
23 August 2013

Seven Quick Takes

Linking up with Jen over at Conversion Diary.

I swear I could write a post about each and every one of these takes so watch me struggle as I try to make them less long. Shorter. I'm already failing and I haven't even started.

1. Around the internet ... uh-row-nd the internet ... to the tune of name that song . . .

Kelly wrote a really informative post about how to weed the crazies out of your Facebook feed without hurting any feelings. She's a genius. A hilariously brilliant genius.

Emily's posts always crack me up but today's post was especially great. Especially number five. Let me type e-s-p-e-c-i-a-l-l-y one more time. Dare. Dat's better.

Anna and I were roommates in college and she's taking a huge step today (many congratulations!!) and starting her own business ... go check it out and enter one of the most awesome giveaways on the web right now. Right now.

2. So the weather is finally reminiscent of St. Louis in August rather than St. Louis in October and I'm not complaining one bit. I want to be good and ready and fully appreciate the arrival of the cooler temperatures ... you know? Because they last too long as it is. The kids played in the pool today and I had to dig around to try and find some sunscreen for the first time in weeks. I posted a question from a reader on the Facebook page re: sun protection for the face and people had lots to say. Some people apparently just use coconut oil? Is it that easy? I can handle that. If you want to go weigh in .... I'd love it. If you don't .... that's fine too. I suppose.

3. Julia and Sebastian are going through some serious growth spurts and all of a sudden they look 15 years of age in certain pictures and ready to hit up the DMV for some flattering photos and licensure.

 ^^^ they think life is bad now wait until I make the smileys recreate this photo in ten years.

And all they have to show for it is that most of their pants from last year are legit capris soo I've been slowly scouring the virtual racks over at Thredup to try to get them outfitted for when fall officially shows her face. I've been pleasantly surprised by how new everything has seemed. Some of the stuff still has the tags attached and as much as I love hunting around at Goodwill ... I will never take all three kids in there. Ever. Sebastian has a special knack for ruining clothing so we'll see how long the consigned "newness" lasts but they're sitting pretty in the dresser drawers for now. If you use my referral link you'll get $10 off your first order or you can ignore and move on with your life. Either/or.

4. So I mostly hate the look of Toms ... hate me if you must but my mom sent me this snap of Emily finally returning home after being gone for 2390428340 days and 19023819203819238190238910 miles of walking and ....

I kind of love them now. Thanks for proving me wrong, Em.

5. Long story sort of short .... yesterday morning Bash tripped and hit his forehead on the corner of the desk downstairs. There was a lot of blood and I totalllllly freaked and called Simon 88 times (or twice, maybe it was just twice) before I called the hospital and I'm fairly certain the nurse that answered thinks that Sebastian was breathing his last the way I was carrying on. Simon came home and glued him up real good and all was well and I'm so happy it wasn't Julia. She would still be screaming 30 hours later. She would because she is a mini-Grace. I don't give Bash enough credit because he is at the unique age where he knows how to throw a tantrum but doesn't know how to communicate why he's throwing a tantrum and he is blatantly defiant and laughy about said defiance so he gets the most frustrating age award for the time being.

 ^^^So much badassery alllll up in this profesh photo collage. Don't argue with me.

Anyway, while he was still bleeding and I was applying pressure to the wound while trying to look at it and not look at it all at the same time Julia started carrying about HER (fake!) cut. Bash fell for her faux plight, quickly pulled it together, sniffled, and walked away from me to go give her a kiss because while he is the most exasperating he really is too sweet. He's even kept his band-aid on all this time and I've caught him kissing his hand and slapping his wound while walking around because he also gets the cutest award on occasion.

6. Let's chug through some more positivity. I had to run to Target yesterday for a few key items and I let Julia walk and the boys ride and I was expecting a disaster because holy mother of insanity. It was more packed than Black Friday and Christmas Eve's eve combined. I think it was back to college day or something because it was filled to the brim with coolios and coolias donning Greek lettered attire and buying vodka and bean bags and guess who fit in juuuuuuust great in that crowd? Yes, me and my kin. But Julia stayed with me and didn't pitch a single fit about the 99 Dora items she asked me to buy and I said dee-nied! and Bash was good too and Theo just slept and even after waiting in line for 20 minutes to check out (I timed it while listening to the couple behind me talk about whether or not they'd get carded - they did - and it was awkward and I covered my ears and sprinted out of there) the kids didn't melt or anything. For every one of these trips there will be five that go notawesome but it's nice to be pleasantly surprised sometimes.

7. Now! For the most important take of them all - what do you think the odds of me convincing Simon that we should watch Definitely, Maybe are? I'm thinking paper thin but maybe he'll pull a Bash at Target and shock me.

Let's go find out.

SEE ya.


  1. Cuts on the head are the worst. They bleed so much you think that your kid is going to run out of blood. Ugh! So glad Simon could come home and take care of it. It's nice to have a doctor in the fam.

    Good luck with the movie. I got sucked into James Bond's "Goldeneye"...1985 called and it wants it's Remington Steele back. Where is "Love Actually" when you need it. Ugh!

    Hugs from VA!

  2. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only mom that freaks out with wounded children. My 6 year old son face planted into our concrete patio tonight. After a little bit of down time with some ice, he was recovered and ready to go play some more. "Catch" might not have been the best option, because yep...he missed the ball and wouldn't you know that it would have to slam into the same spot that had already slammed into the concrete earlier. I didn't know it was possible to have a goose egg on your cheek bone, but it looks freaky and I could hardly look at him. Poor guy! Have a great weekend Patton's! Hopefully it's not a call weekend for you.

