
21 June 2013

7 Quick Takes

It's Friday. Linking up with Jen.

1. I have a luh-hot to say today. Buckle UP.

2. First day of summer! I think now would be a good time to change our flannel sheets? Simon says ...... hell yes.

2. Okay let me see how complicated I can spin this web of siblings and in-laws and bffs. Here we goOooooOOoOOOOoOo .....

Meet Ruth:

and her clan. Her boys are eleven months apart and yet she lets me vent about my needlings by way of email/text almost daily. She's my people and she's the best. 

We were partners in crime in DC back in the day ...

okay well this was the weekend I got married but I couldn't resist showing off my hands free cellie (it was purple metallic) ... anyway if it weren't for Ruth I would probably still be standing in the apartment she single-handedly moved me out of (and into a respectable townhouse with some other ladies) six years ago because she gets-shit-done and I do not. Again, the best. 

SO ... I met her through my college roomie and friend Liza ... because Liza's brother is married to Ruth's sister ... I know you're following. You're smart. 

Liza and her huz. They just had the cutest little baby boy. Thee cutest. 

Anyway -- Liza and I were enemies in college (I was and still am very mature) but then we moved in together (along with Anna!) and quickly became inseparable. She brought me home to New Jersey for Thanksgivings when I couldn't make it back to NM and even though she is one of 9 kids they always made me feel so welcome and at home and it was great. 

Visiting Liza in the Big Apple for her birthday. Why I make friends with girls that have the best hair is something I need to ponder. Does little for the hair esteem.

Liza has a brother named Pete (or Peter -- some call him Peter, I think) and he went to the same college ...

Okay, Pete is the groom and the lady in white his is wife, Rachel. I met her once and she can tear it UP on the dance floor. Plus - look at that dress. I don't know who those other people are but I yanked this off of Facebook so -- thank you other people. 

Back in college Peter found out he had bone cancer  (I'll let him take it from here)

"Ten years ago (4/2/03), I underwent a pretty radical surgery as part of my fight against bone cancer. I decided to have a modified amputation called rotationplasty in order to totally remove the part of my leg that had a bone tumor, and to also have the greatest chance of resuming athletics in the future.

 It's been a long road toward improved mobility, but thankfully, each year I feel like the realm of what's "physically possible" seems to expand a bit more, largely thanks to the encouragement of my friends, inspiration of other challenged athletes, & the help of my top notch prosthetist. 

SO this year, in celebration and gratitude for 10 years of life as a survivor, I am going to compete in my first triathlon. "

(this is Grace again) ... You can read more about the triathlon and the great cause here. If you can spare some lettuce - he'd be forever grateful AND if you live in the NYC/Jersey area ... go cheer him on! Do it!!

You know I don't use the word "inspiring" ever but his attitude in college was just that. And he was pretty great to put up with me and Liza's shenanigans. Oh ... he didn't ask me to put this up I just wanted an excuse to go through zillions of old Facebook albums. Thanks Pete.

4. The other night I noticed I had a lot of traffic coming from a parenting forum. I clicked over and saw that someone was talking smack about Bash getting into the deodorant .... yawn. No one responded to the smack typer PLUS if they'd actually read the post they'd know that it was Simon's fault. Anyway ... Simon dropped the ball again last night as he scolded me for leaving the new jar of peanut butter on the couch and THEN he put it up on the (super safe!!!) counter before sitting down to chat for five minutes. Maybe four. You see where this is going.

We soon heard giggling coming from the basement and normally the kids just scream and fight and bite each other so I knew something was very wrong because they don't do harmony.

I went downstairs and found this ...

Whatever. I was just glad that it wasn't the contents of a diaper.

Pretty much the entire jar of peanut butter was strewn all over the basement. Simon wondered if maybe it would be easier to let it dry into "peanut brittle" and then just vacuum it but he didn't wait to see and cleaned it up. Julia's hair is still getting a deep conditioning treatment several hours later ...

