
08 February 2013

7 Quick Takes

Joining reality star Jen once again.

1. Ah. The kids can sense that I'm a one man army during this rotation and Sebastian has kicked up his "seek and destroy" mission up about 93 notches. He's managed to run around with scissors, escape out the front door and run directly into the street after dark, climb on top of Theo who was safely on the table in his bouncy seat, empty every dresser in the house, spill an entire bottle of shampoo, eat a green crayon (that Julia scream-tattled was a booger), skip one VERY IMPORTANT nap, bite me, bite me again, dismantle the fire extinguisher (the previous owners were ... cautious and prepared?), and oh SO much more.

2. After three failed at attempts at visiting Simon (it is SO worth getting the kids dressed, herded into the van, strapped into their seats, and risk not seeing Simon at all in the event that some more important things come up just to get my over the post-nap/pre-bedtime hump of DOOM) at the hospital this week I tried again last night and we were successful at seeing him and enjoying some fried food and bottled water but not before ...
you see those plants ... stage right? Sebastian ate those for dessert after his crayon dinner.

3. we were waiting for Simon in the lobby when Sebastian (as always!) sprinted off down the hallway. I ran after him (as always!) but his little legs can gallop and it took me a few seconds to hunt and trap him. By the time I carried pissy pants back to the lobby .. a hospital security guard had found Julia and Theo and expressed his concern over the "unattended children that have been here for quite some time." Julia was babbling about "basher and fee-oh" and that fact that "fee-oh is zero!" and not answering any of his "did your mommy leave you here? where did your mommy go?" inquiries. So, that was a first and hopefully but probably not a last.

4. Then some rando came and sat down in the lobby and while I was very busy keeping both big kids pinned to my lap lest they go pluck 45 more fake leaves off the fake tree in the (not pictured) corner she had to make the painfully obvious "you've got your hands full" statement complete with an eyebrow raise.

5. I do and apparently I'm in the company of Sherlock's obnoxious offspring. Quadruple trouble.

6. And after all that ranting I put you through I'm still going to shamelessly solicit your vote for something I absolutely do not deserve for reasons listed under #'s 1-5.

7. We're up for Best Family and Kids Blog over at Apartment Therapy's Homies awards and would really, really appreciate your vote. Today's the last day to vote and then the categories will get shaved down to the top 6 blogs. There are some ginorm blogs in the running and I don't have great expectations that we'll make the cut but a house mouse can dream. Yes she can. Thank you!!

Go see Jen for more.


  1. no. 3 = I would have died. Remind me to email you later about the time an off-duty cop threatened to arrest me once in a Target. If I can stop my heart from pounding in PTSD.

  2. Haha "fried food and bottled water..." so your hospital caf has the same food service provider, huh?

    we are entering a night float weekend too. twitter party at 3am? #protectingthehouse

  3. I think you need some sort of t-shirt that says, "I know I've got my hands full b*tch!". That'll shut her up.

  4. You know I done gone vote for you.

    I had a friend who was at Target while her baby was crying, and a couple approached her and told her she was a terrible mom, that the baby didn't ask to be born, and they were going to call CPS if she didn't leave.

    Um. People need to check their delusional heads. If that ever happens to me, there might be some injuries. I'll keep my confessor on speed dial.

  5. ...and suddenly my ridiculous day seems not so bad. Thanks, again. Not that I am reveling in your misfortune or anything- just grateful for a little perspective :)

  6. There should seriously be an extra Beatitude about those who wrangle toddlers all day--especially with an absent/semi-absent other parent!!
    Thanks for sharing--hope you have a better day today!

