
27 February 2013

Open to Interpretation

Kayla and Erica are graciously allowing me to join them for another round of Open to Interpretation. Here's Erica's pick:

And here's my interpretation:

It's not every day that I get to bust out my burgundy velvet. Nay! I reserve it for Saturday night live trips to Target with one child to hunt and gather essentials like chocolate chips, cream cheese, calcium chews, and the Almanac for Alliteration Addicts.

Simon had a few things to say about my necklace layering and I had one glare to share in response. I think I was subconsciously making up for the fact that I don't have any bracelets or a notsmall purse that doesn't fit at least 4 diapers, two sippy cups, one pack of wipes, and a wide variety of stale fruit snacks.

Some down the street neighbors were out walking their dog and caught us taking photos and I was more than a little embarrassed which (as Simon pointed out the obvious) is ridiculous because the photos are going to be seen by a little sliver of internet and are our non-friends going to all of a sudden cut ties? No.

(Still embarrassed.)

blazer: Ann Klein (believe it)
jeans: Goodwill
shoes: c/o Blowfish Shoes
shades: c/o
shirt: Asos

Now go see how Kayla and Erica interpreted the look. They always make me rethink my approach.


  1. Love the necklaces! So snazzy :)

  2. I love your interpretation. Regarding the necklaces: please tell Simon to stick with what he knows and let you continue to rock the accessories. (Tell him nicely of course, because I wouldn't want to offend him.)

  3. That top picture of you is GORGEOUS. I love your interpretation! And, sorry Simon, I do quite love the necklaces.

  4. Ahh, so cute Grace! And your hair is gorgeous as usual.

  5. I've seen what Simon wears - those baggy, matching green or blue tops and bottoms. What's up with those? I wouldn't listen to fashion advice from someone who wears those to work, but keep rocking those necklaces AND velvet blazer.

    And yes, totally embarrassing for strangers on the street to see you take photos that you put up on the internet. I understand completely.

  6. I am actually obsessed with your necklace combo. But you know, I would be because I am a necklace hoarder.
    How about getting caught taking pictures in public by a friend who drove by and getting called out through a text? Worse than strangers to me...;)

  7. Ms. Grace, I honestly thought the first picture of you was another professional/model pic like the one above. How fun ;) Love the shirt, by the way.

    Hope you are well!

  8. Love the outfit, Grace! After reading your blog I hopped on over to aintnomomjeans and who did I see?!? You, looking fab once again :) Love it!

  9. Gorgeous! Are you wearing the same belt Julia was sporting the other day?? Super impressed if you are!

    1. Good eye!!! Yes but it's elastic and v v v v v v v stretchy!

    2. Elastic-schmelastic! I would take that and run with it!

  10. Those are great shots of you, grace...reminds me of Audrey Hepburn a little bit :)

  11. I love your choice of necklace layering! And I love that your husband takes these pictures of you. Many husbands would remain unmoved by that request...

  12. you look fab. and i KNOW THE FEELING of wandering eyes during photo shoots. i try to dodge behind trees. not always successful. but you look beautiful, love the outfit!

  13. That first picture is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!! Actually, all of them are, but that first one - sheesh! Supermodel anyone?

    Anyway, I love love love this outfit!!! I might have to play copycat sometime soon :o)

  14. I think the necklaces look great! And I hate it when my neighbors see my husband taking my picture outside, especially when I'm posing with my hand on my hip or something. Embarrassing.

  15. Super cute! The necklaces look good, I think. This sounds weird, I know, but I am jealous that your thighs don't touch when you stand normally...even after three kids...that's just wrong.

  16. wait---are those curls in your hair?! did it hold!? looks awesome.
