative freedom in front of the camera ...

So there you go.


  1. She is great!! So stinking cute!!
    But I have to know... how do you get her to wear what you want her to wear? By the age of 3 my girls were VERY opinionated about what they would wear - and none of it was cute.... :-(

    1. haha. well I let her wear what she wants at home (mostly) but she's pretty good at obliging when we leave the house. And she has no say over what clothes we buy for her so her options (other than her loads of Dora pajamas) are pretty "boring" I guess :)

  2. That last photo- she is the SPITTING IMAGE of you. Thank you for the belly laughs Julia. My Simon thinks you're cute.

    1. I was JUST going to say that about that last photo!! Down to the attitude!

  3. Those boots are a hoot!! As is the rest of her! I could just eat her up! And take better care of your "sings", Grace....!

  4. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem so she's on the right track!

    And I LOVE that last picture. She's got the side stare and toe point down pat!

  5. These are my favorite posts ever. I can't wait til my little man starts talking (and he's not even born yet!) :)

  6. I am far too familiar with the Patton clan, as the final photo screamed "Simon's dancing shenanigans with red bulls and vodkas" to me.

  7. Tears are rolling down my cheeks! So hilarious.

  8. Would it be weird to say that in this season of thankfulness, I am thankful for Ms. Julia?

  9. hahahaha! Glad I'm not the only mom teaching my kid sarcasm (unwittingly... sort of). She has got your pose down in that last photo!

  10. I cannnot cannot cannot pick a favorite but I was DYING after the very first. What cracks me up is that I realize we are probably basically hearing you through the mouth of Julia and it's fantastic.

  11. cradle crap! dying... and those poses! fashion blogger in the making.

  12. I'm dying. She's hilarious. I actually feel similar on the days I get free chocolate too.

  13. This is amazing!!! I love that I am not the only mom that documents the stand up comedians in their house. My kids have be rolling laughing, and questioning my parenting skills on the daily. But Julia is so great…like on another level great!

  14. The tears of laughter came during the first one and haven't stopped as I write this comment. I've always been very "I only want to have boys", but if I have a daughter, I hope she's half as cool as Miss Julia.

  15. "Maybe you could say it in English?" Oh, how much do I love Julia? I thought of her this morning as I put on leggings, a sundress and a hoodie with fuzzy socks... I thought, "Julia Patton is probably dressed better than me today."

  16. her nails are painted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need a niece stat.

  17. Julia is already the coolest kid on 'net. And she's such a mini-you! (At least I'm guessing that's where she learned to say half those things)

  18. TOO FUNNY!! Seriously. She is hilarious. I think I laughed at every one.

  19. That last photo! Can she teach me how to pose?

    Julia is amazing.

    I cringe about what we will hear Ryan repeat when he is 3.

  20. The advent one had me laughing out loud! Too funny!

  21. she looks like a teenager! super cute :)

  22. Julia, could you maybe teach my kid to be the cute-dramatic that you are and not the crazy-dramatic that she is? Gracias.

  23. Julia is always my favorite! You have such a little gem! And thanks for posting her outfit origins - I'm taking notes!

  24. Love it, from beginning to end.
    Isn't beyond weird to hear your expressions come out of their mouths?

  25. Oh my goodness, this girl is too much! Love. It.

  26. this is thee best. i laugh out loud every time, only this time i don't have to stifle it because i'm at home and not the coffee shop. thanks for sharing the cuteness of your kids and family - you make me excited to be a mom! : )

  27. Okay, this is probably the best one yet. I love her.

  28. I get "cradle crap"in my hair from time to time as well. Usually when Courtney sneezes her supper at me. I surbibe it but it does leave it's emotional toll.
    Miss Julia is always stylish...just like her Mama! Happy Elephant!

  29. Of course you bought her baby sorels!

    (And I love everything she says. Every time.)

  30. Look at that girl imitating her beautiful Mama! So cute.

  31. These had me cracking up! She is seriously funny. "I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry for you" hahaha

  32. I am always amazed by the things she says (& the fact that there is no swearing in these posts, because God knows my two year old has slipped in some colorful language here and there..I blame Dora)

    Someday, when Julia is running her Little J fashion blog she can link back to these makings of a fashionista posts! Love it (& hoping and praying we will be blessed with a girl at some point!)

  33. I think this is the best Julia Says EVER! I laughed out loud at everysingleone....

  34. I love it! She is adorable! I love reading your blog so much!

  35. BAHAHAHAHAHA OMG. One my bucket list now is to witness some of these in person. Can't even fathom it all. it a reflection of Julia or of me that I would totally wear her outfit?

  36. She is ADORABLE--as always!!

  37. Oh my heavens!!!! She is hilarious!!! Can you post 2 or ten next week... I think I really need a lot of these to get me through finals week... But I am sure finals week is nothing compared to call weekends for you so I should just suck it up.
    My fave is when she told you to take better care of your sings!!!

  38. How do you ever even look at her without cracking up? Is it just impossible to discipline her? Keep it coming, Julia!

  39. Haha I have been reading your blog for a while....but I totally laughed really hard at these convos! The one that got me giggling was the public restroom. Oh I wonder what that lady was thinking!!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. That girl is classic! Made my day :)

  42. Seriously hilarious! I always have trouble picking a favorite but maybe you could speak English and the potty/poop trained comments cracked me up!

  43. I cannot express how much I love conversations with Julia.

  44. She thinks she is so cool...and she is! Cute look.

  45. So adorable. Just what I needed to start my day! Love the cheeky restroom comment.

  46. This sounds so much like our little girl. What fun, for sure!

  47. She is, hands down, the coolest child I know. ("know")

  48. Wow this just made me day! Julia is too funny!

  49. These are... I don't even know what to say. She is amazing. These posts are almost as good as Simon Says. :)

  50. hahahahahahahaha, I am laughing and crying at the same time while trying to eat my lunch!

  51. Laughing so hard I cried. This little one is hilarious!!

  52. Oh my goodness, she just kills me!

  53. "maybe you could just say it in English." hahahahaha. Hilarious.

  54. Her tiny Sorel boots kill me, in the best way. I have a pair of Sorel snow boots - does this make me as fashionable as Julia?

    I just started reading your blog after stumbling into your Instagram feed, and reading it has quickly become part of my daily ritual. Thank you for sharing!

  55. These are my favorite posts, and I love the Simon-isms too.... actually I like everything you write Grace! You put such a genuinely hilarious spin on real life.

  56. She is a MESS! A cute one at that. It is so funny the things they pick up on. You're doing well, hun. :) And my favorite pictures that you take of her are when she is mid-air. SO adorable! So much sass.

  57. I always feel it's a little touch and go after a good hard teether bite to the finger. Surbival is questionable.

    Have I had it together enough to say CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy with #4? I honestly can't remember whether I've had my morning chai these days so if I haven't and it's been this long, I'm embarrassed but here I am: I am super excited for the expanding Patton clan. Julia's totally got this big sister role down so keep 'em coming :)

  58. Love all of these! Needed that laugh!
