
03 October 2013

Julia Styles

shirt & skirt - Gap via thredUP
purse - c/o J.Crew (I'm still not entirely convinced that wasn't a huge mix up on their part ... )
boots - eBay

I don't know how many times I've heard, "oh, three-year-olds are so much worse than two-year-olds" but let's just say that Count Dracula might have trouble counting allll the way up to the impressive number because ... I've heard it a lot. And while I'm definitely not one to sugarcoat parenthood and toddlerhood - I could probably do without the foreboding words of discouragement from fellow comrades because holy exhaustion!! parenthood is difficult enough without scary warnings that it "gets worse" because these trenches? they feel deep enough as it is and I don't think I can handle anymore shoveling to get to an even lower level of disheartened on especially tough days. I know I've used the analogy of telling the overdue preg who is desperate for some non-pregnant sleep that she should get her sleep now -- cackle, cackle! Because while it is probably true that one week into newborn nights of "sleep" she'll miss her pregnancy insomnia ... ain't nobody want to hear it. Even the veteran moms.

Anyway! All this to say that 13 whole days into three-year-old land I am an expert and this age isn't that bad. No, I'll never be an expert nor will I ever pretend to be an expert because there's always something just around the riverbend that will have me scratching my crow's feet and wondering how/what/how/how/how to dill wit it. But I did overhear a mom in the Kansas City airport tell another mom that, "two is my favorite age" and it took all of my willpower as I yanked Sebastian away from the seeing eye dog (again!!!) to not ask what breed of child she had because me and my motherhood found two to be a very trying age (but I didn't! because I practice what I preach 43% of the time) aaaand I'm girding my patience for Sebastian to cross that threshold in a few short weeks. Sweet Baby Jesus help us all but that is neither here nor there.

What do I love about this age? Julia can (mostly) be reasoned with in a pinch. And if that doesn't work - bribery is always an option. She understands the majority of the English language which isn't necessarily a good thing I guess because she picked up my phone the other day and had the following conversation ...

Julia: Hi, Simon?
Fake Simon: 
Julia: How was your day tonight?
Fake Simon:
Julia: sigh - well, it's just a frustrating day here for me.
Fake Simon:
Julia: Stop being such a jerk, Simon.


But she is genuinely helpful when it comes to getting out the door as she can open all of the van doors and direct Sebastian to the back seat and explain to me that, "yes, I will sit next to Theo and be his protector" (we have a little/large issue with Sebastian kicking sleeping Theo in the face when he sits next to him in the car - again, two should be a real thrill) before I even have to ask her to be the martyr for the duration of the ride. If she catches Sebastian making a mess she's very quick to come and tattle which I actually appreciate because generally Sebastian has weaseled himself into quite the unforgivable situation and it's best that we nip it before he cleans all of the basement carpet with the contents of all three laundry detergents that had been housed HIGH on shelves that he apparently  scaled.

And she hasn't figured out how to to lie.

Grace: Did you just pull Theo's hair?
Julia: Yes, I did.
Grace: Why?
Julia: Because I wanted to.

and she has no secrets.

Flight Attendant: What's your name?
Julia: Well, I just have a pimple on my face right here. See?

And while she's not all sugar and selfless and everything nice ...

... at the end of the year she will probably have given out three unsolicited hugs ...

... unlike Sebastian who will hug-ttack you if you so much as glance his way even from the safe distance of 30 yards away - he runs. Be warned. And be weirded out.

... and now to work on a birthday post. 14 days tardy. Revoke my mommy blogger rights right now.


  1. 3 is definitely fun... My 3.5 yr old is getting a bit sassy which is annoying but reasoning and talking situations out is SO FANTASTIC!

  2. You said "scratching my crow's feet." And for that, I feel love in my heart for you. For what it's worth, I'll take two and three year olds all the live long day, but my husband and I firmly believe that 4-year-olds are *@$holes.

  3. Oh my gosh I cannot get over how cute her ensemble is aaaannnnd her sassy outfit pics.

  4. " sigh - well, it's just a frustrating day here for me."

