
26 February 2013

Conversations with Julia

photos in response to, "can you put your hands on your hips?"

Sebastian: disobeys me/disobeys her
Julia: "No sweetheart!!!! No!!!!"

Simon: "I have to go to work now"
Julia: "oh, you need to go eat french frize?"

Grace: "do you want to go use your potty?
Julia: (marches into bathroom) "I need a book, please."

Grace: "are you done using the potty?
Julia: "no, I not done, Grace."

Grace: (tries to get Theo to take a pacifier while he was crying in the car and veered onto the side of the interstate hitting the noise-making divots)
Julia: (laughs) "Grace had a gas!"

Julia: "what show is this?"
Grace: "the Oscars"
Julia: "no, its a circus."



  1. Oh, that child! After a craptacular day, that was just what I needed.

  2. How I love it when a little one calls her parent by her first name! Cracks me up every time.
    The photos are so cute. Never would have thought to put a belt on my daughter when she was little. Or ever. She's going to be 13 in a few days and I've never given her a belt. Seeing these, I totally should have.

  3. "A circus." So wise. If she keeps up the Grace thing then all your kids will call you that like Atticus on To Kill a Mockingbird. :)

  4. Oh my goodness, thank you, Julia, for starting my day off with a laugh. The "French frize" is my favorite. And the gas one. Okay, all of them.

  5. I like the hands on cheek pose.
    So much wisdom ~ so much cuteness!

  6. Oh my gosh. Dying here--thanks for the laugh, Julia!

  7. Zelie's response: "I LOVE that ballerina!" I so hope they get to meet in April. Can you even imagine how hysterical that would be?

  8. Oh my goodness, she cracks me up! I found your blog not too long ago and have been stalking it ever since. Your humor? Perfection. Can we be best friends? Ha!

  9. I refuse to start my work day without reading your blog! Makes working so much more bearable when you start it laughing till you cry :) Please oh please do not stop blogging! You need blogging for your sanity and us readers need your blog for our sanity !!!

  10. She started calling you Grace. That's going to be so much fun to try and eradicate. But I think my fave is that she calls Bash 'sweetheart.' Classic.

  11. I hope my future children have Julia's sense of humor!

  12. We have those socks! Damn Dora.
    (they were a gift from my lovely friend who knows my disdain for the Explorer)

  13. She says the best things! I love that she calls you Grace! She just cracks me up :)

  14. I love that she calls you Grace. My boys both went through a good chunk of time calling me Kayla. It felt super awkward at the store around the old ladies, for some reason. Like they were judging me for being one of those newfangled progressive moms who lets their kids call them by their first name.

  15. Isn't it so funny (and so wrong!) when they start trying to use first names?! Hanna said to me the other day, "Where is Joe?" Me: "Who is Joe?" Hanna, exasperated, "You know, that man you married!"

  16. You know I am a big J. fan, so thanks for this. Much funnier than hair burning girl!

    Photo 1= cutest pose ever. That she thinks those are her hips only makes it CUTER.

    And I was absolutely shocked when child #1 wanted to know my first name. Now I just answer whenever #3 calls me "Jeannine." It's pretty cute.

  17. she sounds so posh when she calls you by your first name lol

  18. hahaahaha. She is just amazing

  19. Conversations with Julia is my favorite "feature" on your blog. Besides videos of the babies.

  20. She is sooo cute! The "french frize" one is my favorite. It's funny what toddlers think their parents do when they have to go to work. :)

  21. Oh how I love this sweet child. She has her mother's sense of style AND humor I might add. When I go to work I eat french frize too!! And yes the Oscars were a circus! LOL!

  22. I always read the conversations with julia aloud to my officemate at work... we both get a good chuckle! We especially like the pictures today... maybe you need to try the "head, shoulders, knees, and toes... and hips!" song with J?

  23. oh gawd her face kills me!
    aaaand I ditto everything that people have been saying above :)

  24. Funniest kid ever! The divets response made me laugh out loud.

  25. aaah laughing out loud over here.

  26. i love these posts the most.
