
20 August 2013

I got the eye of the needle.

I think that post title is a little much but the alternate, "stella's gonna get her needle back" didn't quite do it for me. But can I just say how elated I am that Katy is beating Blurred Terrible on iTunes? Yes, I keep a close eye on the top songs list because I am always on the prowl for something to keep me run-walking because I think all three kids combined with the weight of the jogger is probably pushing one fitty these days. Fine, not that much but it's a freaking lot.

Anyway ... hopefully it's obvious that this is a post about sewing. Jodel, get your party hats on, and your red solos lined up for some pong. Good! Now you're ready to venture into the treacherous waters of excitement.

I don't think I've sewn anything since before Theo was born? I don't really feel too guilty about that because I only sew recreationally (as opposed to seriously) and mostly just to make the secondhand clothes I purchase ... fit better. So! (I was going to do the "sew!" but .... you were spared) remember my flares from a couple weeks ago? Wellll I think I went a little too narrow and made them into bootcut wranglers but ... they are more practical for my line of work and no more stepping all over the hem of the glorified maxi skirt with slits.

why the arrow? A question to ask my graphic designer. I think it looks .... necessary. Right.

Oh! Were you wanting to duplicate that magic? Step right over to my super clear tutorial on pant butchering. It's a lot of fun.

And let's quickly switch gears over to changing table pad covers!! Well, just one. The other two I made are still intact and fine but I have a bit of a fabric surplus and won't be making kids clothing ever ... I thought Julia's room could use a little facelift (well, this might qualify as a brief eyebrow raise but still). I love this super simple tutorial that even I can't screw up - mostly. Basically when it says to pin the hem -- do it. I never do and always have to pay for it with a niiiiice long date with my seam ripper - many ways to skin felines these days, I'm told.

I know changing tables are super unnecessary but we found this dresser combo thing on Craigslist and I'll admit I like the luxury with Theo. The big kids get the short end of the floor changes stick.

The kids will probably never touch those books because they seem to think all books are begging to be dismembered and eaten. Please tell me your kids do that too?

And now! For something that doesn't involve sewing or me. Katrina came through town last weekend and stayed the night with her adorable son Ryan, her 30 week baby belly, and her glow that my former pregnant self covets and she covets hard.

She was such a great guest and didn't balk at our basement guest quarters or the hot dog dinner or Lucky Charm breakfast AND she made this!!

I know I already showcased it on the gram. Deal wit it, lean, rock, whatever. Anyway - I posted this on Mother's Day as my favorite cross stitch from Simon's grandma's kitchen and Katrina straight up replicated that bleep. I never had the pleasure of meeting Grandma Janet which breaks my heart because something tells me I may have unhealthily worshiped her and her dry sense of humor. Anyway - guest of the century as she also she had gifts for the kids and Simon. She wins everything.

So the moral of the post is that I'm back in the sewing saddle and I'll try to keep the sewing posts to a minimum but I'm terrible at balance and even-steveness so we'll see how annoying I get with my alterations. My guess would be very to VERY.

See you then.


  1. Can you just alter all my clothes for me? I fear my sewing machine.
    Loooove those jeans. You look stellar my friend.

  2. I really need to learn how to sew. I inherited my Grandma's like new sewing machine and it's just sitting in the closet of our future baby's room. Wow that was quite the sentence! Anyway, I envy your ability to sew and make new creations. Perhaps I should just suck it up and pay for a class. Decisions decisions! I love that cross stitch... Cross stitching is something I CAN do and I love that she made that for you. The kids all look adorable and Katrina looks beautiful! I'm glad you two had such a nice visit! I'm looking forward to seeing some of your latest projects

  3. Such a pretty picture of Katrina!

  4. I've been thinking about doing this to some pants, but I'm a wee but scared its a straight path to ruination (for the pants). Yours look great!

  5. Hooray for sewing again! Love the changing pad cover, even though I am a die hard fan of floor diaper changing methods haha.

  6. I was anti changing table too, until I got a free one. Why oh why did I make fun of moms with changing tables? Lesson learned.

  7. Yay for more sewing posts! And thank you, thank you for being so very amusing... I NEEDED to laugh today. You're the best.

  8. So all I took from this was that someday when I schlep down your way to bring awesome gifts so we can be real-life friends. Oh, and I'm liking the pants! Not Wrangler at all!

  9. My kids destroy all our books as well. It amazes me how fast they do it. Love the pants conversion BTW.

  10. My kids simply adore to nosh on a good book! I have retrieved enough soggy paper from their clenched jaws to make a papier mache solar system. Pluto included.

  11. i couldn't alter something to save my life.


