
01 August 2013

Just Flare It

Linking up with Hallie and Kayla 

*shirt - the motherland (altered)
jeans - Gap via Twice
shoes - invisible so moot but I really wish they were these

Linking up with Kayla's style challenge once again even though she is totally going to kick me out because this week's challenge? New hair style. And obviously I flew with my regular curls turned waves .04 seconds after they were curled but I'm trying to slide in because (trumpets with the blares, please) I didn't blow dry my hair for once. Alert the rebel po. Basically the kids got into a huge box of (unused, I shouldn't have to qualify but ... ) tampons and well ... I'm still finding remnants all over the casita. Not their finest work but still. The clean up time cost me a blow drying sesh.

And joining Hallie (who just wrote a killer post - pun and ALL) and her crew with my five favorites for the week ...

1. This is going to be redundant because I just told you about ThredUp last week which is an awesome online consignment store. Super awesome. And now there is another one that I'm going to pound your pupils about called Twice. It's the exact same concept as ThredUp but it sells a little bit more upscale (I mean .. as upscale as Gap is but ... it kind of is to Grace) stuff. If you use this link you'll get $10 off your first order and when I ordered these jeans for $14 and after they came in the mail I got a discount code for $10 off my next order so ... I guess they were sort of $4.00 ... not sure if that's just a first time deal or was a fluke but still. I'm not complaining. And their shipping was lightningfast.

2. This isn't a favorite really but I feel the need to explain that I know my pants need to be hemmed. I mean ... Sydney can pull off the supa flares and look awesome but I look slightly ridic. I ripped out the hem because they were too short and you know what's worse than flared pants that are too short? Nothing. Most unflattering look ever. But I love flares so much more than skinnies ... and I wish they'd make a huge comeback and kill skinnies forEVER. Anyway ... I need to hem them but I hid the thread from the kids and I can't remember where I put it so ... soon. Maybe next week I'll punish you with a before and after. Simon kept saying, "and you know that I can't see your shoes, right?" ... "so you're just going to wear them like that?" ... Yes and Yessssser.

3. This song is all I've been running to lately. Video probably inappropriate - I haven't watched it.

4. We all know I'm not weird about sugar when it comes to my kids. I know I should be but ... I don't know. I'm not. So I bought these organic fruit snacks at Costco and yes they're still laden with sugar at least they don't have the evil corn syrup in them and the kids actually like them. They hated the last all natty fruit snacks I bought so ... healthy nutdom be mine mine mine.

5. Ana's kids. They be hilarious. They're going to visit us next month and don't think I won't be instavidding them up a storm. They might even render Julia wordless ... which would be like whoa ... impressive.

*and because it's August and I'm a super sports fan. ahem. Go Irish.


  1. We are going to be in STL for a hot minute next weekend... I am {not so} secretly hoping to see the Patton clan from afar... Hopefully I won't be too star struck : )

  2. Just got my first order from thredup and now this?? It's like Christmas in August. Love the song!!! Neva a fruit snack my brood wouldn't eat so guess we all got probs?

  3. Now I want to run over and fall into the Bookstore abyss and get a men's t-shirt to alter for tailgate season and Marching Band watching. You're the dream Domer wife :)

  4. I LOVE the Irish tee! So cute. And yes, you do pull off the flare. Big time.

  5. Oh I love the shirt! I got my law degree from ND so I am always on the lookout for new Irish gear. Also, totally with you on the flares v. skinnies situation. Even now I tend to roll my skinnies in summer and tuck them in boots in the winter to avoid feeling top-heavy... And lastly, I don't have kids yet but I sure hope when I do I can roll with the ups and downs of parenting as well as you seem to do!

  6. Bring back the flares!!!!!! I just got new GAP ones for half off, and it's like Christmas morning for me!

  7. Have already joined the ThredUp club on your and Dwija mention, will check out Twice.
    Loving the look and the list, the meet-up mentioned in #5 has me so jealous.

  8. You know I love this outfit! It's August, finallllllyyyy. Now come to a game. Ana and Alexandra will agree with me.

  9. amen to the flares killing skinnies comment. A. MEN.

  10. love the shirt!!!! and I think between Julia's magic huckles and Bernadette's bash bash, they will be in "on their own planet" heaven. can't wait!

  11. Love this!!! And no fair for having a baby a year after me & looking like you've never had any. Tips please! :)

  12. Gah we were just at the bookstore today, I should have gotten a shirt!

  13. I have a weird obsession with Lana Del Rey. It's so weird and twisted. but I LOVE IT. Good thing we're on the same page.

  14. OK, love the flares but mostly love that you just introduced me to a new blog. I've been feeling pretty bored with my current blog roll (with exceptions, of course :)) so I'm pretty excited about FiA. Linked up too!

  15. I love these jeans! I have a nice pair of flares from AE but am definitely in need of a few more. Too bad there is no Gap around here. =[

  16. "But I love flares so much more than skinnies ... and I wish they'd make a huge comeback and kill skinnies forEVER."

    Preach it.

    My favorite jeans ever were the Fit and Flares Eva fit from Express. They were pricey, but I have an hourglass shape (ie: a butt/waist ratio that is cute in dresses and stuff, but lends itself to an unpleasant phenomenon known as jean butt gap) and magically, those jeans fit perfectly. Zero gap. Now, they don't make Fit and Flare, and they don't even make the Eva fit (I would have bought it in a Barely Boot, I promise!) as if my entire body shape has gone out of style with flare jeans.

    And there ends my sad storycomment. Thanks for your blog--it always brings a smile to my face. Especially convos with Julia. No matter how bad the day, those always put me in tears (the good, laughter kind).

  17. Out toddler's favorite blanket is an Irish snuggie I got last year. My b height b is not conducive to either skinnies or flares so rock both for me

  18. I need those jeans, like yesterday.

  19. I love me a good flare too (even though I swore to my mother in 2000 that I would refuse to wear them-ahem.) Maybe we can bring them back ;)

  20. I have these same jeans! Of course, you definitely got the better deal because I went to Gap and bought them hoping I could look half as good as Sydney, but every time I wear them I just feel like people think I'm a wannabe hippie...You look awesome though! No shoes and all! (My husband also laughs at my shoes not showing)

  21. Gah... you're killing me. My ND tshirts are nowhere near as good looking as that. I may have to fix that sitch-e-ation soon. Also, I may not be a crazy super fan, but my son's first birthday party is definitely going to be airing the first football game. Oh yeah, a game was on during my wedding reception too. Yikes?

  22. you are look so hawt in those jeans! your legs go on for miles and miles.

  23. I love this!! Adorable!
    My first thought was, "She found the perfect college t-shirt and I must have it! It fits perfectly!" And then I read "altered". Damnit.

  24. Well, I thought I was all super special because I discovered Thredup and Twice a few weeks ago, but then you have to go ruin it for me because you beat me to the punch and ordered stuff AND posted about them already.

    I have the exact same gap trouser jeans, purchased after seeing them on Sydney, obviously. Because they look AMAZE on her, but on me they're kind of weird and a little too short when worn with my high wedges but too long when worn with my less high ones so it just means that I need new shoes. But then they look AMAZE on you as well, so it's kind of not fair because they're not that cute on me. I prefer the J Brand lovestory jeans, which are my absolute favorite jeans in the world. I seriously love love love flares- though not bootcut (it's alright, and flattering, but I prefer big flares). I totally wish skinnies would die as well but then I don't know what I'd wear when it's raining which sadly is every other day over here in Seattle.
