
16 July 2013

Conversations with Julia

Before we went outside ... 
Grace: Do you want some sunscreen?
Julia: oh, SURE I'll take some ice cream

This morning ...
Grace: what would you like for breakfast?
Julia: can you just cook me some coffee?
Grace: mmm how about something to eat?
Julia: oh! can you bake me come coffee, maybe?

An ongoing discussion ...
Julia: okay so when is my birthday?
Grace: 2 1/2 months
Julia: okay
Grace: in September
Julia: okay ...
Julia: okay so now it's my birthday?
Grace: still 2 1/2 months to go
Julia: okay so what about now?

I found her furiously tapping the desk downstairs with her fingertips staring straight ahead ...
Grace: what are you up to?
Julia: oh just doing my nemo
Grace: your email?
Julia: yeah, my nemo

When she saw Simon's never worn white coat hanging on a chair ...
Julia: did Daddy be a doctor today?!?!

Randomly when I called her by her given name of Julia ...
Julia: no, no, no, no I'm Goldilocks

Every single time I walk into the bathroom:
Julia: Can I watch?
Grace: no, please, no
Julia: (ignores) Bash!!!! come quick!!!

While Simon was watching her ...
Julia: tantrum tantrum tantrum tantrum
Julia: tantrum tantrum tantrum tantrum
Julia: (walks away) I just havin' a tough time

While anxiously waiting for some friends to come over ...
Grace: they'll be here in 40 minutes
Julia: okay, but - how many weeks is that?

On potty training ...
Julia: I'm too grumpy to potty train today
Julia: I'm just not in da mood to potty train
Julia: I'll just wear a diaper today, please 
Julia: I just want to be a baby and Theo can be the big girl

After tripping and starting to cry hysterically ...
Grace: what did you hurt? Your toe?
Julia: (in between sobs) NO!!!! MY PIGGY!!!!!

During Mass during that long period after communion but before the final blessing and with zero music to muffle ...
Julia: oh, I just had a gas!!
Julia: (sniffs the air) but, can you smell it?!

While watching me walk into the swimming pool in my swimsuit ...
Julia: is your swim diaper making your bottom big, Mommy?

After spotting a pair of Birkenstocks on the floor this weekend ...
Julia: oh! is JESUS here????

While I was getting ready to change Sebastian's bomb of a diaper:
Julia: Can I watch?
Grace: you really want to?
Julia: yes, and I promise that I WON'T eat it!

While sitting in the back pew and after a loooong stare at a little girl throwing an insane tantrum against the glass door of the cry room during Mass ...
Julia: do you think she needs some help with the door, maybe?


  1. Oh my goodness. I was just going to glance through these but then I found myself stifling my laughter so my Sebastian wouldn't wake up. Oh little Miss Julia, you are something.

  2. She is a riot! Love these posts :)

  3. Oh my how I loveeee hearing about what runs through Miss Julia's mind. I especially love her working on her "nemo"

  4. I love, I love, I love, I love, I love!!!

  5. The Jesus comment- priceless. I love her commentaries!!!

  6. Conversations with Julia are the highlight of my life. She is the funniest kid! (With the funniest mom!)

  7. Thank you for this! I love Conversations with Julia!

  8. This was the best blog post ever. Oh my goodness I laughed out loud at every single one. I think my favorite is the tantrum one. I wish you had all these on camera because I have such a clear picture in my head what is going on but man, just hilarious. As for the white coat comment, I have to say, I get it. My husband works inpatient pharmacy at the local hospital and was "required" to wear a white coat so we bought a bunch, they are all still hanging up in the front closet. *sigh* Oh well, at least he wore one to paint one time, that and pajama bottoms. ha I'm not sure what was worse, his painting or his outfit. Probably the outfit ;) Happy Tuesday!

  9. I seriously laugh out loud so hard when I read conversations with Julia. Amazing.

  10. That pic of Sebastian beasting on the sofa is hysterical. As are Julia's quotables.

    "I'll just wear a diaper today, please."

