
16 August 2012

food truckers

The perfect weather fairies finally descended upon Saint Swamp Louis this week and graciously combined forces with the food truck gods to set up fun camp at the park near our house on Tuesday night. So we grabbed our biggest and greasiest appetites and walked down to rub shoulders with/gawk at all the cool cats from our hood.

There were easily over a thousand felines roaming the premises and after deciding against waiting in looooong lines for super fancy grilled cheese or giant sushi rolls ... we went with boring but (so) delicious pretzel burgers (mine with pineapple ... Simon's sworn enemy).
While Simon was waiting in the itsy bitsy 20 minute burger line I watched the shorts play on the playground with the other dozens of kids and felt like a negligent parent for not accompanying and following 8 inches behind Julia on the play structures. When did this horrible not enjoyable epidemic begin and when will it end? I really hope it's just a trendy phase and that we can all forget about tomorrow because I've got bigger fish to juggle (like the tattle tail mom telling me about Sebastian crawling under the bridge and eating a big bad leaf while I silently yell at my eyes to not fly into their favorite rolled position).

After we inhaled our healthy fare we took a long 6 minute walk around the rugged terrain to burn 3-5 cals . . .
. . . which was fun and not dumb at all.

It was a great 65 minutes of something new and different and my favorite moment occured when a pleasant gentleman came and sat one inch away from us on the park bleachers directly facing the monstrosity of a playground and grumbled, "there are two many damn kids here."
I know. They're the worst.


  1. Looks delish and like major overstimulation. We caught a food truck extravaganza a few months ago and it was absolute heaven: miso slaw on shrimp tacos, kimchi and cilantro on chili fries. Amazing!
    And poor Julia, her lip is so... punctured.

  2. The burger looks good and love pineapple on them too! The cutest though was you and Julia in matching outfits. We're enjoying the rain tonight.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I cannot stand tattletail moms. I love the matching outfits, too!

  5. I cannot stand tattletail moms. I love the matching outfits, too!

  6. I spy a pair of Saltwaters. And I'm not talking about Julia... You could have at least bought me a pair, too. Wassupwitdat?

  7. I'm sorry. We have to break up now. How do you look stylish like you do, live in a hip neighborhood like you do, AND write such funny things? Unfair. UNFAIR.

  8. I love that you and J are kinda matchers this am!

  9. WE have a permanent food truck park in the ATL that we need to check out. And tattletail Moms are THE WORST. MYOB lady.

  10. Well....the verdict is in.....69(!!) comments (and counting) on face cream and workout music.......8 comments on the Food Fair in the Park. Off to Ravenville with your Bro P this morning....with a stop for the night in College Hill. Enjoy River City! See-Bash taking the plunge over The Laundry-Basket-Niagara is the Fam's new screensaver. Hilarious...and precious. -D

  11. Haha I totally agree with that playground is it that I feel like the worst mom ever just because I let my kids clamber around by themselves?? Isn't that the whole point of playgrounds...moms get a five second break from being within 2 feet of the offspring?

  12. If you only posted photos of Sebastian I would still read your blog.
    P.S. Love your outfit:)

  13. I loved this post!! I hate when people get all worked up about my baby putting things in her mouth, ALL babies do it and no I will not hold her while she screams at me rather than put her down and let her taste the dirt, she'll learn eventually and it won't kill her. They are the worst though aren't they ;)

  14. That burger looks delicious! Julia does not look too happy at the burger though...

  15. made me laugh SO HARD! in the last month, i've witnessed at least three over weight paranoid parents literally get STUCK in a tube slide while following their tots around the playground. what are they all so afraid of?? just let your kids play already!