  7. ugh... Augustine was sunny side up too and I had an obnoxious 4th degree tear that killed. So glad little Theo is safe, though... his picture is just adorable, black and blue and beautiful as all get out. Congrats on the new one, again.... and pray for our #3 coming in July - I hope he/she is as healthy and gorgeous as yours! :)

  8. I meant to comment on the last post but I'll just say here, I'm loving Theo's birth story!!! I will go vote!

  9. They make leashes for kids now ;-)

  10. Theo may be brand new - but man he takes a great picture!

  11. Post-nap, pre-bedtime is indeed the WORST period of the day. WORST.

  12. Agreed. 3-7pm is purgatory. Hope your weekend is brighter!

  13. I love your blog and I just wanted to make a comment based on a lesson we learned the hard way. You mentioned that you had Theo in a bouncy seat on the table. We are slow learners and we have had a few bad incidents with bumbos and bouncy seats on tables and counters. My son flipped his bouncy seat right off the kitchen counter while my husband was standing right there and we made a trip to emerg as a result. My oldest son collapsed the bouncy with the baby in it by leaning over to give him a kiss. Thankfully it was on the floor at the time. Also with bumbos - my first son flipped out of his (it was on the floor then too, thankfully) but his leg got caught and he stayed suspended with his forehead on the floor and a very large goose egg on it as a result. My second son tipped the bumbo over entirely but he stayed stuffed in it - also on the floor at the time. Prior to that we used to put the bumbo on the table all the time. When we took our son to emerg (at childrens hospital) after the bouncy seat incident the pediatrician told us that each ped dr there averages 12 head injury patients per day!! We were totally embarrassed to explain what had happened. Especially since the reason we were putting them up on the counter and table was to protect them from their very young but mobile older siblings! We had three in 2.5 yrs so quite similar to your situation. Sorry to be annoying and tell you all of this but after the bouncy seat episode we vowed to always leave the seats on the floor.

    1. Thanks for the warnings! So glad your kids are okay

  14. Somehow you manage to make the most annoying real life things sound hysterically funny. I bet you never have a down moment. You probably just laugh at all of those things that would make me want to scream! Ha, I love you and your blog and your adorable kids and your funny horror stories. =)

  15. for what it counts, you're pretty much #1 on my blog list right now and. . . i voted for you. you're welcome.

  16. Va-va-va-voted.

    And I am glad you got to see Simon with your herbivore/crayon-ivore, fee-oh and Lady Julia.

  17. Oh. man. I have to deal with random people worried out of their minds over my "unattended child" all the time, and it's really annoying. Ever since #2 came along, #1 has had to learn to just follow on his own at the stores instead of being put in the cart. If he dallies somewhere looking at toys, etc., and I wander further down the aisle to grab something...someone inevitably finds him the second I'm gone, freaks out, and decides to stay there to guard him or chooses to alert one of the employees. I'm sure they mean well, but seriously? I could see him the whole time! So I go back over, and say, "yes, I knew he was right here" and forcefully drag him away from the toys which he was so innocently ogling, hoping that the people feel a little bad about the huge tantrum they just caused.

  18. So, I thought I had buried the memories Tagg's running away years into the very far corner of my mind, but this brought them all to the surface again. Oy vey. There's a reason I shop at Target all the time. It's because Tagg's tested their "code yellow" alert system a few times, so I know it works REALLY well.
    And I swear, every time I go out with all three kids at the same time someone (usually an old lady), will say "boy, you have your hands full."
    But seriously... I know have three kids, but there are many people with more than that. I mean 3. I guess we look just as much like a circus as I feel some days. Haha.
    Off to vote!

  19. Post-nap, pre-bedtime = The Witching Hours in our house. You NEVER know what is going to happen! It is going to be a good 1.5 hours or a tearful one and mix in trying to get dinner going/done. Summer witching hours are easier because we get to go outside and play but I found the winter WH with more than one is R-O-U-G-H!

  20. Apparently that security guard does not know the maxim that "God watches out for babies and drunks" that I relied so heavily on when my kids were all under 3 :) I have totally been there, hope you felt no shame! And the 'you've got your hands full' comment is my all time ever least favorite, edging out due to quantity the one where I left the hospital with my third baby, second girl, and a crazy lady said, "You've got one of each why in the world did you have another?".
