
27 June 2012

basher the victor + videos

I was just minding my own yesterday while busying myself with preparations for our weekly outing to Costco for diapers and social interaction with the sample givers when I noticed the kids were playing nicely together. It was most certainly out of the ordinary but I almost pressed onward anyway to scan my outfit for baby/toddler bodily fluid stains before I herded the kittens out the door. I decided to stand and watch their little game called, "Julia sits on Sebastian's lap which they both find hilarious until Big Bad Basher comes out to play" or "the 8 month old destroys the 21 month old" instead.


*Julia feigns victory in the last high res square even though we all know she was begging for mercy in the form of "suuuuccccckkkk" (stuck) mere seconds prior

I tried to capture it on video today but this is all I got:
1. quick sit
2. a sinfully long peek into our insane morning (and where in the house does Sebastian hide his happy juice? I'd like to know.)
(both 1 and 2 come complete with annoying mom voice free of charge)

just another edition of: Things Parents Think Are Amusing Enough To Share With The Undoubtedly Unamused Internet



  1. omg those photos of them wrestling are the best thing i have seen all week. also, THANK YOU for finally posting a video long enough to be more than a tease. Next time, you HAVE to get their wrestling match on vid.

  2. Your kids are so cute it's ridiculous.

  3. They're seriously the cutest things ever. Seriously.

  4. I vote more videos! I am entertained!

  5. I don't usually send out links to my blog, but I thought the pictures on this post would make you laugh. I love reading blogs like yours because I know I'm not the only one with a crazy child. Not that your kids are crazy, but I think you get it. Your kids make me really happy and Sebastian makes me want to have a second child asap and I hope it's a boy.

  6. Bahahaha! The last row is my fav.

  7. This is sooooooo awesome. Sibling interaction (the happy kind) is the best.

  8. Thought I'd had the volume turned down enough when I watched this so as to not alert the minions that I was looking at video of foreign babies.


    For my audio fail, I am now condemned to a morning of playing both videos on permaloop. By the way Julia, John-Luke says, "Bye". Over and over and over again in response to you.

  9. It cracks me up how happy "Basher" looks when Julia sits in his lap! Like he's won the baby lottery!

  10. Hi Grace! Just wanted to say, I love your blog. I've been reading for a few months. Pics and videos are adorable - it's SO cute to hear Julia say "Basher"

  11. several comments.

    1) i'm glad to see J's bow is still in tact post brawl.
    2) i'm so thrilled to finally hear J's rendition of "Sebastian" aka basher. it's absolutely hilarious!
    3) remind me to hide MY toothbrush when i come, or bring basher a spare to nibble on.

  12. This is why I always tell people that having multiple children is easier than just one - Sebastian would be wrestling YOU if he didn't have a little big sister, and who would Julia have to torture?

    1. Seriously! When's God going to send me another one? I'm tired of having my eyes poked out by a 21-month-old! :)

  13. The Julia says "Basher" is probably one of the cutest things I have seen in a while. Seriously...

  14. You got to watch out for those slightly younger siblings sometimes. My older brother got annoyed A LOT that I wasn't the properly submissive little sister, and got the better of him/tended to dominate our interactions. Julia better assert her status as older and stronger status soon, or it'll become a lifelong pattern! ;)

  15. Okay, I am certainly not the first to appreciate it, but hearing Julia say Basher? So so so so cute.

  16. That series of photos is absolutely the greatest thing I've seen this week. Thanks for that :-)

  17. that display of photos is seriously so cute :) I'm glad i ran in to your blog!

  18. I LOVE that she calls him Basher, that is so cute!! Regan calls Alexis "Awexis" since she can't pronounce her l's. I am jealous that your kids will play together like that, 2 seconds in mine will both be crying, or at least the baby will, she's not really interested in being sat on or bitten or being pushed over constantly. I guess I can't blame her :)

  19. Philomena laughed and cooed at these videos. :) Thanks

  20. I just showed this to Ellen and she wanted me to tell Julia she says, "Bye!"
