
15 May 2013


Full disclosure: Wendy's asked if I'd be interested in trying their new Frosty Waffle Cones and writing about it (first I made sure that hadn't mistyped an email address because .....) so technically this is a sponsored post but I solemnly swear that I would've blogged about yesterday anyway (you know me) and it was only a matter of time before we tried the cones because we love a good drive-thru. Also ... spoiler alert: Simon is fine.

I was basking in the insanely sweet glow of ALL of your kind comments on yesterday's post when Simon let me know that he'd be home earlier than anticipated. Good things to happen to whiny wives, apparently. We thought he was going to have to stay for an add-on case but it ended up being something that a general surgeon would need to handle so ... Cha-ching for us. I had my act super together and had sauteed some vegetables to throw onto the frozen pizza I was going to slave over for dinner when Simon called on his way home. We were chatting about getting ice cream with the kids after Dinner Gourmet when Simon said there was a ton of traffic and then I heard a crash and the phone went dead. I only had .3 seconds to freak before Sebastian ran up with a huge smile and a drippy, bloody nose. While I cleaned him up I told myself that maybe just maybe Simon had merely dropped the phone before I washed my hands and called him back.

He didn't answer but called back right away perfectly fine and cursing the sweetheart that had just hit him hard and caused him to hit the (nice brand new!) car in front of him and sped off. He couldn't open his door to get out and lamented that he had left his license at the hospital. Cha-ching for no one.

He eventually made it home ....

"who broke Simon's car?"

The back looks even prettier. 

He is totally fine (most importantly) and the officer was super nice (not happy about it!) to not give him a ticket for riding dirty sans license.  The kids and I had already wolfed down half the pizza waiting for him to come dragging bumper/burning rubber home so he ate his dinner while telling me how optimistic the cop sounded about finding Mr. Hit and Run. I had (stupidly) told Julia that we were going to get ice cream that night and you don't tell a Julia you're doing to do something fun and not do it unless you want to suffer the wrath of the eternal whine. Simon generously watched the boys (one of whom was throwing a beast of a "NO!!!" tantrum and I'll let you guess who that was) while Julia and I enjoyed a nice quiet drive to the Wendy's drive-thru. 

Simon is a huge fan of Frosties (and I don't hate them, unfortunately) and I ordered two Frosty Waffle Cones and the gentleman of an employee was really nice about my annoying, "ooo, um -- uh -- do you think you could put a little less frosty in one of them so my toddler can hold it on the way home?" request. Yes I am that annoying customer. Always.

(why I thought goth nails would be appropriate for Mary's wedding is a mystery I'll never solve)

I would never ever say that Julia or Sebastian are deprived children but they've never had ice cream in a cone and I'm scared we have some new little addicts on our hands ...

... and I don't blame them. These are good. Really good. 

Heaven forbid the most selfish parents in the world sneak a taste ...

"I just need to streatch it!!"

Did Wendy's save the night? Of course not. But our little 12 minute timeout did a world of good for our moods and attitudes yestereve. The car is still a mess but Simon was able to clip off some flappy pieces and screw the other flappy pieces to the body of the car and he can get in and out of the passenger side door for the time being. 

Our neighbors who are expecting their first baby walked by as Simon was performing the Jetta's operation and Julia gladly yell-told them all about the Jesus (rosary) around her neck, Sebastian came thisclose to biting their dog, and Theo spit up 3 times in a row all over my pants and shoes while we were chatting. I'm sure we made them even more excited for their September due date. 

Did you make it through? I've heard tales some people like dipping fries in their Frosty and um ..... I'm not a total food prude but I don't know .... has anyone dared to do such a thing? Thanks in advance for yaying or naying that potential disaster.

And MANY thanks to Wendy's for making our day a little bit messier and a lot a bit sweeter (I almost went with Frostier but ... you were spared).


  1. Yes, french fries dipped in Frosty are MAGICAL.

  2. Sorry about the car...thank goodness Simon is okay! Oh those cones look amazing...glad they were able to lift everyone's spirits! xo.

