
17 January 2013

Postpartum Living

1. Are my Target generics showing? Whoomp, yes they are.  < -- click it and try not to dance, seriously.
2. Frustrated and defeated because he wouldn't answer her new favorite question, "what's your name, Fee-oh?" despite her 98 repeated attempts in a machine gunned row.
3. Paper cut by way of a cardboard book. We had piercing screams, blood, and a concerned (from a safe distance as she hates to get dirty) Julia to prove it.
4. Make way for the Pattons ... along with Julia's buttoned alllllllll the way up cardigan c/o her OCD.

Exactly how long can I claim to be postpartum before it starts to get a little eyerolly? Not much longer? Well then I'd better get my litany of complaints out while I can. No, things are mostly okay ... until they aren't ... but then they are again. Repeat. And repeat again. Probably my biggest issue is figuring out a way to attach everything in the house to the ceiling because Sebastian is into approximately everything ...

Oh, Sebastian dragged the downstairs bathroom trashcan upstairs and has turned it upside down and is using it as a vehicle to climb up onto the counter to play with the block of knives? Too bad, I'm feeding Theo.

Oh, Sebastian is biting Julia and breaking skin and pulling out tufts of her already super fine hair? Figure it out dearhearts, I'm still feeding Theo.

Oh, Sebastian ninjad his way into the locked guestroom and unfolded allllllllll the laundry that I spent my precious two-armed free time folding before the chickens cackled this morn? I'd help him hide the evidence because I'm actually ... feeding Theo.

Oh, Sebastian is gnawing on a nursing (breast?) pad again? He's gross and I think it can wait until I'm not completely naked and about to pop in the shower for a 34 second rinse off but thanks Officer Julia Grace. 

We have managed to get ourselves dressed and looking almost presentable enough to go out into civilized society two days in a row because while I am a hermittess and an introvert and a homebody there are only so many millions of consecutive days of cabin fever even I can handle. We made it as far as the hospital cafeteria (where else?) both days. But to the couple in the car that was on the prowl for a coveted parking spot in the parking garage and sat and waited and waited and waited and waited while we toddled all the way to the last row where the van was parked, buckled alllllllllllll the car seat buckles and finaggled my way out of the apparent goldmine with the little bit of breathing room you left me ... don't do that again or I'll have a legit attack of the anxiety variety .... thank you not so kindly in advance.

Anyway, one of these days I'll have to bite the bullet, stuff Theo to his little esophagus, fill my purse with sugary bribes, and make the trek out to the land of the almighty Costco to hunt and gather some diapers and almond milk.

Our adventurous spirits know no bounds.

*and postpartum living last time around ... (I need to hire a post title writer)


  1. Oh, I can so relate. Day 14 of having 4 here and I keep telling myself it's okay that there are raisins all over the living room and dirty clothes all over the bathroom and probably an entire bag of goldfish crackers under the table. It's probably not, really, but that's what I'm telling myself. #3 was the worst, though, for sure. My oldest was 26 months old and none of them talked and they were long, long, hard, hard days and they didn't get better for a very long time. But eventually they did and now my others are 2, 3, and 4 and I can actually send them down to watch tv while I nurse the baby and if they don't fight, it really can buy me 45 minutes if I need it to. So it does get better. LOL. And it is worth it, whether it gets better or not, right?

  2. omg, J's hair! i love it. picture #2 kills me..."fee-oh". and, two days in a row? i say you deserve a medal!

  3. I don't have any kids, so have nada helpful to say regarding postpartum and managing life with three very small children; BUT, all of those photos are absolutely gorgeous. As in, I'm getting married in two weeks and little Theo's tiny stretched-out arm and scrunched-up legs have suddenly made the prospect of motherhood way more appealing than it already was. Yowzers.

  4. "And things are mostly ok, until they aren't." That about sums it up!

  5. I want Julia's sweater. But I want most of Julia's clothes, so whatevs.

    Also, sounds like you're doing great! Really, truly it does.