    Hahaha! She's a riot. I am always listening in horror when Benjamin says things that are straight from my own mouth. And I love her little outfit. With a big brother, Lucy is always wearing weird pirate hats and things out in public and I just figure....hey! At least we made it out of the house, RIGHT? :) Too cute! Three is horrible but also completely wonderful, too. You're gonna rock it, mama.

  5. Ahhh, I love this post. You know I'm obsessed with that child.

  6. My oldest daughter just turned four and my oldest son just turned 3. I find that my daughter will give some mighty tantrums when she is really tired, but my son just is always into something or running off because he wants to run and play. He runs off laughing. Also, if there's a box of toys, my daughter will look through the box to find what she wants and my son will just dump the box over without even thinking twice. I think kids behaviors have a lot to do with their personality and whether they are male or least it's been so with my kids.

  7. Julia is insanely cute!! Do you think you could bottle up some of that cute/niceness and send it my way? My 3.5 year old wants no part of being cute and or nice, he does put up a pretty good front at preschool though. I totally agree that the communications skills are nice when my son needs to be talked off the ledge of a meltdown. Now entering the 2's with my other son is proving to be super dee duper fun! I just hope I make it to when my daughter get to be 2...
    But once I almost admit defeat with these early toddler years people tell me it just gets worse, and then my head spins. Spins with joy and love of course :)

    1. Oh man, three year old boys are a different story than girls, it gets better at four, at least in my experience with boys, hang in there!!

    2. 3 for my daughter was wonderful! I have a 2 1/2 yr old boy and an almost 4 yr old boy.... Both a still very challenging!! I've heard 4 is magical for boys.

  8. Love her little outfit! I agree, mommy hood is hard. 3 was interesting here. Most days were way better than 2 but boy, when my daughter was having a bad day, we all ran and hid. My son is almost 3 and things have gone way smoother with him, so I pretty much expect the world to come to an end at 3.

  9. John Rosemond says the "terrible twos" start at 18 months and go all the way to 3 years old. So there's your answer for Sebastian. And I loved three!! For all the reasons that you list, and because they actually start to be little people. Love the little pigtails on here - so adorable!

  10. One of your funniest posts! You always make me laugh. Thanks :)

  11. Four is even better! and i love the title :-)

  12. I'm pretty sure it was probably my mom in the airport telling you she loves that age. Okay, it wasn't but she does always say that. Don't you just love the KC airport filled with nothing to do? And I love Julia's outfit!

  13. Oh my goodness those pictures of here... she is so cute!! And I love the phone call with fake Simon. Personally, I also do not appreciate the forewarnings. It really isn't helpful. Or exciting. I'd rather go into things completely ignorant than hesitantly tiptoe out of fear. And isn't one way to cope with a crappy day to think that it can't get any harder than it already is? Why would someone want to take that coping mechanism away?

  14. I think it varies honestly. It's just too easy to say one age is harder than another. And we all know ain't no thing about motherhood easy.

  15. New favorite blog ever. Late to the party, just found you... Also word on the street (Facebook) says you guys are Catholic which makes me giddy. Yay. So much archive reading to do while I ignore my washing machine beeping.

  16. For us, life got exponentially, indescribably better when the oldest turned 3. I'm so excited for the next one to get there. This may set me up for disappointment. But, really, the food thing alone is worth it. They can eat something pretty much anywhere we go. A miracle.

  17. love this title, and could she be more cute and stylin'?! (NO.) her fake convos get me every time!

  18. okay is thred up cool? FOR REAL. there are so many gimmicky things but if it gets a patton stamp of approval then maaaaybe.

    i also MIGHT be the annoying person who says "two is so great!" because i am a freak but i am enjoying p-man these days BUT if i had three under like 3 months like you i would probably be singing a different tune. and YES the women who say "oh just wait till three!" i swear it, why do they do this?

  19. I stinking love girls at age three, and age four, and so far five is also awesome, a little more challenging than age four, but not in a bad way. What you are experiencing My dear is light at the end of the tunnel, at the end of a long damp tunnel...