  3. Absolutely always dip the fries in the frosty....always. Glad Simon is Ok!

  4. Oh French fries and frosty is only the BEST thing EVER! Well, second maybe to my first post-partum margarita!

  5. Soooo funny! (and I, too, am glad your hubby is okay) You are so delightfully real! Wish I lived next door! :)

  6. I'm glad Simon is alright!!!! I love dipping my fries in a frosty!! The sweet and salty combination is fantastic!!!!!!

  7. Get past the prudishness and dip those fries in that frosty. Seriously you are missing out on one of the world's greatest pleasures.

    Glad Simon's ok even though the car is not.

  8. so glad simon is okay!! And... Paul gives the same face when I force him to share food with me. haha

  9. French fries dipped in Frostys are amazing!!! Lol i love the picture of Sebastian when his ice cream was taken from him!

  10. If I had been in your shoes, I would have had a mini heart attack with the crash and the phone going dead and everything. A frosty would have definitely been needed. I've never been a fry dip in the frosty kind of gal. I'm a traditionalist I suppose.

  11. Glad Simon is OK!!! And I would have called 45 times until he answered bc I am calm and level headed like that...

    I also do the frosty-fry dip. Salty/sweet and hot/cold combo double win.

  12. Poor car (and Simon!) Any kind of car trouble is the worst. Oh and I am a fry-dipped-in-frosty enthusiast even though I'm not big on Wendy's fries. I feel like the ideal fry/frosty experience would be McDonald's fries with a Wendy's frosty but going from one fast food place to another to buy two fattening foods to make one fat snack is a little much even for me. I'm no above it, just not sure it would be worth the guilt.

  13. YYYYEEEEESSSSSS! Wendy's fries and their chocolate frosty are a WONDERFUL treat! TRRRRYYYY ITTTT!!!!!!

    (did the capitals and extra letters not help convince you yet to speed that minivan back to Wendy's?!)

  14. Eh. I'm not too into the fries-in-the-frosty phenomenon. Though I do love each separately.

    PS you look so pretty in your unplanned photos. Teach me your ways.

  15. Frosty's and fries are my FAVE!! And I am definitely going to be trying those new frosty's in a cone, we are big Wendy's lovers around here :) Glad Simon is OK, sorry about the car though, car troubles are the worst!

  16. Glad Simon is ok!!!! Is talking on the phone while driving legal in Missouri? Its illegal here in California. Get that man a hands-free kit for Father's Day, for your own piece of mind at least.

    And I loooove a Frosty with some fries. The sweet and salty is the ultimate combo!

  17. stinks about the car and all the associated hassles, but Frosties are "a-lishus", as my 3 year old says, and Frosty dipped fries are downright fantastic. I love them immoderately.

  18. Tell Wendy's to keep paying you. I am reading this and going, "Wow, they have Frosties in a cone? I need a Frosty in a cone."
    Sorry to hear about the car.

  19. ALWAYS dip fries in the Frosty, Grace. Always. Also good- kids' meals for adults- get the kids' sized Frosty so you feel less guilty about all of it since it's tiny sized.

    I did it Monday night, not gonna lie.

  20. FRIES IN FROSTIES ALWAYS! lol Seriously delish, perfect sweet and salty treat!

  21. Back when I used to eat fast food (I don't intend the pretentiousness there, but I hear it as well...) I dipped fries in Frosty's and waffle fries in Ice Dreams (Chick-fil-A).

    It's good, and that combo is the only thing that has me momentarily wanting fast food again.

  22. Grace. Dipping fries in frosties (or shakes at lesser establishments) is a MUST.

  23. Fries dipped in frosties got me through college. True story.

    SO unfortunate about the accident! Aaron got in an accident a couple years ago on his way home and he started his call to me with, "Just to let you know, I'm ok!" Which, of course, made me totally freak out. So scary.

    I'm glad everyone is ok and got a little ice cream!

  24. Fries in Frosty: Yes. But only if they're really hot fresh fries.

    While the Frosty can in fact salvage coldish-probably should have made new ones but Shavanity is on fries today and doesn't care-fries, it is best to experience this treat for the first time with tasty fresh fries.

    And yes, Shavanity does work at my Wendy's because I am an awesome wife who sometimes "cooks" fast food for dinner. And I know her by name.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Yes, Fries and Frosties are a MUST Try! Although, oddly enough I have only done this at Wendy's everywhere else it just seems wrong.