  6. Julia's defeat is priceless!!! I love her determination.

  7. Grace, I'm seriously hearting your hair!

  8. Josiah makes me zip his jackets up all the way. Methinks he and Julia are two peas in a pod. And forgive the stalkerish enthusiasm, but if a 2 to 4 ratio sounds better than a 1 to 3 ratio, I would be happy to accompany you to Costco anytime! We haven't been there in over a week and I am starting to get twitchy.

  9. It does get better, but then sometimes it is still hard. And one day they'll be bigger and you'll look at this and marvel that you ever left the house. At least, that's how I feel, looking back.

  10. Dude, you are super mom. For real. I'm very impressed :-)

  11. I swear...Julia gets cuter by the day! I can not stand it!

  12. I've been following your blog for a couple of weeks now and I just have to say, I LOVE the way you write. The hubs and I seriously sit down together every night to read your posts - thanks for the entertainment =)

  13. I feel your pain...
    I remember when my oldest was screaming because he got bit by a spider
    the next one was screaming because he had pooped everywhere
    the nursing baby was screaming because I had to stop nursing.
    those were the days.

  14. I know everyone has already said this - but I would sell you another child (of the older, teenage babysitter variety!)for that hair! Looking forward to the Costco trip post!

  15. That second pic is too adorable. She loves him.

  16. dude, you are AWESOME. how do you manage to be so darn hilarious (and frightening, for someone who is about to be in exactly your position).

    But what i really want to know is... see how I can see your leg in that very last image- how on earth is it THAT tones when you are indeed...ehum... postpartum?

    not. fair.

    xo em

  17. p.s I ment to say, I have a little linky that goes up on sunday evenings for just think kind of post- it's called weekly stills. Feel free to join, or don't ;)

    also feel free to delete this comment once you've read it. I don;t want to be spammin' yo feed

    xo em

  18. Fee-oh looks like he's fist bumping the air from afar. He's already so trendy.

  19. dream big! costco!

    are you soooo ready for spring? like more than anyone ever was? spring just makes getting outdoors so much easier. and i only have parker.

  20. Good luck surviving these days of postpartum, and thank you for posting those pictures of the little Pattons. They're pretty darn adorable, even in spite of the antics they play.

  21. You're totally AWESOME!!! TOTALLY!

  22. I'm 10 days postpartum with ONE and thought I had it bad. :) you are my hero! My little nugget is all about the cluster feeding right now- the fact that you get out of the house with all the kids is beyond me! I'm patting myself on the back for taking a shower every other day.

  23. if you have ever given you birth you have the right to claim "postpartum living" ;)

  24. 1. If you find any product that does attach things to the ceiling, please blog about it b/c I am in desperate need.
    2. The only place I've managed to go out with the kiddos is to my parents house and that's with only 2, so major props to you!
    3. Please don't ever stop blogging, esp. about postpartum-ness. I need to laugh somehow, and I think many people can relate!

  25. Wow. You are super mom and I know it can only get better for you! Prayers, prayers! xoxo

  26. I think I need to see a video of Julia asking Theo what his name is:)

  27. I do not know how you get out of the house with three. But I will say, when I am having a panic attack about leaving with just Ellen, I always think, "Grace does it with three!" and then I go.

    So, thanks!

  28. Thank you for the precious pictures of Theo stretching! I love those newborn movements!

    And HA! in response to the parking lot situation description. I can remember trying to keep everyone from getting hit in the parking lot while being stalked for our spot, and thinking, "do you see me? How long do you think it will take to get us all situated in a car?!" And then being completely undone by the stress of trying to get all the babies and all the stuff into the car. Anyway, I think I just said what you said, but in a non-entertaining way. Just that I have sympathy.

  29. Okay, what's the trick to getting your hair so wavy????

  30. So, I was just reading your latest post, but then I saw this teeny tiny baby at the bottom and thought, "There is no way that is Theo!" When did our babies get so big???
