
29 May 2013

Simon Says

After seeing this photo on Instagram ...

Simon said, "in the future, I'd appreciate if you got my permission before you post demeaning pictures of me on the internet."

After reading the post about his car accident, Simon said, "I guess I was just hoping you'd talk more about the fact that I was THE VICTIM of a hit and run."

After a little bit of a depressing chat about the reality of this year's upcoming call schedule (that I was super thrilled about) Simon tried to lighten the mood and said, "my glass is always half full of the fountain of life and yours is generally 1/4 full of poison and shards of glass."

After a call weekend:
Simon: that was a LONG weekend
Grace: I know
Simon: (ballading to the tune of It Must Have Been Love) But it's OVER NAW

During a particularly fun evening of consecutive and multiple tantrums c/o our toddlers Simon admitted, "it's official. Small children are the worst."

After seeing yet another headline about Angelina's brave decision Simon said, "I'll be impressed when she cuts off her nose."

Crawling into our little tiny glorified double of a bed that he has to sleep in diagonally, Simon said, "it's no wonder we have three kids under three - we just can't help but bump into each other."


  1. so great.
    does Simon have any funny friends he can set me up with? :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The last one is priceless!!

  4. it! The Angelina one is too so funny! :)

  5. It isn't often that I actually laugh out loud, but this post made me do it!

  6. That last one was hilarious!

  7. hahahahahahahahahaha the last one is my favorite!

  8. Ha! We are realizing that our king bed really doesn't fit into our room (because well, we've decided that maybe nightstands do serve some purpose) and that same convo came up as we debate a full v. queen as the replacement ;)

  9. LOVE the last one, actually laughed so hard I snorted, my kids think i have officially lost it!

  10. bow chicka bow ow!

    Also, Mike admitted the other day the Sam's cry is undeniably obnoxious. Cute kid. Horrible cry.

  11. The last is my favorite! I have 4 (with one on the way) and my oldest is 7. I always get comments at the grocery store and I am totally going to start telling people our bed is just too small!!!

  12. You usually save the best for last!!! I love it!!

  13. Ahh haha! I just freakin' shot snot rockets! Oh, the poison and shards of glass... Oh... breathe...

  14. The last one made me literally laugh out loud!!

  15. The last two are the best. Thanks for the laughs!

  16. Haha! That last one about killed me!

  17. Oh My! The bed one...! Hahahahaha!!

  18. haha the last one is ridiculous. And your kitchen is so clean (in the pic)!

  19. I love the last one (and it looks like everyone else does too)!

  20. Are those...scrub shorts? Is that a thing? I have so many questions...

  21. The last one killed. Still laughing!!!

  22. The glass filled with posion and shards of glass had me hahaha..

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. lol at that last one...husbands that make you laugh are the best ;)

  25. the last one is my fave! Your posts make an otherwise crappy day for me great!

  26. I concur, the last one is hilarious! And might I add, a DOUBLE!?!?!?! Holy cow, we moan and groan over our queen, I don't think we'd still be married if had share the space of a double! Kudos to you all!!

  27. hahaha that last one made me laugh out loud!!

    Flora x

  28. I agree with everyone else - the bed one is priceless!

  29. You know your husband works lots of nights when you manage to still have a double bed... just saying. That's crazy!

    Bumping into each other made laugh out loud! Perfect!

  30. Ha- excellent edition, last was the best for sure. I think my glass is also full of poison & glass and I blame it all on a little person whose name rhymes with Charlie...

  31. Love it, of course. I always try and share with Matt the posts about your children misbehaving and that you too live through the joys of toddlerdom. He seems to think there's something really wrong with our little fit throwers. I suppose we should just make some friends out here who actually have children so we aren't the only ones corraling kids.