  27. Frosties with hot fries dipped in = YUM. Do try. But just fyi I'm just the teensiest bit irritated at you for informing me of this new DRIVE-THROUGH summer ice cream treat. The only reason I haven't taken my kids to cold stone for dinner yet this summer (here in phoenix it's already triple-digits till after their bedtime) is because I'm too lazy to buckle/unbuckle and then repeat on the way home. *shaking my fist

    1. Ha, I am ALL ABOUT THE DRIVE-THRU since having kids. I was so judgmental prior to having kids.."what, these people are so lazy they can't even get out of the car to get their fast food?" ...and now, if it doesn't have a drive-thru we aren't going there. Motherhood, who knew it would be so humbling.

  28. Fries in a frost are AMAZING. So are fries dipped in a vanilla In N Out milkshake, but I don't think you have those over there, so please please please try fries in a frosty. Julia and Bash won't be the only addicts ;)

  29. Glad no one was hurt. We just introduced Hannabert to ice cream in cones. He was inconsolable as we tried to remove the paper to prevent him from eating it with the cone.

  30. Thank you for the spoiler. Reading the story without it would have been awful!

  31. Yep, once upon a time I loved the fry frosty dip. Now I really try to stay away from both, although it seems the less I eat the more I weigh, so maybe I should really pig out on frosty fries.

    Sorry about the hit and run. What a terrible thing for a person to do. My brother's car was once hit by a truck driving way too fast in a snowstorm. He was only a teenager at the time and thank goodness the truck hit him a few feet behind the driver's door or he wouldn't have survived. He was fine, but the driver of the truck tried to leave the scene without even checking on him first (the car went down a ravine). He truck wouldn't drive though, thank goodness. But did he ever jump down the ravine to check if he killed a teenage kid? Nope. And he had a fake proof of insurance so my parents had to foot the bill. Don't really know why I wrote that novel, but I'm glad to here Simon is ok.

  32. A fellow VW crasher is in your midst. (and as an aside, we had the same car a few years ago, a lovely and faithful while Jetta! I still grumble at hubby for parting with it) But that's not the VW I crashed recently. I dented our Routan last week...2 weeks after we got it back from the repair shop, where it had just been fixed from a dent that I had NOT inflicted upon it. Hubby informed me that we can now fix the new dent or go on a summer vacation but not both. I'm going to take a page out of your book and have some ice cream while I think it over!

    And I understand your relief for your family that no one was harmed in this story! It's such a yucky feeling but I'm so thankful to have a car that keeps us safe in the first place!

  33. Fries in a Frosty....gross!

    And the soon-to-be parents? They probably spent the evening talking about how their kids would never yell, would never make a mess and would never spit up. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

  34. Fries in the frosty is a perfectly fine salty/sweet connection, but I'm sort of a purist and really just enjoy the smooth spoonful of frosty by itself. There are other combinations of sweet and salty that work much better. I'd say try it, if only because you really ought, and you'll probably like it. :)

    Glad Simon's ok. Total bummer about the hit and run. How rude!

  35. Fries in Frosty...BEST THING EVER. Mixes the salty and sweet. mmm

  36. Always, always dip fries in the frosty! Best ever! I took the kiddos to Wendy's after school today to get the new cones! Delish!

  37. Sorry about the car... Glad Simon is ok.

    Wendy's fries dipped in frosty is amazing!

  38. So sorry about the car...yikes!
    So happy to hear Simon is A-OK!! That must have been a HUGE relief.
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Wendy's Frosty's...LOVE them. Now you have forced me into going to go try the new waffle cones. The look on Julia's and Bash's faces seals the deal. If I can't button my [ants tomorrow, it will be your fault.

    As for french fries...they belong with ketchup and that is all.

  39. First of all, SO glad Simon is ok, but sorry about the car!

    Also... Wendy's knew what they were doing when they got you to write this. I think we're headed for frosties & French fries (YES they go together!) after dinner. Haha!

  40. I'm a relatively new reader, so I'm pretty sure this is my first comment and I'm coming out of lurkdom here, but just wanted to say glad Simon is okay!