  3. I hate Toms too, and I don't think anyone can change my mind about that except maybe the pink glittery ones for little girls.

  4. Um, forget Toms, I need your sister's purse.

  5. I can't believe how old Sebastian looks in the stroller picture! He looks like such a handsome little man.

  6. Emily is so adorable, and I am desperately sad that I returned just in time to see her on her way out the door...wah.

  7. Do all the Residents get those stylie green aprons or just OB/GYNie?

  8. Interesting! A quick look on this Interweb suggests coconut oil is mildly protective and allows VitD to get through (plus it smells amazing and apparently isnt appealing to insects)... apparently eating it is nourishing for your skin too.

  9. When did Bash start looking like a college dude?! Seriously. He would have fit in with that Target crowd!

    And you talk about the Target crowd... but I bet you used to be one of them! ;)

    1. Ha. You think? I didn't mind them just that there were so many of them that the lines to ch out went clear back to the freezer section. ;)

  10. Also, I super love Simon's doctor apron. Tres chic.

  11. Who buys vodka at Target? Must be an MO thing... We only have ABC stores round here

  12. Maybe this is weird, but Mike loved Definitely, Maybe. I liked it too, but I think he liked it better.

    That picture of Julia and Sebastian is crazy- they look so so old!!

  13. I just got done reading your post aloud at the breakfast table while cracking up. youre that good.

  14. Every time our son stays at his grandparents, he comes home with a new concussion looking looking bruise.

  15. Every time our son stays at his grandparents, he comes home with a new concussion looking looking bruise.

  16. Sebastian looks like he could be in high school. and coolios and coolias? One of your best.

  17. Wait a hot minute. Target sells alcohol? I'm moving.

  18. I was in the grocery line for 25 minutes yesterday. The kicker there were only two people in front of me with smallish loads. Oh man I was internally fumming at the slowest cashier ever as she slowly packed my groceries so I understand the pain of waiting forever, though I have never done it with three kiddos.

  19. Definitely Maybe is my husbands absolute favorite chick flick! Make that probably the only chick flick ever ever ever that he actually likes. If you haven't already convinced Simon to watch it with you maybe that will give you some leverage.

  20. How did Bash become a teenager overnight? He's even got the pubescent smirk down cold.

    And isn't it shocking when the kids are actually good in a store?? Whenever it happens I'm completely shocked and feel as if I won the lottery/suddenly gained more years of life somehow. Of course, then everyone will have a meltdown and fight over a carrot stick when you get home...

  21. Yes, the kids seem to have taken some miracle gro... making Theo look smaller than usual, even. You can buy vodka at Target? I used to just go there for the JellyBellies. We lived seven miles from the ocean and there was a target between our house and the ocean so whenever I would fight with my husband (it was often, he's now my ex-husband, my second blue eyed Catholic boy that I married and divorced) anyhoo... I would go to target and buy ten pounds of jellybellies and a iced green tea from Starbucks and go drown my sorrows on the beach. If they had sold vodka I would probably be a lush by now. As far as the bloody kid thing goes... I've had more than my share of bleeding kids and I never handled it well. At least twice the baby daddy had to take them to the ER while I stayed home with the others. It was about the only parental duty he was willing to partake in (first blue-eyed Catholic husband). Yay for Doctor Daddies with magic glue! Happy Weekend!

  22. I love my Tom's. Probably not the most fashionable but dang the comfort.

    1. I'm a sucker for comfy shoes so I know the second I try a pair on I'll be in trouble!

  23. I <3 Simon's apron, haha. Glad Bash is okay! I own a pair of grey Toms and while they are comfortable, my feet start to ache after a while. But your sister is most definitely rockin' those red ones! :)

  24. Seriously, Bash is a dead ringer for Zack Morris in that picture. Give him a ginormous flip phone and they're twins!

  25. Head wounds bleed a ton! How sweet he went to console his sister. Your trip to Target sounds lovely. I remember feeling like it was a miracle to get through a place like that with my small kiddos. I may miss those days for one reason or another...but not for outings to target/walmart or anything. :)

  26. oh my goodness. An link from you and I wishwishwish I would have checked my grammar :) you are the funniest. I have 3 pairs of toms that I only wear to whole foods (so never. lie. I'm wearing them now. And so is Anna.) and please be prepared for CIO emails soon because I forget everything you taught me. Yes, slow learner.

  27. Bash makes me excited to have a boy. His heart is so sweet.

  28. Being linked in your post is a total honor. For realz.
    A million thanks.

    Also, love Bash and his Dora bandaid. I kind of almost vom whenever my kids bleed. Its a condition I wish I could rid of...

    And thanks for enlightening me to the fact that Noonan is blogging. Bells are ringing!

  29. Poor Bash! Sorry about the wound, but at least you have Simon. If I had a Simon at my house, it would have saved me 8-gazillion trips to the emergency room and the urgent care (which I love a million times over, because it's not the ER!). Because my people specialize in bloody, gaping head wounds that only occur on weekends, or after the hour of 5pm. Always. At this point, I could staple or glue somebody up, if only some nice ER doc would let me take that awesome stuff home. But I digress. Hope you got to watch the movie - love that one!

  30. Please tell me Simon wears that apron at work!

  31. You're right. Bash looks so old. Why does that make me go, "Aww"?
