
24 September 2013

Under the New Mexican Sun (part one)

um, this post has taken three days to craft. Ignore the kids and the sunshine and just spit it out, Grace.

1. the theme of the trip for Sebastian has been: freak at any given moment for no reason at all.
2. attachment grandparenting
3. Julia was telling Bash the "plant" for the day and Bash is like, "Dad poured me into Theo's shorts. Everything else is I don't care."

4. Simon gave Theo a bath and I really hope that utensil is just a spoon ...
5. attachment aunting
6. Someone's having a tough time switching back to daytime living ... old age'll getcha

7. the mountain will only be photographed with a blurry human in the foreground. photography tutorials all over the internet haunt me. I know.
8. Simon was upset he forgot his "swim shirt"
9. $ shot. (Kidding, calm down.)

Let's bold and categorize everything flying around my nog ...

the flights: weren't that bad! Ranking in order from most poorly behaved to the best behaved: Bash, Simon, Theo, Julia, and Grace. Simon + airports have a complicated relationship. It's like we switch personalities and he goes from the most laid back human on the face of the planet to a Grace Patton (not laid back, never laid back, rarely fun). I'm normally the antsy and paranoid half of the relationship so it's all very entertaining and when we (always) make it to our gates with miles of minutes to spare -- it's very hard not to give him the smug, "I told you so .... " look. I mostly resist. I think he missed a flight once so his PTSD is real and understandable but when he starts barking up trees at 6:45 on Saturday morning about our flight that's leaving at 9:05 .... look OUT. (Simon approved this paragraph by stating, "we can't have people thinking I'm a saint.")


The kids bad mood blips were fortuitously timed as other passengers were boarding our flights and neither flight was full so - rows to ourselves!!! Halleluiah. The biggest hiccup came when Sebastian thought the gentleman behind us was definitely, "grandpa!!!" ... and the man looked to be about the age that it might be insulting to be mistaken for someone's gramps so luckily the faux granddad was open-mouthed sleeping and Sebastian's garble can be understood by almost zero humans SO ... no harm no foul blahblah.

Ah. And when Julia absolutely had had had to use the bathroom and so she dropped jeggings and Superman unders ( boys unmentionables are always thicker - better to absorb a teeny tiny accident on the go) in the middle of the terminal ... we made it to the bathroom and she went the entire day accident-free (if that sounds sort of braggy - I'm sorry! I never knew these milestones would be so life changing .... truly) so we'll just sweep her stint as an exhibitionist under the rug. 

the weather: sexy talk. I now remember why I kept a sparkly Dr. Pepper Lip Smackers attached to my key chain at all times in high school. Not because I was the queen of the coolias but because if you don't moisturize your lips every 23 seconds in the desert then your lips will chap, crack, and probably fall off. I have no other complaints about the glorious weather other than the fact that going running (.06 miles - and I'm sore - really sore - it's the altitude!!!!!!!!!!) at 7:48 will leave you chattering despite the leggings and long sleeves you don BUT by 11am you'll be slathering on the SPF or risk death by sunburn after 10 minutes of sun exposure.

the culture: I was driving behind a Jeep this morning that was rocking a Harley Davidson spare tire cover but also donned a "Namaste" bumper sticker directly underneath. I love the Land of Enchantment.

Much, much more to come. I miss you all.

Yes, even YOU.


  1. I like Simon's choice of reading material. :)

  2. Your children. Are just so. dang. adorable.

  3. So fun!!! And those pictures are insanely cute. Have fun!

  4. I don't know why but "swim shirt" cracked me right up.
    Attachment extended familying is SO wonderful, I don't know if I am more jealous of that or the sunshine..

  5. If I could get a post out in 3 days or less I might actually have a current post on my blog. Kudos Super Mama! :) Looks like you all had a blast and your kiddos are adorable as always!

  6. $ shot
    I snorted at that one, even before I read the "kidding, calm down" part.

  7. The real $ shot: Bash's angry face in that first pic. Theo looks like he is giving his siblings a run for their pennies in the cutest Patton contest. Can't wait to read more, but I'm sure you're having lots more fun with your family!

  8. Theo in the sink. Bum of Bash. I can't decide which is better.

  9. Great pictures! The scenery is beautiful. I love when the airport personalities come out! :)

  10. That picture of Theo is the best ever. Glad the trip there was not that terrible!

  11. And I've missed you!

    P.s. Brag away. That shiz is important.

  12. Brad once put Dominic (aged 3) in a pair of Pia's size 12-18 month navy sweats while we were visiting family. The Dom looked like he was wearing knickers. Enjoy your vacay!

  13. bash's garble understood by zero humans, lol AND julia's stint as exhibitionist. i think my comments are pretty much always pointing out which parts of your post i found funniest. which is hard because they're 98% totally funny, through and through.

  14. I love and miss your blog posts! Also I love your Sebastian crying photo to start it off... I need to learn to take better tantrum photos, my kids always look red faced and teary so not cute Internet-worthy, more just mean mom. Also I share Simon's fear of being late...I used to travel a lot for work and after one too many close calls I now get to the airport 1 1/2-2 hrs early to allow time to check my bags, get through security and be a half hour early. My husband thinks its dorky too, but I'm way less stressed flying when I have plenty of time to get food, and go to the bathroom without rushing to board.

  15. I LOLed so hard at the picture of Bash's accidental skinny dippage.

  16. Glad the flight wasn't traumatic. Enjoy your time with your family!

  17. Theo is just one of the cutest babies! SUCH a ham he is!

  18. Love love love the picture of Theo in the bath. Enjoy your vacation- if it can be called such while still including the children. :)

  19. the $ shot was awesome!! I am so glad you are having fun in NM. You deserve it. Can't wait to see what comes next...

  20. Oh I so get that first photo because that is the theme of every hour this week, but insert Ryan for Bash. Who knew you could get judgmental looks at the thrift store. Ugh. Love all the photos!

  21. Hi, would your family like to adopt me? Because I'm pretty sure I want to live there.

  22. Lol that Simon wanted us to know he's not a saint!

  23. Your kids have some seriously cute cry faces.

  24. My niece once dropped trou in the middle of a sports bar in Jacksonville, Florida and she was about Julia's age. Her father (my brother) the pastor was not amused when I told her she had to wait about twenty more years before she could drop her panties in a bar.

  25. I absolutely LOVE the picture of your son in the sink... too cute!

  26. theo in the sink! and bash losing his pants! i love these photos and NM looks like a wonderful summery dream.

  27. Ah, yes! Thank God for toddler pronunciation (or lack of it). My daughter recently caught me putting on a pad and has since commented several times that, "Mommy is wearing a diaper." Good thing most people can't understand what she is saying!

  28. I'm glad Simon was at least able to find a replacement swim shirt for the one he forgot. Hanes plain white Ts always work in a pinch.


  29. I LOVE New Mexico!! I was born there, and my family used to go back every year after we moved away. I miss it so!

  30. I glanced at this post on my phone a couple of days ago and totally couldn't tell Bash was losing his shorts in the pool. So much funnier on a computer!

  31. Hey, I just noticed your label "505." Do you ever stock up on the 505 Salsa when you visit the fam? One of my roomies in college lived in the 505 region and always came back each semester with a mother load of that stuff. Man it was so good.
