
10 March 2013

What I Wore Sunday

1. I don't care if it's pouring rain, I'm sure people will want to see what I wore to Mass under the coat I took off zeroteen times.
2. a xbtxxyGFH BAbA5ARaaatrrrrrrrrr5 (LOVE, SEBASTIAN)
2.1 Why don't you put the "flip cell phone" lens on ... those photos always turn out crystal clear. Perfect.

Simon came home from work a little before 8 this morning and after a night of 30 combined minutes of sleep for the parents the temptation of Netflix a la high chair and a chocolate chip cookie breakfast for our "adjusted to the time change with no problems" early rising Bash while the sane members of the family slept was just too great to resist. So we had to hit up the 11:30 hour long Mass like civilized Catholics.  The only word that comes to mind to adequately describe the hour in our section of the second to last pew would be: shitshow. Sebastian arched his back over and over and over, ripped off my glasses and put them on (fit like a glove) threw them on the ground, hit me in the nose so hard that I came thisclose to crying but I held it together and tilted my head back so that my eyes could reabsorb the tears - hopefully you're familiar with that maneuver because it comes in handy sometimes. Theo required a lot of attention as babies sometimes do. Sebastian kept back arching, yelling syllables, and garnered an impressive slew of stink eyes from the surrounding church goers. We did graduate from, "okay you run up to communion while I sit here with the car seat then I'll bring up the tail end of the line while you sit here with the car seat" to taking all three kids up to communion - Julia on foot! She'll be pronouncing her L's correctly before I know it.

I know I join a wild cacophony of bloggers (and regular people) calling for better weather and this morning really had me muttering bad words about this eternal winter. I was just looking at a photo on our fridge from last march and realized that last year the weather was WAY better. Pull it together, 2013. Pull it tofreakinggether.

Mass Behavior:
Julia: A (weird. she even told Jesus he was "riddy riddy nice" as she was walking out)
Bash: F (Simon said he should merely get a mark for attendance ... )
Theo: B (I know he can do better)

I was so excited to find out I won this awesome giveaway last night. Don't ever tell me it doesn't pay to read lots and lots and lots of blogs.

Linking up with FLAP. You should do the same.



  1. No kidding about the horrible weather! It was so windy here that I delayed our grocery store outing until tomorrow because I truly feared that McCartney's carseat might blow away while I was carrying her inside. And on top of that it's freezing and raining and muddy. We've got snow in the forecast for Tuesday, but it's supposed to be in the 70s on Thursday. Crazy midwest.

    Now I feel like an elderly lady for talking that much about the weather.

  2. It's always a torturous circus of torture by the time we get everyone into the pew. Some of the Kellermans were sick, so I took the baby by myself today. Easy peasy, except that he's six months old and decided today would be the day he'd "baby shout" at everyone around us ...and possibly over the homily. Can't win.

  3. True dedication to the cause is a rain-splattered shirt! :)

  4. I totally did tear re-absorption today! Honest!

  5. Ellen's MO is to kick me straight in the face in the middle of the night. It's nice because I don't have to try to reabsorb the tears. Instead I can just let it all out. She's thoughtful like that.

  6. Teddy did Darth Vader breathing, broken only by the occasional words "-ark -ide" for most of the Consecration. So this week goes in the win column because Darth Vader breathing is much quieter than the Chewbacca scream. And here is where I offer advice about how it gets so much easier when your kids get older and can sit through Mass.....except the time change threw off EVERYONE so I got nothing.

  7. At least Bash did not swing his foot out while receiving Communion barely missing kicking the Pastor in the...ummm...private area making him move like he was in a Matrix movie. Oh was awesome!

    There are reasons why I don't post Courtney's Mass behavior. It would just give the special needs community a bad name. would.

  8. Oh my goodness...Sebastian is at my least favorite "taking a kid to Mass" phase. What is it with toddlers at that age??? My daughter is now closer to Julia's age, but when she was Sebastians...oh, man! Sooo hard. You are a saint, I tell you!

