
05 June 2013

Three Years Blogged + a Linkup!

Three years and 1017 published posts later - here I be! Up in the attic taking a break from folding a Vesuvius of laundry while watching Ready For Love (the worst). Soooo .... nowhere special.

oh, and someone just woke up ready to be slave driven ...

Just as long as it only involves limb flailing, finger chewing, and rapid fire hair loss.

Three years ago I was five months pregnant with Julia and started a blog on a whim. There hasn't been a right time to quit yet (but if there were some big fat easy DELETE button - I'm sure I would've pushed it by now) and it's great to have a place to vent, complain, and type about all things exciting involving my super exciting children. Okay - enough reflecting. No one cares, Blogger Grace.

I thought (and I often think wrong, so very very wrong!) that it'd be fun to have a linkup of everyone's favorite posts from their own blogs.

If I were Laura I'd probably link my entire series on SAHMomiforms.
If I were Hallie - I love this post.
If I were Jen ... this was a recent diamond.
Colleen had a hysterical post on her juicing experience.
And if you don't laugh out loud while reading Natalie's post I don't think that we'd get along.

But I can't link for any of them unless I wanted to play weird and dirty and I don't - so I hope you'll link your stuffs. As many as you want.

I think my two favorite posts are my post about my year as a teacher

not because it involves any great writing that would win any sort of Blogberry but because no matter how bad of a mom I think I am ... I can always pop back to that post and remember that I was a MUCH worse teacher. So much worse.

And then last year's wedding anniversary post ...

... because I think that may have been when I realized I had a professional slideshow making gift. Life changing.

So ... link it, link it real good and I'll thank you in advance right now. Thank you!!

(and thank you for reading!! and commenting!! Nicest readers in the e-world!!)

AND ... happy birthday to Rachel!!

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  1. I'm forever grateful that there isn't a big giant DELETE button!! Happy Blogaversary or whatever it is called.

  2. My favorite post of yours is whichever one started the Bumpo firestorm.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My favorite post is based SOLEY on pic numero uno... that totally counts, right?

  5. What a great idea! And, happy anniversary!! :)

  6. I find it to be a great coincidence that it seems that you write and publish everyday around the same time I come home from picking up the kids from school to check what´s new around blogworld. Seriously Grace, I only found your blog about three months ago but I was hooked from day one. Some day I´ll go back and read the ones I missed. Thank you!!!! (I can also speak from my husband who so much enjoys Conversations with Julia and Bash´s bad grades every Sunday)

  7. I was obsessed with Ready for Love!! Great minds, Grace. Great minds.

  8. Happy Anniversary to a great blog! As embarrassing as this is (= very embarrassing), I've read through all 1017 posts in the past month. I'm looking forward to post 1018 and beyond :)

  9. Bahahahahaha, I was just looking through some of your old posts that are my favorite and I realized you have a category called "shut up grace". Hahahaha. But I think my favorite is "sorry if my posts are boring for a bit - you can join my middle finger and blame anonymous."

  10. Happy anniversary!!! The Internet would be a very sad place without The Camp.

  11. your blog makes me day. don't ever stop blogging... i don't want to be addicted to anything else! congrats, Grace!!! XO

  12. So John saw your pic at the top and said "is that you with J?" Umm no that's is Grace and Theo and so he was thus introduced to the Camp today...Happy Blogiversary ;)

    Also-Ready for Love is baddddd. They are 1 for 3 on lasting love, huh?

  13. happy blogiversary! i don't know what i'd do without my daily dose of patton-ness

  14. Happy Anniversary! I'm pretty sure that the third anniversary gift is leather so go shoe, purse, jacket wild, girl!

  15. Hooray for 3 years! My 3 year blog anniversary is coming up. I'm trying to not focus on how my blog has picked up very little steam over the years. It would help if I were funny or had interesting things to say. I will work on that I suppose. :)

  16. Congratulations! I think my favorite post is a cookie non-recipe. Is that so lame?

    1. Dwija, that cookie non-recipe made me howl. Seriously, belly shaking, tears streaming, gonna wake the nursing baby and I don't even care, laughter. You two ladies are theee best. Xoxo

  17. Happy Anniversary to the funniest blog I read! I hope its not against the rules, but I linked up twice. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane!

  18. Okay your like my tv twin. I kind of loved ready for loved. Only slightly ashamed to say how much i loved ready for love. Even when it was canceled and I kept watching via computer. ALso, I linked up the slideshow we played at our wedding. Just because I love slideshows.

