
22 February 2013

Snow Night

the thing that I was certain would never happen ever ever happened last night: Simon had a snow day (night ... ) because of the weather. Apparently the roads were terrible and some of them were even closed but people were having no problem speeeeeding down our little street all evening long so I'll never really know. Of course he had to go in today to relieve the day team that worked overnight but it's a nice change to not feel like death crawling to the microwave for a 30 second zap after a night of 30 stilted minutes of petrified sleep.

What did we do? All things crazy. Made and ate chocolate covered pretzels for dinner, asked Julia to say things like "lion" "laundry" and "look" because she cannot say her L's for the wife of her and we are woving parents. We watched the Downton finale and while the internet had already spoiled it for me - Simon had no idea and kept guessing that Edith committed suicide or that someone accidentally dropped Baby Sybil (if only it were something so trivial ....). The roads are perfectly fine today which is a relief because we are out of all the essentials: bananas, chicken nuggets, yogurt, small diapers, and a breath or 89 of notinsidethisconfoundedhouse air. After I touch up my nail polish (the color of "purpow chocwet" according to J) we'll be making the trek to my favorite warehouse because we can only live on peanut butter on tortilla and peanut butter on spoon for so long.


  1. Wandry is not my favorite!

    Great post - but they all that wasn't even necessary to say.

  2. We yike our Ells. In fact we yove them, yike we yike your yipstick.

  3. Haha we do that with our kids too - make them say things like, "Willy and Lily are rolling around!" which since they can't say r's either, sounds pretty awesome. "Wiwwy and Wiwy ah woahwing awound!" It's not child abuse if they think it's funny too, right?

  4. The only way I'd move back North is if someone could guarantee I'd be snowed in with the Pattons each winter. That's it.

  5. I need to get a Costco membership because you make it sound like so much fun!

  6. I didn't know such a thing was ever possible in residency! A night together however you can get it is great... especially if it involves chocolate and/or Downton.

  7. You all love snow days as much as we do! No school! No work! Now if only our kids could drive a plow and we could get them out of the house and making big bucks, we'd be all set!

  8. We haven't watched any of Downton this season (why? I know not. Maybe because I already knew before it started a certain someone wasn't coming back after this season and I didn't want to get more invested?) but I had already heard about the finale (thank you internet). It will be interesting to see Joe's reaction when he finds out.

    Anyhow, glad you had a good night. We do the same sort of thing with Grace- I know she'll figure out how to say things correctly eventually, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

  9. Yay for a snow night! Catching up on Downton is important business- as are Costco runs

  10. The (uber non granny) granny picture is be makin' my heart skip beats!

  11. One of the best things about being a kid= snow days, and one of the worst things about being an adult is that you don't really get snow days, until you do and then it's awesome.
    And why is the writer of Downton obsessed with doing a certain thing when offspring make their entrance into the world?

  12. Sweet babies!

    Okay, and we don't watch Downton because watching tv together is often our "quality time" and when I finally succumbed to the social pressure to watch it, I turned on this season's premiere (the Christmas one) and about three seconds into it, my husband said, "Oh, accents? I'm just gonna lay down now." So we picked something else. British accents are like Ambien for him.

    You couldn't look un-beautiful if you tried, Granny.

  13. I can only imagine how sleep deprived you must feel during night float. Austin volunteers as an EMT every Wednesday night in a neighboring small town and I always sleep TERRIBLY (out of fear) when he is gone. Couple that with 3 small children and I can't begin to imagine your exhaustion!

  14. Hi there, new follower from! Looks like you guys had a fun time! Your son loves to do what mine does...he always wants to get in on the action with his new baby sis. Although I find it so sweet that he wants to help, I catch him half the time squeezing her hands, shoving the soother up her nose, etc.! lol!

  15. I predicted that Mary cheated on Matthew, Matthew got shot while hunting, Lord Grantham got shot while hunting, Mary's baby died, Mary cheats on Matthew with Branson, Edith hooks up with Branson, Thomas dies, Mary dies, someone murders O'Brien, should I keep going or have I illustrated my neurosis enough?

  16. Peanut butter on spoon! My favorite meal :)

  17. Three out of my four lunches this week have consisted primarily of peanut butter.

  18. I thought Anna was going to die and everyone would suspect Bates-thus throwing us back into "did he do it or did he not"? I was perfectly ok with that story line. Or Edith dying. Either would have been fine. But Matthew?? I honestly don't even know if Season 4 will be worth watching.

    And I'm glad Simon got stuck at home instead of stuck at the hospital!

  19. My niece can't say her "c" or "k" sounds, and she says them as "t" sounds instead. So of course my husband and I tell her to say "I like kitties" and you can imagine what comes next. We are going to be great parents, I'm sure.

  20. I never eat chicken nuggets anymore- I'm an adult! with no children! it's probably frowned upon!- but as soon as I read you were out I wanted one. My lunch menu thanks you.

  21. When is J going to start her own blog?

  22. We just watched the second to last episode of Downton last night and now I'm wishing the season ended there (since I too have been spoiled by the Internets).

  23. The whole Jean pic made me smile. Hopefully he made it back!

    And yay for a snow day! Maybe he'll get another one here this week!

  24. thanks for not spoiling DA for me. We are on Episode 5 here. So, you can read that as: a) we SAVOR good TV or b) we go to bed ridiculously early and have not the energy to fight the chillens for the remote a mere one evening a week. Either choice. I prefer "a", makes us sound so "restrained" and all....