  12. I gave away my sewing machine, because I'm so inept. Sewing envy.

  13. Ironically, "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God." was the Gospel at Daily Mass today and that was my first thought when I saw the title of today's post. Well done! *smiles* So happy you and Katrina were able to meet! It's so fun to meet the real life people you've known online for so long! God bless you!

  14. I definitely got the title of the post... #unashamedpopfan right there with you.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I got the title if you're making an awesome Rocky reference. If not, then not.

  17. Two weekends ago, I chopped of the bottom of some brand new pants that my husband bought too long with the grand idea that I was going to "hem them" with the sewing machine I've used UN time to make the World's Most Simple pillowcase that for some reason made me feel like a now-pro, um, yea, those pants are now draped over a chair in my bedroom while my sewing machine sits in the corner with a broken needle. I am super jealous of your abilities.

  18. I've decided I just won't sew. But I'm glad there are people out there like you who don't prolong the misery that is shopping because they're afraid of needing to get something altered. I am glad.

  19. Nice, a 2 for 1. I read about Grace and get a dose of Katrina too! And I could stand to learn a few alteration tricks so break out the tutorials.

  20. Well I think you've got talent. I can't sew worth a damn. I call thread string. I can make a mean knot in that string though.

    AND! It physically PAINS me when they hurt books! Why!? Why oh why!?! Hooligans.

  21. My kids. They have indeed eaten books. I basically have decided books deserve to be purchased twice.

    And I really like the alteration you made on the pants!

  22. I change my kids on the bottom step. The diaper and wipes are in a container on the steps. It's the most centrally located place in the house, but I think visitors to our house think we're crazy.

  23. All the books in my house get destroyed and eaten... but only after being colored in first. I don't even know where they get the crayons from. I'm constantly confiscating them and they're constantly finding them. It's like I live in a crayola factory. I eagerly await the day that books are safe within these walls again.

    And nice job on the pants!

  24. 1. those pants are freakin awesome. loved them before and love them even MORE after. like a glove, grace. like a glove.
    2. i don't know katrina, but totally jel that she got to meet you in RL. plus, your needlings all look so adorable.
    3. if i could take a picture and add it to this comment, i would- ryder has this book with buttons that make sounds and if you ever wanted to know what the INside of those looked like, i could show you. not between the covers, mind you, IN the covers... itsy bitsy teeny weeny wires and other never-dangerous things.

  25. Okay 1) Love the alteration. I have not been brave enough to really alter anything yet, but you may have inspired me to take a stab at something soon.
    2) Yep, book eating sadly occurs here. And I don't even own a single changing pad to make up for it. Go you. 3) You are being way too kind. 4) Hotel Patton was perfect! I don't win at staying up past 10pm though. 5) Hot dog dinner was delicious, and of course so were the Lucky Charms. 6) I will be back!

  26. I really do love your sewing projects x

  27. Looks like Bash had a partner in crime for 24hours ;)

  28. You totally just ruined our jean-twins jeans, but it's okay because they still look amazing regardless. and damn you for being so skinny after having three kids. Maybe if I start running while pushing 150 lbs...

  29. I actually LOVE what you did with the pants! I'm not stylish at all, but I love when you can see a bit of the shoe peaking out from pants.

    Where did you get those bookshelves? They are awesome!

  30. I ran outta tape on Monday repairing the numerous books my 12 month old has dismembered and eaten. If the four year old doesn't learn to put those books up where she can't reach them, he will only be allowed cardboard books going forward. That should do wonders for keeping him reading at grade level.

  31. you got skillz and those pants look que fabuloso! and could i send you all the things i need altered? anything sewing related is my kryptonite. better yet, i'll come visit, you sew my ish, and i'll watch the kids. deal?

  32. The pants look fantastic!

    And your kids will grow out of the tear and gnaw phase with books. My boys (4 and 6) love to devour books in a good way. They read non-stop. Miriam is still hit or miss, so we have some ruined books (b/c they are currently on the floor, although I'm saving my pennies to get this bad boy for Christmas for them - ), but she mostly loves her Sanda Boynton board books, so while those take a beating, they are MUCH harder to rip to pieces in one sitting. And those are easy to replace. Which we've done.

  33. I think the alteration went nicely! Since I am never doing these things, I have to relearn how to use my machine eachandeverytime and then it takes one thousand years and I swear not to do it again. Maybe when the kids are older I'll have more than seven minutes each night to myself? Oh maybe not.

    That cross stitch rocks.

  34. Love the alterations! And Katrina is the best and the sweetest. I only hope we can all have a little ND football weekend together with Mary and Andrew, of course.

  35. I am a floor changer. Mike insists on a table.

    Yep. That's what I got out of this post...