    I was totally thinking the same about the weather...I remember going to the park without coats last January!! But hopefully this means it won't be hotter than normal this summer? All the natives I talked to said that last summer was hotter than usual, even for St. Louis. Some "under 100 degree days" would be lovely this summer, no?

  9. I love the necklace, Grace! And the wellies!

  10. Is there no childcare in Catholic churches? That's just cruel :)

  11. Maggie broke my nose last year because of her "snuggling". Now that's tough love. Love your outfit! The necklace is so pretty!

  12. Well, your necklace is lovely. Ditto on the weather - it stinks - and my children were all "let me tell you about the movie we watched yesterday" during Mass. Um, NO. Ahhh!

  13. My girl is 2 months older than Sebastian. We spend Mass in "the box" (cry room) playing with ancient and really disgustingly filthy toys. I can't remember the last time I actually participated in anything but the communion line and occasionally - if there isn't too much fighting in the box and I can actually distinguish the words coming through the speaker - kneeling for the consecration while some mischief-maker beats me with a denuded and maimed doll that is older than I am. I am so impressed that you guys actually sit in the pews with 3 kids.

  14. My 13 month-er was so crazy yesterday too. I would go out to where not the entire church could hear her get calmed down sneak in the back and BAM... screams, shrills... the works. For whatever reason the almost 3 yr old did surprisingly well... Before church she was freaking out about lighting candles and was yelling for 'Papa to get the fire' (aka light the first candle so she could do the rest). Then she was picking at a chair leg after she helped pass the basket for the collection. Otherwise she stood with another family (who we know) and was not too much of a distraction...

    I think that you seriously should start another Sunday link up for kids mass behavior. I would totally do it but you are the one who starting the grading process so its totally your baby : )

  15. I won't tell you that it was 68 and sunny in the ATL yesterday. And that I did my run in shorts and a t-shirt. Or maybe I will...! :) Hang in there with Basher at Mass. It will get better, I promise. And God blesses you with hidden graces when you're doing the right thing.

  16. Yay so glad yo won! And the pink skinnies with the Hunters? LOVE

  17. Gorgeous, Grace! Tell me more about those pink pants!

  18. Dude, the lean and reabsorb, it should be standard issue knowledge after you give birth bc you WILL need it, you will.

  19. "shitshow"! OMG! I died. I'm more of a shitstormer, myself! Congrats on the stroller. Maybe you could go back for next week's mass and haul Theo up in that? Might make the trek with all three a bit more fun and earn you a few extra stinkeyes! And the weather??? AMEN, sista! I'm over and over and over it!

  20. Even wet and wearing a rain coat, you are as cute as a button.

  21. You look SO PRETTY - that first picture is one of your best yet! Even if Bash was up to no good, at least you have the consolation of knowing you looked gorgeous!

  22. you look awesome! i love the pairing of those pants with the hunters. (hunters are currently on my wish list)
    i also thoroughly enjoyed the mass behavior ratings.
    i love this blog.

  23. Heh, I was talking to a mother friend who is very sweet and totally non-offendable (love those folks), and she was like, "I really do believe that you get extra points in heaven for bringing your kids to Mass." I was like, "I really do believe you're giving me opportunity to get extra points too, since I smile at you nicely instead of getting all huffy about your crazy kids."

    Hey, we help each other out.

  24. your boots and pants look fabulous together. love it.

    and yes! what is up with this weather 2013? so much hatred for you right now. sooooooo much.

  25. Love the boots and the blue necklace...


    Ok, I totally tilt my head back to reabsorb tears. Do they really go back into your tear ducts or is the tear just spread across your eyeball more evenly so it evaporates more quickly? I DUNNO.

  27. Dude, congrats on the win! Woot!
    Love the leggings! Pants? Whatever they are. They are really cute.
