
11 February 2013

the kids, here and now

Chugging right along here. Lest I forget what Julia was like at 28 months, Sebastian at 15 months, and Theo at 6 weeks (Babycenter sent a reminder email .... don't think I go around counting Julia's age in months .... I waste my crazy on much worthier causes) ... I'll pound it out here ... annoying mom style. Toe touch.

Julia: Tests her limits every minute of every day. Her latest and greatest is peeling bananas and clementines and feeding them to her brothers. They sort of appreciate her generosity. I absolutely do not appreciate that she plows through a week's worth of bananas in one swift peeling tornado. She is also very skilled at getting herself out of her car seat and climbing to the back and freeing Sebastian from the confines of his identical seat. She knows to only do this when I'm driving on the interstate because I can do approximately nothing by way of punishment in the heat of the moment. However, it's not all doom and gloom with our eldest ... she is still a very good long napper and if she opts to not nap she is happy to just sit and talk the ears off the menagerie of her Dora dolls in her crib. She has also picked up that Simon and I are somewhat concerned about Sebastian's lack of a vocabulary and frequently prompts him to say simple words like, "yes" and "no" .... the toddler essentials. If he succeeds she claps for him and awards him a high-pitched, "good boy!!" ... he is usually unamused.

Sebastian: Tests his limits every minute of every day. He's cutting his vampires and is taking it like a little man. He shows zero interest in Theo aside from the occasional bop on the head with a heavy object. His obsession with toilets lives on and he throws himself dramatically on the floor whenever he doesn't get what he wants. He takes a little power nap in the morning that I always cut short so that he'll take a nice long nap (to coincide with Julia's) in the afternoon. He's toned down the biting humans habit except for when I'm working out - he seems to take that as an open invite to attack. He walks around exclaiming, "D-d-d-dora!" all the time but won't sit still to watch the actual show like his addict of a sister.

Theodore: Eats a lot, sleeps a lot, requires a lot of diaper changes, hasn't lost his hair yet, and is mostly pleasant. He still wears newborn diapers and outfits and is most definitely not taking after Sebasgiant in this arena ... quite yet.

Enough? I'm happy to go into exciting detail surrounding Julia's potty training triumphs and failures or maybe a little writeup on our bedtime routine orrrrr a breakdown of the 3500 calories Sebastian consumes on the daily?

Next time. If you're good.


  1. I found your blog through a friend's recommendation and I think your take on this parenting madness is hilarious and awesome. I have a 29 month old and an 8 week old and can't even/don't want to even imagine one in between. You're amazing for dealing with it all with some grace and humour!

  2. I found your blog through a friend's recommendation and I think your take on this parenting madness is hilarious and awesome. I have a 29 month old and an 8 week old and can't even/don't want to even imagine one in between. You're amazing for dealing with it all with some grace and humour!

    1. congrats on the new baby!! I can't believe Theo is already 6 weeks. Well .. I can.

      You don't see the behind the scenes total freak outs ..... they are plentiful!!

  3. I feel like these posts are gold considering all you have going on - thanks for writing!

    1. ha. no way. it's nice to have an outlet. Thanks so much for reading!!

  4. this is almost sentimental ;)...but that's coming from senti-MENTAL me. anyways...always appreciate - had a lot of great chuckles. love it.

  5. Ahhh! You don't know how happy I am to hear you say that Julia attacks a thousand bananas at a time. I thought the twins were the only ones who peeled and decided not to eat a weeks' worth of breakfast fruit. Drives. Me. Nuts.

    On another note, the picture of Theo with the banana goes down as one of my favorites of a baby, ever.

  6. Theo's totes Simon's twin. espec that last face!

  7. That last pic is gold! Ahh, so cute.
    You had me at 'toe touch'. Hahaha.
    And right now I'm pretty sure that Julia deserves a new dora doll because of her nap habits. Or maybe that's just me being crazy from spending nearly THREE hours getting Ellee to FREAKING SLEEP tonight. Poor girl is teething and has a stomach ache, but I think it's making me more grumpy than her. And on that note, I'm going to go eat some brownies.

  8. I want to steal Theo's owl pajamas. Will they fit me? No. But I can dream about the time I was once that skinny and teeny tiny, right?

  9. I love, love, love your takes on motherhood. Our 17 month old finnallly started building a vocabulary: daddy, grampa, ball, car and crash! And no, he doesn't say mama yet. Maybe someday?

  10. Yea for baby updates! I wish I could throw myself down every time I don't get my way. Unfortunately if I did, I probably couldn't get back up again. LOL!

    Enjoy nap time earned it.

  11. I really don't know how you do it. They are still so young and close together. We had the same worries with Andrew and learning to talk at the same age. I think it was because Christopher was a big talker from day one and Andrew is more reserved. The older child often does the talking for the younger one too. Anyway, we used picture flash cards to teach words. Reward him with food and use that as a motivator ;) Also we insisted he use words (such a pain with the wait) before he got something. So he had to say "cookie" or whatever to get one.

  12. I am impressed that Julia can get out of her carseat, we've been trying to get our 3 year old to figure it out so we don't have to climb in the back to do it but she is either too lazy or not smart enough. Great post, hilarious as usual!

  13. It's pretty impressive that Theo is already eating bananas. :)

    But Julia being able to undo her carseat? I can't imagine that was an all that welcome development.

  14. More please of all of the above!!! :D

  15. The two banana pics crack me up!
    And I so want to hear your bedtime routine! I'll be taking notes for the future.

  16. Awww the picture of those three together on the cough makes my heart glad :) I'm expecting number two in 15 short weeks...blogs like this help me know it can be done ;) The banana pic is also theeee best.

  17. So I guess the real question is when is Theo going to join the bandwagon of testing the limit every minute of everyday?...just kidding, hopefully he misses that memo in its entirety.

    Oh being a mom! What a joy, you do a pretty darn good job esp. since your hubby is at the hospital so much!

  18. I keep coming back to look at the pictures! I especially love all 3 of them together on the couch :)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Ah, I giggle every time! Thanks for sharing, your a great mom :)

  21. Can Theo be any cuter?! Love the banana pic!

  22. hi! i'm abbey, and i just found your blog. and i'm {uncreepily} obsessed. and oh em gee, that picture of theo with the banana is cuuuuuute.

    1. this was so nice to read after TODAY .... these kids are trying to kill me. They're almost winning.

      Thank you!!!

  23. Aidan dramatically thrashes around when he doesn't get his way as well. It's quite awesome, especially when we're out in public. Glad we can relate ;). xo!

  24. Ryder isn't talking yet either. I think he's doing it (not doing it?) on purpose. He KNOWS what the important things are... when i say 'bottle' he runs to his cage, then when i put him in, he lays down with arms up waiting. when i say 'bath' he runs to the tub and tries to climb in fully-clothed. the closest i get to actual words are 'ba' (bath, bottle, ball, bed, milk, car, dinner, toy, book) and 'da' (everything else). when he grabs paper towels out of the trash, however, he either pretends to blow his nose -complete with noises -or pretends to clean the floor, so he's obviously a genius. (you're welcome for all the unimportant deets). i think these boys need a playdate.

  25. Ha ha ha, that is HILARIOUS! I particularily LOVE seeing baby Theo with a banana - his look is PRICELESS....almost as if he understands he's being included. I LOVE your posts!

  26. We have those owl jamies too. They are super cute, but alas, my baby has grown out of them. Sebastian is only 15 months! I thought he was older for some reason. I wouldn't worry too much about his lack of vocabulary. My son wasn't even saying "Dora" at 15 months and now we can't get him to stop talking.
