
29 March 2013

Good News on Good Friday

Is that title terribly irreverent?

Here, be distracted by our new chariot on its maiden voyage ...

We purchased this from a family that had a set of triplets, twins, and a singleton. I know!

Anyway, I heart Craigslist forever and ever. (I don't heart Julia's outfit that she curated all by herself - it seemed to really bring out the needy in her - a side I've neeeeever seen before).

Sprinting right along to the great news ... I went in for my scan this morning. Laying on a padded 2x4 for 45 minutes while being told every two minutes how many minutes remained of the ginorm camera being suspended 1/123812308109283th of a cm above my face was actually really relaxing and I enjoyed the quiet. The radiologist read the scan right then and there and it was totally clean! I chugged a big hospital coffee that Simon brought me in celebration. Oops.

Thank you thank you thank you for all of your sweet emails that you sent this week and especially this morning. I don't know how all of you nice people find the Camp -- I'm a lucky blogger. Don't turn on me, ever - pretty please.

Also noteworthy ...

Sebastian, inspired by Parker, is almost sort of talking!


Theo is starting to be happy and awake for longer periods of time - a milestone to love.

Rock Chalk!!

And! get your Easter outfits picture ready because there's going to be a link-up ... more on that a little tiny bit later.


  1. PRAISE GOD! so very awesome to hear! congrats! :) xoxo

    1. awesome stroller, by the by. you rock that thing.

  2. So much to love about this- good scan results, Bash's cute voice, and Theo's hair + leg rolls.

  3. Yay! So happy for you! Have a very blessed Easter!

  4. YAY!! I'm so relieved. You'll have to let me know what your first iodine-filled meal is. Also... be careful. My baby's conception may or may not coincide exactly with the end of my low-iodine diet. That was probably an overshare.

    I think it was the iodine.

  5. Best news everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  6. Wonderful news!!! That must be a huge relief... And that stroller is awesome. Gotta love the CL!

  7. GREAT news on Good Friday!! xO!!

  8. I was thinking of you! That's such wonderful news, and now I'm sure you'll have a wonderful Easter not having to think about it anymore!

  9. Fantastic news, even if it is Good Friday. On to a Happy, happy Easter.

  10. Will Julia get to pick out her Easter outfit!?!?! I love the suspense!

  11. WOOOT WOOT!!! As if a triple stroller wasn't glorious enough. So happy to hear Grace!! x

  12. Awesome news!! And Julia's are raising an independent women and it's all good!

  13. Such awesome news! Praise God! Have a wonderful Easter!

  14. So happy to hear you got the all clear!!! What a lovely thing to hear right before Easter.

    And I knew there would be a linkup. I would be disappointed if there weren't... ;)

  15. That stroller is amazing. I didn't know such things existed!

    And I reiterate my earlier clean-scan sentiments: YAY!!!!

    Lastly, pretty sure the pants Basher is wearing in that video are the same ones Wes has been wearing to bed at night. Precious little inmates.

  16. So glad, Grace!! Been praying for you all week. What a lovely way to head into Easter weekend. I hope you enjoy some celebratory chocolate!! Love the stroller!

  17. Is Bash holding a wine bottle cork in his hand? He aged from like 1.5 to 21 riiiiight quick there!

    And hooray for your good news! EAT ALL THE IODINE!

  18. Such great news!!!!! Time to celebrate!

    Btw, super duper excited for a link-up. Esp since a certain little lady has a rather fluffy and unpractical outfit to wear that I purchased this week :o)

  19. Praise, so happy for your happy news!!
    Great stroller, enjoy!!

  20. Singing a song of praise in Virginia just for you!! So happy about your test results!! So very grateful to God for answered prayer!! Wahoo!! Let the chocolate eating begin!!

    (yay for the stroller too!)

  21. Grace!! How wonderful! Yay for clean scans and iodine rich diets!!

  22. That is an amazing stroller! And such great news! I was praying for you!

  23. How wonderful! I mean that stroller, wow. Okay so the scan results are pretty great too. But that stroller. Wow.

  24. Wonderful news all around! Sebastian sounds great-they always seem to make BIG strides all of the sudden! And I was hoping there would be a link up.

  25. So so happy! Yay! Very good news. Very.

  26. Yay!! Love this news!!! Praise God! <3

  27. seriously i just died thanks to Theo and Basher. OMG!!!! Cutest ever! And why cant my craigslist be so hopping?! That stroller is to die for!!!

  28. Great great news grace!!!! ;) can't wait for the link up!

  29. hooray!! great news on the scan! so happy for you! and, wise move with the celebratory coffee. (says the coffee addict)

    i am seriously impressed by the triple jogger.

  30. SUCH great news!! I hope you went and got a ridiculously greasy burger and large fries as well! And whoa stroller! That thing looks looks awesome

  31. Congrats! I can't even imagine how relieved you must be feeling- both for the news, and to have the whole process over. Happy Easter!

  32. It is like the trifecta of good news: good scan, Bashy talking, and Theo has the most adorable chubby thighs. I hope you have a wonderful Easter!

  33. Congratulations! Hope you bought some stretchy pants to help the making up for lost time eating process :)

  34. You rock that stroller. Furthermore, glad to hear the news. I remember when my mom was going through that shortly after the birth of my younger brother.

  35. Great news! And that triple stroller is awesome- hooray for being able to corral 3 kids! Also, your cardi + chambray is so cute. You should submit it to Ain't No Mom Jeans for the latest series.

  36. So glad to hear the good new!! Hope you all have a fantastic Easter weekend! :)

  37. Glad to hear the great news, Grace! You're rockin' the chambray and floral. (I knew you could do it. ;-) Happy Easter!

  38. Congrats Grace, that's great news!
    That jogging stroller is something amazing.

  39. only you would make a floral cardi with a huuuuge stroller (didn't even know those existed??) look awesome. Thanks for linking up, mama! Cheers.

  40. So glad about your good news!

    You and my daughter-in-law would get along great. She has identical twin girls, 22 months, and a one-month-old daughter as well. She buys almost everything on Craigslist or at consignment shops. I can't believe the great stuff she finds for a fraction of the cost. She has two double strollers that she got (on Craigslist) for the twins...but I think she could use a three-seater like yours!

  41. I can't remember if I commented on this or not, and apparently, I am too lazy to look. But, I am so happy to hear the good news! Good Friday, indeed.