  20. In my experience, each of my three kids (4 and under) have been different. Owen, now 4, wasn't terrible at 2 but at 3 he was defiant with explosive tantrums. Amelia, will be 3 in a couple of weeks, a tough 2. As she approaches 3, I am hopeful that it will be much better than 2 many of the same reasons you posted about Julia. And Simon, he will be 1 in a couple of weeks, has been my hardest infant. He cries more often, and he isn't as good of a sleeper as my other two. But I'm with you, there is no need to "warn" mothers that the worst is yet to come. Especially since each child is different, and what each woman can function under is different too. I do okay for a few days on little sleep, but I have friends who can't function at all. So I would much rather have a newborn than try and sleep 9 months pregnant. :)

  21.! Julia is full of cute!

    I learned early in my teaching career children really are self-fulfilling prophecies. If I think my child is going to go through the "terrible twos" he absolutely will. But if I change my mindset to "terrific twos" generally I have a better time. This is why I always try to keep my optimistic mindset. Good for you for looking for the positives - because we all know there will be rough days deep in the trenches. But if we keep looking at that light at the end of the tunnel, before we know it, we'll be enjoying a rich, loving relationship with our children.

  22. Oh no Grace! I think I told you this and now I feel awful. I think it's just Piper. Although... now that she can blow her nose and doesn't have any accidents, I'm reconsidering. Ha.

  23. Sebastian sounds fun! (not) 4 has been the most annoying so far, but I probably say that each age, I think they all have their challenges. My 3yo is crazy ridiculous stubborn and quick to anger. Whereas the 4yo is sneaky and lies. Both have problems at listening. So far the 8 week old baby is winning. It is lovely as they grow and self sufficency increases. Both boys can dress themselves and feed themselves (hooray!)

  24. Easily one of your best posts, ever.

  25. I just love this post.
    I seriously HATE when people say, "Oh 3 is worse than 2." THANKS...but um, 2 is kind of sucking right NOW! Also, love the conversation with fake Simon.

  26. Loving my stylin Julia!! She is looking beautimus as always. I have to say my favorite ages was 3-5. They are (mostly) potty-trained and they are talking. They have incredible imaginations and want to tell you stories ALL the time. They make me laugh. No advice my friend. Your heart will tell you what is right with YOUR children. You don;t need to hear what worked with mine. Each child is their own unique self. Hope all is well...Hugs from VA!

  27. Great post! and i love that kid`s style.


  28. Love the title! Girl, you are the smartest. And I love that fake phone conversation. Too good. I dread the twos every time Ryan throws a tantrum ... which is often.

  29. Love her. My girl is two right now and I am definitely looking forward to being able to reason with her a little better.

  30. That phone conversation with Fake Simon is classic. I love it.

    As far as the ages go...I've always REALLY enjoyed age 1 because I love watching their personalities come out. I am finding ages 11-12 to be a similar experience -- only with bigger personality that acts like mini-adult and I am discovering the joy of "hanging out" with my kid. So....I also find it depends on the kid which age I like best. Because my oldest son (who is only 4) really just gets and keeps my motor running regardless of his age, he is so funny! Then there's the 2-year-old who often makes me think that if he had been first, he may have been last -- he is so much work! So...there you go....way more in a comment than you ever wanted.

    Look forward to the 14-day-late birthday post! :)

  31. I feel like my heart grows for you and your family with each post. Can't wait for the belated birthday post. Better late than never! :)

  32. Just got the Julia Styles pun. Oh how slow I am.

  33. I stopped reading after that first conversation with fake Simon and just laughed and laughed. Okay, now I'm going back to read the rest.

  34. Ohhhhhh my goodness! A little fashion blogger in the making! Love this.

    Megan from Chasing Davies

  35. Ohhhhhh my goodness! A little fashion blogger in the making! Love this.

    Megan from Chasing Davies

  36. These pictures are gorgeous! She is so stinkin' cute!!
    Love your blog!!

  37. Hilarious! The cackle, oh my I laughed so hard. Thank you

  38. I think people have really short memories. They tell you three is worse than two because they're in three right now (or just came out of it) and it is SUCKING for them. They don't really remember all the suck that happened at two.

  39. Hahaha she's really great. AND SO PRETTY!

  40. What an adorable outfit of Julia!