  11. These are the BEST. The best. Maybe Julia will learn to type before she's potty trained so she can start a blog of her very own :)

    And I'm not judging, but who owns the Birkenstocks?

  12. I can't even choose my favorite. Maybe this one because it reminds to hold off on having kids until like...forever

    Julia: Can I watch?
    Grace: no, please, no
    Julia: (ignores) Bash!!!! come quick!!!

    and no way this was said. if so, i want to babysit

    After spotting a pair of Birkenstocks on the floor this weekend ...
    Julia: oh! is JESUS here????

  13. hahahha 'is jesus here?'! i love her. and theo is looking so big in that last pic!!

  14. So, my mom and I talk daily about your blog but our favorite posts are definitely "conversations with Julia". Thanks for the laugh! P.S. Rock Chalk!

  15. HILARIOUS! How do you remember all these? I need a 24/7 tape recorder or something to capture my own children's hilarity b/c by the time I have the ability to write it down, I've forgotten it.

  16. My favorite is the gas comment at Mass....LOL!!!

  17. I love Conversations with Julia.

    But oh, how these posts make me wish I had written everything down everything my kids said when they were little. ...sigh....

  18. "Is Jesus here!?" I loled for sure. Julia is adorable.

  19. They just keep getting better & better! These totally brighten my day!

  20. Oh, the swim diaper one!! Clearly, God felt you needed a little humility in your life, but the name of Julia!!

  21. Is Jesus here is my favorite!
    I'll share two of mine. My Cody heard a commercial about Breast Cancer Awareness and started dying laughing. I said, "Cody, do you know what Breast cancer is?" and he said, (still laughing) "I don't know what CANCER is but I know what a breast is!" And... our family favorite... we lived a few miles North of Atlanta Motor Speedway and when he was small (twenty years ago) they used to hold a big race the second weekend of November. Before race weekend all the local stores would have all their big festive advertising stuff out and you know what kind of products sponsor NASCAR. Cody was about three when he asked one day, "Mommy, why does our town decorate for Thanksgiving with beer cans?"
    Kids are awesome. And Cody's still adorable, even at 23.

  22. Never not my favorite. She and Jones need to have a play date. I think they'd get along.

  23. Yes! I love these every single time. And I can never narrow down a favorite, but omg with the swim diaper!

  24. Nice... love the gas comment. I got a "mama I need to make stinky" shouted to me during the silence before the homily a few weeks ago... I feel your embarrassment! : )

  25. I'm not really a laugh-out-loud kind of girl... with the exception of reading this blog post. What a little character! She's hilarious and one day you are going to be so glad you wrote these down (even if she isn't)!

  26. Haha...possibly the funniest yet! I especially love the Birkenstocks comment!

  27. Hahahahaha...the bathroom conversation pretty much sums that experience up. Every. Day.

  28. Conversations with Julia are my FAH-VORITE! Love that Jesus remark!

  29. I might be alone on this one, but I managed to hold my laughter INSIDE my body until the "No!!! My PIGGY!" Ohhhh how did Mom not laugh at that one?!?

  30. Oh my goodness, Julia (I mean Goldilocks) brings the Lolz. I live for these posts!

  31. Mass gas is brutal. This Sunday Junior announced to the entire cry room that his "butt hurts real bad; I might halfta poopie." it was almost as wonderful as when he told his friend, at mass, during the sign of peace, loud enough for everyone around us to hear, "Guess what? I pooped on the potty this morning!" He was so proud of himself, and I wished the goldfish cracker covered carpet would swallow me whole.

  32. Oh man! She is a RIOT. Just for fun, you should put up a poll on each of these posts so we can vote for our favorite "ism" :)

  33. I am sitting here in the couch laughing my head off at Conversations with Julia while my husband watches super serious Bill O'Reilly. John does not appreciate the interruption... But I don't care!

  34. Oh my goodness...too too too funny!

  35. Hilar... As always. She comes by it all naturally, though! "From the gene pools that brought you Simon Says and Camp Patton..."

  36. Impossible to pick a favorite. Impossible.

  37. "Can I watch?" The creepy credo of toddlers. I don't even know if I can pee without someone in the bathroom anymore.

