
11 November 2012

What I Wore Sunday

I'm linking up with the ladies over at Fine Linen and Purple yet again this week. Just taking the "modest is hottest" mantra to a whole new level today. I stupidly assumed it was going to be cold this morning and so I bundled up in my finest turtleneck swacket only to find that the chapel's thermostat was set to a generous 93 sweaty degrees. And combined with one or both of the kids pawing at my person for the entirety of Mass and the fact that the top of this dress is just a little to a lot too small and is not even kind of pubroppriate ... it looked like I had run at least a tenth of a mile by the time the sign of peace rolled around. I had to do that awkward "I'll nod and smile but I can't offer you my sopping wet palm ... sorry" maneuver - you know the one, I hope. Julia loves to shake people's hands while loudly proclaiming, "peace!!" and last week the couple behind us pulled that exact move and refused her germ-infested paws so I figure we're all even now and can all go back to being polite and handsy next Sunday. Oh, did you nod off? I'm finished.

outfitted in:
sweater: Old Navy
dress: Target via Good Will
shoes: Target 

Mass behavior grades:
Julia Grace: B+
Sebastian Xavier: B
preteen female in front of us that wouldn't stop turning and staring and made me wonder if I'd forgotten to get dressed completely: F


  1. Grace, you so personify your name. The outfit is classic, even if you were burning up!

  2. That's a cute sweater, I love the color. You should give yourself an A+ for not sticking your tongue out to the pre-teen girl or giving her the sweaty handshake...

  3. Grace, you look great! I really like the dress. Thanks so much for participating with us!

  4. Fantastic autumn colors here, especially the plum tights.

  5. Where did you get the oxblood or plum tights??

    1. Kohl's!

      (thanks for not being a mean anonymous!!)

  6. Pre-teen girl clearly reads your blog and couldn't believe she actually caught a REAL LIVE SIGHTING of her hero, GP in the flesh. Obviously.

  7. When it comes to church attendance I have to always dress in layers. Because it will either be HELLISH BURNING hot in there or ARTIC FRIGID cold. There is no in between and they don't send out notices for what we should expect so I have to dress for both. It's awesome.

    You don't even look preg. If I didn't like you I'd probably not like you.

  8. You do not look pregnant AT ALL! You look lovely, even if you felt sweaty (it doesn't show)! I'm glad that the kids behaved. Next week is bound to be a PERFECT church experience!

  9. You absolutely must start "cupping" the belly bump. Pretty please? I need my cute baby belly fix!

  10. Ok - so, I'm the gal Kris sent. Love your blog, and how the heck do you look so good, ALL. THE. Time?? Fantastic style. You got me to jump on board the meme too. Have a great week!! Will be lurking... ;)

  11. Ditto Colleen...cupping allowed and encouraged this late in the game! Super cute. (and remaining anon just to attach more good vibes to the dreaded label ;))

  12. Oh sorry...I didn't mean to be anonymous about the tights I just didn't have time to sign in!!! Ankle biter was moving in.

  13. Love the whole ensemble- perfect for fall months, even if thermostats are screaming summer temps! I have the same sweater except mine does not make me look non-prego.

  14. Oh my gosh I agree about church temperature problems. People here are apparently wimps, because though it was well over 65 degrees today, we had heat on at church. It was so ridiculously warm, despite my short sleeve and skirt ensemble, that I had to step outside to cool off during the Our Father. AHH.

    Your outfit is inspiring me to look for more colored tights and definitely grey heels. Thanks for linking up, you're such a stylish lady!

  15. Perhaps you need to share your Mass grading system with Jim Gaffigan. This is the tweet from his wife after they attended Mass today: @jeanniegaffigan: Leaving church today with 5 hyper kids @JimGaffigan says "well that was enough to make me an atheist"

  16. I think I'm going to require proof in the ultrasonic form that you are housing a baby. What the flip.

    Your shoes are cutes, and I like this new segment/link-up you're doing because it means you post during the weekend...and I'm needy.

  17. If I shopped at the Goodwill around here my post would read outfitted in: K-mart via Goodwill. Just a wee bit jealous that you can find cute Target clothes at your Goodwill.

  18. This cracked me up. In the Catholic church there really are no boundaries. Share the wine, shake the sweaty hands, hold the sweaty hands for the Our Father. And then to have the bonus of the preteen gawker. You lucked out! We are so fortunate to have short mass but other churches have luxuries such as Children's Church and personal space. ;) Alas, we all make concessions. You look great prego!

  19. Two things. One: Can I have the address of your Goodwill? Two: I hope we never meet in person, because you will think I'm the biggest frump! I always look at your pics and think: what in the world could she possibly pick at in this phote? You're too modest! Hil-ar-ious...but too modest!

  20. new glasses per chance?? or are those the ones that were tossed by she-who-must-not-be-named?