5. I'm marinating some chicken right now so that Simon can grill it tonight. I've never done such a thing so I thought you should know. I'm also making this bomb salad that Maria thought up. I'll graduate from horrible homemaker to mediocre homemaker before you can yell, "shut up."

6. I don't want to give anything away but rumor around the Camp is that Simon might be making his outfit post debut this weekend .... things to look forward to. He is very excited, as you can imagine.

7. Oh! This season of the Bachelorette is officially the worst EVER. I hate it and you know how much I love it. Ashley more than makes up for it though ... love her.

Have a nice weekend if you dare. I'm going to try.


  1. That salad is totally my style. I expect a full report. Gabe lol'd at the PB pics, thanks for that. And thanks for the stroll down Ruth Memory lane because I miss seeing her face.

  2. Ok, why do I feel bad for laughing at the peanut butter pictures?? I mean LOLing :D I'm just sorry about the mess, but the pictures are hilarious and I'm showing them to my husband tonight and I'm not sorry. I've had the exact same thing happen around here except substitute the peanut butter with baby powder, my baby looked like a geisha and she applied it so even and perfectly all over her face, I also just had to take pictures, first I laughed, then ran to get the camera and then pretended not to laugh while telling her "you don't do that" :)

  3. Oh my gosh. I LOVE the peanut butter pictures. Love them.

    And am so glad my little guy isn't quite old enough to do that ... yet. ;) I'm sure we have plenty of that headed our way in a year or two.

  4. Love everything about this post!

    And couldn't agree more about the Bachelorette. (Yawn)

  5. Peanut butter'ed bash & Julia is hilarious!! who knows, perhaps it's a really good skin treatment too? Full of protein..!


  6. Long time stalker, first time commenter. I can't stop crying at the peanut butter. Crying great tears of laughter.

    I have no words to say...the peanut butter pictures take my breath away...truly...
    I wish you nothing but a peaceful peanut butter facial free weekend...LOL!

  8. All I can say is that I glanced at your post before reading it and I was SO glad to read that the kids were covered in nothing worse than peanut butter.

  9. Don't worry bout dem haters. They gon hate.

    But seriously, you are such a good mom! The peanut butter pictures are hilarious and will this will be a great story to tell for years to come!

    Can't wait for Simon's wardrobe debut, and yes, God bless Ashley for keeping our lives spicy when the Bachelorette cannot.

  10. Peanut butter is a PAIN to clean up! I would definitely not have had the same reaction you did :) My mom is deathly allergic to peanut butter and when my sister and I were little, we broke a glass jar of peanut butter on the floor and smeared it all over the kitchen (I swear it was an accident!). I'm not sure how my mom survived the attempt on her life, but she somehow got it all cleaned up even though she still likes to throw that in my face at regular intervals.

  11. Oh my. The peanut butter. It's those moments where you just can't even say anything when you see it! And in our six-degrees-of-separation, my husband and I were on a flag football team with Anna a number of years ago in Atlanta. Funny.

  12. Ok, I'm not following the college friend/DC roommate/triathlon scenario, but it's probably not because you were not clear. I'm just super distracted because I think I know people in all your pictures and it's totally weirding me out. Is that Leyland?? I don't know Ruth but she looks exactly like a sweet lady named Maria B. who I knew in VA so I'm thinking they have to be related. I think the degrees of separation in Catholic circles are like, two or less. Also I have that magenta top from Banana Republic.
    Also love the peanut butter thing. Mine recently did that with Vaseline.

    1. Yes, Ruth is my sister! I am married to Peter's brother, Andrew. I can't believe you used the word "sweet" to describe me. Most folks go for "crazy."

    2. Yes, Ruth is my sister! I am married to Peter's brother, Andrew. I can't believe you used the word "sweet" to describe me. Most folks go for "crazy."

    3. Haha! Well, you were very sweet when I congratulated you on the birth of your child by exclaiming, halfway through a conversation, "Oh, you're not pregnant anymore!"
      I hope all is well in VA. We miss Blessed Sacrament!