    Love that Julia, all that wit and charm in an adorable little package!

  38. So adorable!! My 11yo daughter and I were laughing at the cuteness. You don't make this stuff up?

  39. Oh my gosh! She is hilarious!!!! I love it!

  40. Oh, I just love the comments during the welcoming silence at Mass. A personal favorite Mass-quote from our family is this: "I know what's coming! One more prayer, one more song, and we're OUTTA HERE. Yes!" Oh yes he did screech that little liturgical rite gem right to the rafters. Sotto voce, darlings.

    Julia would be a best pal here. I even have a mutish half-man child for Bash to knock around with and a 6 month old for Theo. And what's even better is that I have a teenager who can watch them while we sit back with something cold and alcoholic.

  41. Omg I just can't wait to hear what j and a will come up when they get together.... hopefully we aren't too tipsy so we remember!

  42. Omg I just can't wait to hear what j and a will come up when they get together.... hopefully we aren't too tipsy so we remember!

  43. I want you to know that the second I see a Convos with J post, I immediately ask my office mate at work if she wants me to read them outloud so we can chuckle over them together... and by chuckle, I mean uncontrollably laugh.

    Our favs this time: sunscreen to ice cream - I would totally do something like that too! J and me are twinsies!
    Nemo! - sounds like someone wants to be just like her mommy...

    Oh! and the Mass gas! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    Really important question that I should know the answer to - do you pronounce Julia's name as Jul-eeee-aaaa? or Jul-ya? My baby sis is named Julia, and we've always pronounced it Jul-ya (or J, or Juju bean, or Juju, or Jules, or Jul-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! aaaaaaaaaaa!!!! or Huuuuuuuuuuuuliiiiiaaaaaaaaa!!)

    Longest comment ever. Apologies.

  44. I read these while eating breakfast and almost spit cereal all over the laptop screen because I was laughing so hard. LOVE these so much!

  45. Hahahahahahaha I'm laughing soooo much!!!! I wish I could be your neighbour to hear all these conversations over the garden fence and stifle huge laughs at all of this. I decided I would put my glass of water down before I read this post because Conversation with Julia are my absolute favourite - good job I did or it would be all over my laptop right now.


  46. Yes! These are my favourite posts! The winner:

    Every single time I walk into the bathroom:
    Julia: Can I watch?
    Grace: no, please, no
    Julia: (ignores) Bash!!!! come quick!!!

    This is my life.

  47. Please never stop this series. I laugh just so... every. time.

  48. THE BEST. Little J always outdoes herself.

  49. OH MY GOSH! she is so funny. you better always continue this for all of your children (: {please}

  50. LOL these posts are my favorite. I love the coffee convo!!!

  51. The apple didn't fall far from the tree on this one! Hilarity obv runs in the fam.

  52. I don't even think I can pick a favorite quote today. Too too good!

  53. Oh my gosh, I just love her! I can't wait for Conversations with Bah to start happening.

  54. Note to self.... do NOT read in a quiet office and laugh loudly. These are great!

  55. literally LOL'ing over here. Can't wait till my girl is old enough to have some of these convos.

  56. Oh how I needed my Julia this afternoon. She just makes me laugh. How I love this girl. I think if my Court could speak, I think she would be just as spunky as Miss Julia. Thanks so much for sharing...laughing is a great stress relief.

  57. My best friend says (regarding the last Julia-ism) - maybe her mommy needed help with the door to run away.

  58. it's all so good. how to choose just one?!? the Jesus Birkenstock one was reeeeeal good.

  59. The Birkinstocks one is THE best ever!!! LOL!!! Plus it is proof that you are raising her to be a good catholic daughter!!!

  60. My friend and I read this together and we were rolling on the floor laughing! We love Julia. Can't wait till it becomes conversations between Julia and Bash.
    My fav's were: "cook me some coffee" (we would get along swell),
    Sunscreen = icecream (I can understand the deliberate misinterpretation)
    and wanting to be called goldilocks. She is beyond precious!