  19. Happy blogiversary to my favorite blogger in the whole blog world. Don't you dare press delete, ever. Weeping and gnashing of teeth wil ensue.

  20. Happy anniversary! Hard to say no to an invite like this. No kidding: I have butterflies in my stomach. :-) Thanks for the shout-out. P.S. I love that post about your teaching experiences.

  21. Love your blog as a mom of a daughter a week younger than Julia and a son two weeks younger than Theo, it is so nice to know I am not alone in the madness.

  22. First of all, so glad you have stuck with the blogging thing because your stuff is the most fun to read.
    Secondly, your wedding slideshow just solved my "what to do for 5th anniversary with zero dolares" dilemma. Too bad I would love getting that from Osk way more than he'll appreciate it. The best gift he's given so far is a fleece jacket sewn on the wrong side of the fabric (from Ross). Not to be unappreciative or anything. :)
    Being that I've only been blogging 2ish months, I have nothing that doesn't make me cringe upon rereading (probably won't change as I continue blogging) so I shan't be linking up today. Fun idea though. I will certainly enjoy all the other fine people's masterpieces.

  23. My favorite one, by far, is the 3 year one. I might have shed a tear or two...

    really, any post that you include videos in. oooo the vuh-log one! still waiting on part dos.... ;)

  24. Happy 3 years! This was sosososososo hard to pick a favorite. Not because I have a lot of qualifiers, but the opposite of that.

  25. 3 YEARS!?!? I have way mucho posts to catch up on... I started reading when I was pregnant with Ryder (~2 years ago), and I've followed links back to your previous posts and kept clicking and following and I'm pretty sure I've read at least 90% of the 1017. I'm racking my ryder-fried brain trying to pick ONE favorite, but there are seriously so so many that it would be like picking my favorite day ever so far with Ryder: I love every single one, all for different reasons. The one sticking out to me right now is the Martyr Complex. Every blog you post resonates somehow, someway with me, and this one just hit me hard. and I never am serious ever so that means i especially loved it. close runners up would be just about any "Conversations with Julia," or the one where you called Bash "Sebastian Fatton"
    Here's to 3 more years! (at LEAST)

  26. Just 3 years and you have eleventy thousand readers?! And I have been blogging for a decade and I have about a dozen. YOU WIN. Because it's a competition?

    Happy Blogversary!

  27. I love your blog so much! what a fun idea for a linkup!

  28. There actually IS a giant red delete button. I am very very grateful you haven't used it. Happy blogiversary!

  29. Happy Blog Awesomeness! And now, I must go dig out a post to share. I'm also getting ready to pop something in the mail for you tomorrow, so feel free to be underwhelmed in three, two, one...

  30. Congratulations, Grace! I know the years have probably flown by, but it IS a long time! I love both of the posts you picked, but let's be honest, they're all gems. PLEASE keep writing, never ever stop!

  31. Happy Blogiversary! The teacher post was funny, but the wedding video is so awesome! I smiled and choked up all over again. And don't ever hit the Delete button. Ever.

  32. Happy Blog-anniversary! I haven't been following you for very long, so I'm looking forward to reading some of your old posts!

  33. Hi Grace,
    love the slide-show. Would love to see more of these on your blog :-)(and is that Simons Dad in the babtizm-picture on the right side? The guy just looks like a twin of Simon...)
    Keep up the good write - I am reading on the daily (so dare you hit the delete button *g*) - although because of the time difference between the "old" and the "new" world I am usually legging a day behind :-( ...

  34. Oh gosh.. I could sit here clicking links ALL DAY.

  35. I was also a teacher for a year, once-upon-a-time, and did a pretty bad job of it, I'm sure. I don't ever want to go back, but I like to think that if I did, I would have much better "classroom management" this time around. Dealing with my own kids -the toddler especially - has taught me a lot about being totally unsympathetic in the face of whining, pleading, cute looks, etc. I realize that things go much smoother when instead of trying to appease the whims and desires of my little charges, I just say, "nope! my way or the highway!"...haha.

    Happy three years! I'm astounded at your number of posts!

  36. grateful for the non-existence of a delete button! horrible former teachers unite!

  37. oh the classroom! it's why teachers appreciate summers and summer drinks more than anyone else!
    i LOVED the wedding anniversary video.

  38. ooo I am super looking forward to reading everyone's favorite posts!