  13. Finger painting with peanut butter... LOVE! Back when we first got the internet I was back in the bedroom with our huge computer waiting for the buzzzzzz... "you've got mail" and we left our three year olds in the living room playing for maybe three minutes tops. We realized they were being too quiet and found that they had finger painted every inch of my kitchen from about three feet down with ketchup. And of course I've cleaned up more Poop Picassos than I care to remember. All you can do is take pictures and laugh. My mother says I covered the cat in dippity-doo once - that's like an old timey hair gel. I say... if the cat is stupid enough to stand still that long... he deserves it. Anyways. thanks for the laugh!

    1. and I meant to say my friend and I were in the bedroom... not that I had two three year olds at the same time. Lord have mercy!

  14. Yes! The giggling! People look at me like I'm Scrooge Mom from H-E-double-hockey-sticks because I bark at my boys, "No giggling! Stop laughing! Get away from your brother!" Seriously, giggling means if they ain't already in trouble, they gonna be, big time."

  15. Peanut butter pictures funny? Uhm of course! But Julia's hair in the stroller is what brought laugh tears to my eyes.

  16. oh. my. gosh.
    Seb and J are just toooo much! I love it. Their antics probably aren't always a treat, but I'm seriously hoping that my kids (somedaysomedaynotanytimesoon) are as crazy and hilarious as them.

    Also, I'm craving PB, so thanks Pattons.

    PS how in the heck did I miss the deodorant post?! HILAR. I died. Best. story. ever. My brother was notorious for eating tubes of chapstick and cutting his PJs as his "craft"...that Maggie girl can take a hike. Psh.

  17. That peanut butter...OMG! I would have a major freakout if my kids did that. You must really be the best mom ever really...because my patience would have been so thin, I"m not sure what I would do if my kids did that. Funny. And, I totally missed that "bad mom" was one of the things googled to get to your blog, hilarious. well, sort of.

  18. #4 is the BEST! That is a regular occurrence over here. So glad I could laugh at it, although...not so funny when it's at my house!

  19. OMG - the peanut butter. Hilarious! Sorry to laugh, but the pictures are priceless. What's that they say about missing these days when they're over?! :) The littles look completely giddy over the event though! That salad sounds delish - adding it to the weekend menu. Love the old pics - you are so, so pretty!

  20. O...M...G, I'm laughing at the peanut butter incident, but had it been ME, I probably would have freaked out!!! lol!

  21. that stroller picture is kind of the cutest ever! and haha oh the peanut butter. kids these days ;)

  22. From what I hear, peanut butter is great for the complexion and for the hair. :)

  23. J-ogger's "stroller hair" is *almost* as awesome as Pete's triathlon commitment! Go, Pete!! Could "The Camp" publish posters of both? Me. Want. -Dad

  24. I didn't know Pete at school, just knew of him, but that is awesome he's doing a triathlon. Thanks for sharing! And the PB is too funny- reminds me of The Office episode when Michael Scott had gum in his hair.


    I don't know how you can stay home with those three and not go crazy.

    I'm totally looking forward to simon's outfit post. EXCITED. I HOPE HE DOESN'T DISAPPOINT.

  26. Oh peanut butter! My sister who is # 12 in our family got into the biggest jar of peanut butter you can possible buy from Sam's club. She had it everywhere and even ruined the rest of the jar by throwing stew and other things into it. She was a mess!!! So my Mom and I took a photo. So sometimes craziness just has to happen so you can get a good photo-op out of it. :)

  27. Hmmm, I'm pretty sure I went to college with Ruth's husband. Or his long lost banjo-playing twin.

  28. i think i cried a little at all the peanut butter but then laughed more than a little at j's hair.

  29. The peanut butter photos seriously made my day...I kept showing them to friends. And J's post pb hair? Fabulous.

  30. Oh man. MAN! I'm really really sorry about the PB. Kids are, like, totally THE WORST, hey?
