
20 August 2012

trip blips

Are you sick of cellie vaca photos yet? You'll live.

The "teething gel" Simon packed. I don't have to tell you how thrilled I was to make this discovery two hours down the road whilst listening to what sounded like a narration of Sebastian cutting his wisdom teeth.

If personalities could scream.

 Oh, just a mailbox disguised as a (patriotic!) bear. Fooled me.

After Mass pleasantries.

Julia doing her odd little prance that has become standard practice and showing off her last semblance of a smile for the day before we got in the car for the long drive home.

I would punish you with more but this morning was spent in a complete frenzy tearing the house and car apart looking for my vanished wallet and ancient ipod (with so much badly awesome music) only to find several hours later that they had been left in Illinois, amputating a slice of my thigh and losing lots of vats of blood while shaving in the shower while Julia watched very closely and narrated in great detail and asked a lot of questions about various body parts, and coming to the always exciting realization that poor starving Sebastian only has 1/2 a scoop of formula left and Simon took the car with the car seats to work. So I just have a lot of sulking and self pitying to do right now. Sorry I'm not really very sorry.


  1. Awww. Sorry for your bad morning. I think you're still suffering from post-traumatic-driving-in-the-car-with-children syndrome...... I still get an involuntary eye twitch just thinking about it. But that picture of Sebastian pushing Julia in the carriage is hysterical!

  2. I'm the same way leaving the house! So crazy. One of them always has a dirty diaper somehow right as I walk out the door. lol

  3. Hi! I'm one of those creepy people who've never met you but read your blog ... sorry?! I just can't help myself. Re: photo number 2, I just have to tell you that I am less than two years older than my brother and apparently the exact same thing used to happen. We've both grown up to very normal and I'm not even a diva. There's hope.

    God bless, Jess

    PS: Your kids are adorable.

  4. I am so with you on the post-Mass thoughts! More often than not, we get out of 9AM Mass and I am ready for a nap. Gotta love keeping kids quiet and respectful for an hour :)

  5. Well at least that neosporin will come in handy for your leg wound.

  6. Oh girl- all I can say is that clearly my misery needed some cyber company. Thanks for obliging. Maybe simon will bring home some orajel for your leg gash. Seriously tho- prayers for sanity and a less blog worthy day tomorrow!

  7. Funny you should mention the odd prance/skip. My two year old just started an odd prance. Maybe it's a milestone.

  8. I have no idea how you all survive mass without nursery. Seriously. I cannot even begin to FATHOM taking the kids in church with me but then again, they are exceptionally not well behaved so....

  9. Haha. mass with our three under 4 is not fun.... but hey you look gorgeous and totally put together at least! :-)

  10. The pic of Julia in the baby carriage just cracks me up!

    Sounds like you all had a very bad case of the Mondays :( Hope Tuesday is better!

  11. Wow, so glad to know I am not the only one with a bad case of Bad Monday Self Pity. I hear you on the post-Mass-with-preschooler-thing. You are not alone! Hope the rest of the week gets better for us both - and the others here who are with us! :) Thanks for the Neosporin laugh - honestly think it's my first of the day.

  12. Can you please give me tips on having toddlers in church? I want him there with us, but not everyone enjoys his wailing as much as I do!

  13. lol @ the Neosporin. Fact: a bottle of Gentleman Jack is the teething gel of champions with the added benefit that it is rarely forgotten by husbands. Could put you in contempt of open-container laws while driving I suppose. But I always thought some solitary confinement (3 meals a day I don't have to make and QUIET) sounded kinda nice.

  14. Yes, I must have a wooden baby carriage for J-Babe. Where did you get it? It looks like it will last forever.
