
17 September 2012

ever the better

Simon is on a not horrible rotation that doesn't require him to get to the hospital at a "isn't it technically still night time?" hour and so I've been able to get up and run sans covered wagon and company in the morning while he showers and listens for the roosters which has been really great.  If you ever see some bunhead running with a permagrin and blaring 90's technotronic trash on her ancient pod ... be sure to say hello.

But this morning before I was able to secure my winter hat and zip up my turtleneck fleece (what? 58 degrees is not exactly balmy t-shirt weather in my reptiley book) Sebastian woke up and instead of falling for my signature quickly-throw-a-bottle-in-his-mouth-and-noiselessly-change-his-diaper-without-removing-pampered-bebe-from-cage maneuver he turned the urine fountain on full force at the perfect in between diapers moment and my shocked curses woke him up completely and my selfish road warrior time was ruined. And the fact that he was up and ready to rock and unroll paper towel and toilet paper rolls like a pro while making his weird lispy "sssssssssssssssssstttttthhhhhhhhh" sounds royally screwed up my master "the children must nap at the same time or I will die" plan. He even took his ugly morning antics so far as to ninja-bite me on the thigh and draw blood while I was looking at something very timely and important on my phone.

And yet after alllllllllllllllll that ...
he's still managed to steer incredibly clear of the "second favorite" position.



  1. Hahaha!!! Trying to plan for alone time is inviting the wolves to come inside. I actually smile like a hyena when the clock strikes naptime.

  2. HAHAHAHAHA oh J's face is PRICELESS. and I love her hoodie.

  3. Oh my goodness, I love him! And Julia would fit right in over here.

  4. Are there any pictures of her NOT crying...?! And I can't believe you're still running when you are preggo. I never could do it - made me feel all blechy.

  5. Aren't you glad that it's your boy that's the linebacker and not the opposite? Don't hate me readers, I like skinny boys but you know, any reason for Julia to not have a body complex is golden because I'm pretty sure her blog personality won't win her any crowns.

    I feel qualified to comment on your daughter's personality bc mine, well, she's J's soul mate... heaven help us.

  6. You seriously get the motivation award for being howmanyweeksnow preggo with number three and STILL RUNNING! You amaze me! Also, Julia's hoodie is so flippin' cute!!

  7. Who says girls are easier? Oh one. That's why God made them so cute! 3 cheers to Simon for letting his pregnant homebound wife get some fresh air.

  8. I love your blog, I read everyday!! I'm gonna go out on a limb here and ask for some help, would you take a second and vote for me in this contest I'm doing, I'm in the top ten and my room is in desperate need of some help! I am #3
    I'm kind of an underdog here, my blog is itty bitty tiny and I'm up against some biggies, so I'm reaching out to everybody, and I absolutely adore your posts, it adds a little humor to the crazy life of a mother. Thanks for taking the time to read this. :)

  9. Your kids are so cute!!

  10. Mena has the same socks as Julia. And she is wearing them right now. That's all.

  11. Just curious....are you at the point yet when you run that your bladder is ready to betray you? I could only ever run while preg until about 5 mos or so and then it became urine precarious....although my bump WAS significantly larger than yours, perhaps 'tis why. Enjoy your solo runs while you can, they truly are so much more enjoyable than pushing the jogger and soothing fussy offspring!
