
11 April 2013

fostering the wildest imaginations

Simon is on a mostly great rotation this month except for the fact that he still has to work some weekends and on certain days of the week he has to stay if any unscheduled c-sections are called before the night team takes over. Last night was one of those nights that he had to stay. Yay. So in an effort to keep the kids out of the basement where Sebastian utilized the slide/play structure thing instead of his diaper and I wasn't about to try and get the kids to, "just stay upstairs for a few minutes while I clean up this pungent waste!" because they wouldn't listen and the whole thing would've been a carnival of fun we went outside on the deck. Run-on sentences aren't my thing - FYI.

Theo and I watched as Julia found a snake that she wanted to catch ...

I showed the clip to Simon expecting him to think it was as funny as I did and ..... and not even a smile crack. I don't know why I think it's exciting enough to share with you but look out because I'm in share mode and I'll be uploading a clip of Theo sleep-smiling in a minute because I know strangers love watching those types of things. 

Anyway, when I finally heaved myself and Theo out of the patio chair I found this ...

bright bulbs R us and we'll be here all day.


  1. I watched the video, then scrolled down...and legitimately LOL'd. like actual out loud, not just "lol."

  2. Well, I laughed - out loud and everything! This is so great, Grace. :)

  3. I love the idea that the snake was going to come when called. But heck, if I were a snake (or even a stick) I'd have been over there pretty quickly with that provocation. Julia and her sidekick are the cutest.

  4. I love hearing Julia´s cute!!! "I just want to cash you snake". Keep the videos coming!!

  5. so cute!! "I want to catch you!"

  6. Crackalackin' up! Lady J is sure making leaps and bounds in the vocab dept. even if she maybe struggles with animal identification. Tell Jay Leno to catch a nap. Maybe then he'll chuckle.

  7. Oh my gosh that's too funny! At first while watching the video I was thinking how brave she is and how adorable it is that she wanted to 'catch it' AND how brave you were. Because if anyone mentions a snake around me I flip out and run as fast as possible in the opposite direction.

    Then I saw the picture and I died laughing. At least you can say she has an amazing imagination! ;)

  8. Seems like Jay Leno is jealous of Jimmy Fallon :)

  9. HA! She's a hoot. BTW, totally dying over the comment right above this. Poor jealous Simon!

  10. I was concerned about the snake catching so I had to watch this on my iPhone (boo blocked youtube at work) and was relieved about the gate haha. Also glad it was just a stick. Wish we had a deck that could be gated instead of a patio...although J would really be sad if we put a gate OUTSIDE too

  11. Heee! "Come heeeeeeeeeere!"

    The snake has the magic powers to disguise itself as a stick! Wow!

  12. That's so cute!! Love hearing Julia talk!

  13. That was....AMAZING. I certainly LOL'd and truth be told I had to wipe a few speckles of coffee off the keyboard. Thank you Grace and Julia for providing me with a giggle first thing!

  14. Just chalk it up to excellent imagination and preted that someday she'll write great works of fiction and support you in your old age.....!

  15. Oh my gosh! I probably laughed for a good five minutes, especially at bright bulbs R us!
    Simon's clearly tired, because that was funny.

  16. Hahahaha I LOVED this! So funny.

  17. I love the clapping to get the snake's attention. Also, hearing her little voice makes me want another girl which is absolutely insane of me. Please post a video of her not being cute now.

  18. bahahahahaha! Love this! Thank you for sharing!

  19. So good...the come here snake game could have gone on for hours. I love it.

  20. Hahahahaha I am dying. Thanks for sharing!!!

  21. He didn't think it was funny? How stern!

  22. So cute...she wants to hold a snake! =)

  23. Hehe, oh my goodness! The CUTEST!

  24. Haha...I love it! Two year olds have the craziest imaginations, don't they??

  25. Are pet stick snakes the new thing, like how pet rocks were for us?

  26. This is great - you are so lucky you were there and able to record this. Did you know it was a stick all along, or are you just a really brave person?

  27. I have not stopped laughing!! I love Julia so!! She was so patient and very encouraging to the snake to come and join her and Sebastian in the fun house. I showed my son the video and now he is laughing hysterically. He reminded me of the time he "caught" a garter snake in our backyard in Maine. He was three. he proudly brought the wriggling creature to the back door to show me. I screamed my freaking head off and he was confused. Why did I not like his new "friend"? My husband laughed about that for weeks! I would have preferred Julia's kind of snake...thank you very much for the trip down memory lane.
    Julia for President!!

  28. This made my day! Oh I love her!

  29. Ha! That is the cutest video. I love how kids can be distracted/ entertained by the simplest things. :)

  30. seriously....SO CUTE! I love her little voice. And a 2.5 year old girl who WANTS to catch a snake and is persistent about it? Um, she's my hero. My azz would have been running for the door (if it were real, of course). Love that little J! Thanks for seriously made my lousy day! :)

  31. "I just want to touch you!" I'm dying. And maybe crying a little. Maybe.
