
17 April 2013

My Five Favorite Things

for today anyway.

Linking up with Hallie and the crew. She's sharing a whole wealth of knowledge on pregnancy supplements (and she just sainted herself in my book via her SIXTH natty birth) so if you're currently in the pregnancy boat ... go.

And here are my useless contributions ...

1. New blog design!! Jenna did a stellar job redesigning the Campsite (cringe, Grace. Sorry). I obviously have an eye for design (laugh - see the collage above) but don't have the FIRST clue about HTML and graphics etc. Anyway, Jenna is currently looking to grow her graphic design business so she's offering blog redesigns at super discounted rates. If you're in the market to beautify your blog ... I highly recommend you contact her before her discounted spaces fill up. She has a great document that you fill out and give your likes and dislikes etc. and then she comes up with a design ... tweaks what you'd like tweaked and installs it in a matter of minutes. Amazing.

2. L'Oreal Studio Secrets Magic B.B. Cream: Natalie sang the praises of this cheap B.B. cream and I echo her infatuation with the stuff. It comes out all white and pasty but then the beads "burst" (I guess?) and it leaves a nice non-cakey layer of pretty on your face. Simon asked if I'd gotten some sun recently and I swear it made me look sun-kissed. That is the last time I will type sun-kissed. I promise. (I use Light which is a step up from Fair ... fyi)

3. Zevia All Natural Soda, Black Cherry: I bought this on a whim which I might regret because I'm already terribly addicted. Unless Simon was lying - he loves it too and he generally won't touch anything sweet unless it's made with refined sugar. Plus, if you order it off of Amazon it comes in "frustration free packaging" which has to be a great thing.

4. Nivea Body Skin Firming Moisturizer, with Q10 Plus Complex: Okay I haven't actually tried this lotion but (a whole different) Natalie swore it actually worked and I believed her and ordered some. I'll let you know if she broke a swear.

5. Popchips Katy's Kettle Corn: I got suckered into buying these at Costco this morning. I LOVE kettle corn and I love Popchips so this was a marriage I couldn't refuse. Julia sucked on a chip for 6 minutes of glorious silence so I think they'll be worth every penny if her obsession continues.

I swear this isn't one of those cheesy end of the post questions but I'm generally curious if you've discovered any gems recently. I'm a maid (matron??) in Simon's sister's wedding in two weeks (!!!!) and I have shoes that would work but if you've seen any champagny heels floating around that don't scream "matronly" but that I won't break two ankles wearing ..... I'm ALL eyes! Simon just told me has has to stay for a c-section so distractions from my annoyance by way of shoes/anything are GREATLY appreciated.

(And be sure to go and see all the other linkers over at Hallie's!)


  1. I use that BB cream and I'm almost out so I need more. My collage that I made for 5 favs would not paste into my blog post today (Grrrrr) so I am totes jeal of your lovely one. I'll email the link to the shoes I'm wearing in a wedding this summer.

    Also- just finished watching RFL and OMG. Sparkle and eyebrows on steroids. Tweet when you've watched so I know the coast is clear to tweet my feelings haha

  2. oohhh shoes! These are cute: but you also can never go wrong with Steve Madden:

  3. Not champagne, not heels - but cute...

    Not heels - but cute...

    Heels & Champagne!!!

    Not champagne - not heels - but a wedge (you may already have these)...

    And the last one...

    I can keep looking if you'd like...or you can hate all the suggestions and just say "found a pair" so I'll stop looking. lol

  4. Where did you buy the soda??

  5. These have the snazziest sparkly bow! Might be a bit too flashy for being a bridesmaid, but, again, snazzy sparkly bow!

    I think these are cute too: (And if you use the code SHIPR you get free shipping!)

    Love the new look of the blog!

  6. Try the kelly & katie, lulu townsend brands at DSW-- or these are also super cute and versatile

  7. Grace, I know you are a Target fan.. I just bought these and they are so comfortable.. They are completely nude and neutral. I would go jogging in them, actually I think I did. Anyway here is the link...

    1. Huge Target fan and I love those Kathleen/olive :)

      Thank you!

  8. I hear you on the BB cream and Pop chips! Can't live without those ;-)

  9. I'll say it again, perfect blog design! Great job, Jenna!

    I still need to try this BB cream business, and I have been meaning to buy some since Natalie's post. Maybe now is the time?

    I can't tell if these are a shimmery nude (aka champagne) or not...,cat20006

    These are pretty much the same and actually called champagne.

  10. How come the minute I read a blog with beauty product recommendations I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM. For example, Powder Play. I will always trust you when it comes to anything frivolous and beauty related because of that gem. Since I can only find it on Amazon I have not one, but TWO back ups just in Amazon forsakes me and that stuff disappears.

    I'm off to buy that BB Cream now!

  11. Here is something to cheer you up from your c-section-husband-absent depression. I was at the lovely Trader Joes and turned around and thought I saw you walking in the doors. Mind you I live in Lincoln, NE and this makes noooooo sense whatsoever, but I nearly jumped out of my precious spot in line to come introduce myself. After oogling several times at the Grace look-alike who walked in, I noticed she was without 3 kids in the middle of the day and therefore, my stunning logic told me, it could NOT be you (beside the more obvious facts of in being Nebraska and no one comes to Nebraska in the winter...which is still what we seem to be experiencing here according to my boots and winter coat I am still wearing). So there you go! Come to Nebraska and we can make it a Trader Joes date or at least make my midday fantasies come true.

    1. That's hilarious!! Kidless in a Trader Joes midday might be a dream come true.

  12. love the new design!

    i may have to give that seltzer a try, we've been buying "polar bear seltzer" in cranberry lime at our local Giant grocery store..i like it better than La Croix, but i still think there's got to be something better out there!

  13. Love the new look! Super snazzy and all that jazzy! I almost typed an emoticon, then remembered that is amongst the seven deadly sins to you. Popchips? This is new to me and apparently not readily available in the middle of nowhere but next time I am in a partially inhabited part of the world I will keep an eye peeled. Champagne pumps? I got nada but wish you the best in your shoe search! I'm sure one of your devoted readers will come to your rescue on a champagne steed, stiletto drawn!

  14. Popchips are my worst enemy. Mainly because if I have a bag I can't stop eating them until they are gone. Then I get grumpy because a)I ran out of chips and b)I ate an entire bag.

    I haven't tried the kettle corn (haven't seen it, either), but now anytime I go to the grocery store I'll be on the lookout.

  15. Always a fan of Payless for the shoe department. I know, I'm fancy.

    As for the favs, I'm jealous. I bought that BB cream and loved it...until it made me breakout like I was 13. Sigh...back to using moisturizer AND primer AND foundation. Life is the worst.

  16. As for shoes! ... (I work in shoes, so this is my life lol) - A little sparkle - Cute with low heel - Higher heel, but ankle strap for stability - Higher heel, but ankle strap for stability - Classic and Satin with mid height heel

    I love Zappos for the free shipping both ways! Hope this helps!

  17. Funny you should ask, my 5 Favorites last week listed my bridesmaid shoes:

  18. I love the new design! And I've been wanting to try out BB creams but I still have a giant tube of tinted moisturizer that I want to finish off before buying something new... and that will take... maybe like 5 years. So remind me in 5 years about that BB cream, okay?