    And yes, dipping fries into milkshakes, (especially Frosty's), is so, so good. I've been doing it since I was a kid. The combo of sweet/salty, soft/crunchy, cold/hot is so delicious... I just can't explain it. And now I think I must have a Frosty and fries. Nice one, Wendy's.

  41. Ditto what everyone else has said- so scary to hear a crash on the phone & not hear Simon anymore....I would have freaked. As for the fries- I'll stick to tubs full of ranch for my dipping- glad you got free ice cream!

  42. I think the photo of Bash sucking on the end of the cone could be a commercial for Wendy's waffle cones! I'm so relieved that Simon is okay!

  43. I have heard this blasphemy about the french fry-frosty dipping, but I'm a purest over here and I think like that sounds like all kinds of yuck! But that's just me. And I'm going to guess "Theo" on the "NO" tantrum...... HAHAHAHAHAH!!!

  44. And as for those newbie parents?? You're doing them a service to wipe their minds clean of their new parent misconceptions before they actually have a baby....!

  45. Our 18 month old has the same shirt as Sebastian:) And my husband also has a busted car. All we're missing is frosty waffle cones because I had NO idea they had those! Glad Simon's okay.

  46. Ah man, talk about a bad day! Glad no one was injured and your day ended with some Frosty cones. I would have used that bad day as an excuse to eat five of them, lol! (not really. my body would gain ten pounds to retaliate.)
    But anyway, my hubs is a HUGE fan of dipping fries into a Frosty. He claims it is the best thing ever...but I'm not totally convinced. :)

  47. I almost cannot eat Wendy's fries WITHOUT the Frosty!!! It's a must. Can't believe you've never ever evah tried it. SO GOOD.

  48. Frosty + Fries = Frostier...there, I used it for you ;)

  49. FROSTIES + FRIES. Many nights in my life as a younger person and college student have been dedicated to this practice, and most certainly never regretted. PS glad you're all ok!!

  50. Eek! Glad Simon is ok!
    Fries and Frosties = yum, but only like the first five. Then I always had to eat them separately.
    I haven't been to Wendy's in a very long time. I think I need to take the kids for a treat!

  51. MMMmmmmm frosties ;p Very glad that Simon is ok eh!

  52. Can you eat a frosty withOUT dippings fries in it, I didn't know that was humanly possible?!

  53. Can you eat a frosty withOUT dippings fries in it, I didn't know that was humanly possible?!

  54. Tried the frosties and fries but I don't really love it.! It's ok but I think it's better to get a scoop of frosty on a saltine cracker that they have for their chili. Probably sounds even weirder than the fries but I still "hate" my BF from college for that little addiction.

  55. Yikes! what an awful ordeal about the accident.

    yes, I've tried the fries in the frosty thing. It was a novel concept...but I no longer do that. :)

  56. Glad to hear Simon's ok! Fries in the Frosty are definitely a must, and I'll let you in on a little secret: any fries dipped in any chocolate milkshake are deelish!! ;)

  57. Never tried fries in the frosty (although, I'm a sucker for both...just not a fan usually of sweet with salty), BUT Julia's dress is ADORABLE.

  58. Whenever I'm having a particularly terrible day...or if it's like a Tuesday I will dip fries in a frosty so quick. It is straight up delightful.

  59. you look like such a mom-babe in these pics. almost went with milf but spared you like you spared us 'frostier.'

  60. You know what? I really love how I still love you even when you do these ridiculous sponsored posts, because you're the only person who can be transparent about your sponsorship without being overly pushy or fake. Everyone else who did the Wendy's Frosty cone or whatever made it look so forced and out of place with their blog, but you are still able to use your sense of humor and make me want to read your post, even though I already know that it's a sponsored post (I usually just skip them on other blogs). So, I applaud that. And think your blog is like, super amazingly awesome.

  61. Haven't tried the new cones yet... My little peanut is still waaaayy to little for that! And yes... Hot fries dipped in the original chocolate frosty are dee-lish. Truly!

  62. Glad Simon's okay! That last picture of S made me laugh. How seriously cruel to eat some of HIS ice cream.
