
25 April 2013

Open to Interpretation

My pick this veek ...

Here's my interpretion ...

(it's called magic, pretend to be impressed)

I don't know why but I just can't pull off the Sporty Spice look via footwear which is why it was super smart of me to pick the photo inspiration (people hate when other people type, "inspo" right? I thought maybe) that I did. It was pouring freezing rain (because this is the spring that ISN'T) when I took this picture so the hat serves as my face umbrella and my splash of sporty. And I don't have to tell you that I wore this outfit outside the house for about 6 seconds to dispose of some diapers that turned out to be real treasures. It was a happy funeral.

I've been looking for a baseball cap that isn't going to set me back a million dollars or commit me to any sort of athletic situation (a 5K I'll never run, a team I know nothing about, etc) and I found this lacey number at Forever XXI for $5.00 and there went the rest of my gift card from the Christmas of 2011. Also, I wasn't exactly sure what to wear these red clogs with without looking too Christmasy or 4th of Julyesque but I think I found a winning combo that will be perfect for Valentine's Days in our future home: the tropics.

Shirt: Forever XXI
kidney beans: Target
clogs: Moheda c/o
hat: Forever XXI

Now head on over to see how Kayla and Erica did. They never disappoint unlike someone I know.


  1. Cute, cute and more cute. Also, NO, you wouldn´t like the tropics, trust me!!

  2. Um, I LOVE your clogs. And hat. And face.

  3. I love it! And thank you for the hat tip. I've been looking for one too


  4. Have been eyeing clogs for quite a while now. How do they stand up to (ha!) being on your feet all day? (and of course, thumbs up on the outfit)

  5. Love the mirrored photo.

    I too am on the hunt for a somewhat-stylish baseball cap. For years and years, I'd run errands and such in a baseball cap with the Jagermeister logo on it that I got from an old boyfriend. Just a couple months ago, I realized that I was a wee bit too old for such things.

  6. ADORABLE. I love colored pants!!! Natalie from Busy Budgeting Mama had you spotlighted the other day on her FB I think... and that's why I am here!!! You have such a fresh, funny style of writing - it's great!!! (and NO, I am NOT a spam commenter - lol. I read your post below!) That's TOTALLY something a SPAMBOT would say! Haha. We share the same Alma Mater too I think. Which is cool in this blogging world and all!!! XO

  7. I am a big fan of red on red!

  8. woah-really, really cute.

  9. Grace, this has nothing to do with anything, but I would just like you to know a few weeks ago I purchased a pair of red jeans from Express in that exact color (whoo, they were 50% off!). I then came home and declared to all my best girl friends that I feel "so Grace Patton!" when I wear them.

    1. haha! I love it. Thank you! That is some seriously HIGH praise!! and 50% off???? Now I'm so tempted to go! I'm sure they look awesome!

  10. Darn you and your thin legs! My thighs prevent me from pulling off any type of sporty look. Love the hat although I would love it more if it had a Red Sox logo on it. (And not because of the bombing but because the Red Sox are the best team in baseball and if you don't believe it, check the standings!)
