
20 September 2012


Julia is turning two big years old today ...

    and in true Grace fashion, I really went all out ...
1.5ish layers for 2 years ... whatever. Leave me alone.

But you know I couldn't let the day go by without a little one of these ...

(no one is even kind of expected to view except for the grands and great grands ... )
And don't worry, I've enrolled myself in slideshow making cessation classes. Let's hope they are effective because Sebastian's first birthday is just around the corn.

Julia's birth story
and her first birthday 
and her half birt 

(click here if the clip above is dumb and malfunctiony)


  1. Give my little Goddaughter a kiss! I love you and miss you!

  2. Your videos are always AMAZING!! Happy Birthday Julia!

  3. Happy Birthday to Julia, would I scare you if I said behavior after a 2nd bday spirals downward rapidly? ;). Btw, your cake is fine - at least J won't have issues later that her mama never even bothered baking a cake and just called up K Roger's. (points finger at self).

  4. Love this! Happy birthday, you beautiful diva Julia!

  5. I had no idea what I was watching during that video. Luckily Ellen was in my lap saying, "da beebee. da bee bee." every. single. slide. And we had to watch it mullllltiple times (moy moy translation: more more)

    And, she is screaming now because we have to go to Target now and not watch the video again.

    So, I would say, job well done!

    Happy birthday, Jay Jay!

  6. So great! You can really see the resemblance between her and Sebastian when she was little. Love it.

  7. Happy Birthday Julia! I still remember the day that you wanted nothing to do with Mark at the first residency BBQ that we ever went to. I think he still has a special place in his heart for you, though, if you ever change your mind. ;)

  8. Happy Birthday Julia! I love the cake, Grace. It's awesome.

  9. aww Happy Birthday, Julia! love you guys!

  10. I will hire you for all my future slideshow making needs. Seriously.
    Happy, happy birthday, Julia. Dora bandaids are the bomb and 5 out of 6 Donaldson children would happily steal them from you.

  11. I swear time flies even faster when you realize how big everyone else's kids are getting.
    Happy Birthday Julia!!

  12. Really cute! There's something special about the first girl ;) I know from experience :)

  13. Presh! Really. If I end up with #5 it will be all your fault, Grace. Serious talk. I'll find your phone number and call you. All. The. Time. So, make the videos not so cute next time, K?

  14. Happy Birthday Little J!!!

    I know that video was a funny one, but I still bawled like a baby watching it. Just seeing how cute Julia is makes me even more excited to have a little girl!

  15. I'm so sorry, Grace...but I must confess: I laughed out loud at the side view of that cake!

  16. First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE A SAINT!!! I really appreciate your vote!! (and if you wanna get really crazy, you can can vote everyday til Monday, I know, super annoying) Second, this looks insanely similar to the cake I made for my oldest daughter's first birthday, except better. It was so bad I made a regular 9X13-you-can't-mess-it-up cake and hid the first in the pantry til guests left. I wish this wasn't a true story.

  17. Happy birthday Julia! The slideshow was awesome! I will have to attempt doing one for my kids some day. And that cake is great, I made 9x13 cake for my first's 1st bday and it cracked in half. I decorated it with farm animals and it looked like an earthquake on the farm cake. Still tasted good, though!

  18. Happy Birthday to Julia!
    I love her name. My Jonathan was suppose to be Julia.
    Your blog is like my fav.

  19. Oh my gosh, laughing out loud at your 1.5 layers. Happy Birthday Julia!

  20. Happy Birthday Julia!!! Great video Grace!

  21. happy (late) birthday, julia! september birthdays are the best, i'm sure she would agree. p.s. rooney has that outfit from target for next summer! i love it!
