
14 May 2012

the perfect visit

Simon's parents and brother, Grace's Godparents and Godbrother, and Julia and Sebastian's grandparents and Uncle Paul (you follow? they wear many hats) kindly made the trek to see us this past weekend.  Julia was in heaven as she learned all about basketball ("kick" -- logical), was read her entire library of wildly exciting board books by patient grandparents, and is still walking around aimlessly asking for "paw?!" over and over and over again -- as she tends to do do do do do do.  Sebastian was thrilled with the fresh sets of willing feeder hands as he cannot stand when he misses one of his million daily meals of puree. Simon was happy to have someone with a similar baller skillset because I think he's tired of being schooled by his sporty spice wife. I was so grateful to the grandparental babysitters who generously watched the hardwood floor rats while Simon and I escaped for an afternoon to buy makeup and eat food. I'll let you guess who picked which fun activity.

1. Julia falls for the 56th time
2. baw with paw
3. patriotic
4. flattering all around
5. book! book! book! book! book! book!
6. Sebastian keeps complaining that he gained 5 pounds this weekend
7. "Papa!" and "Papa!"

I'm very hopeful that they return soon. In fact, tomorrow would be perfect. Thanks.


  1. Aw, this makes me a little bit jealous, but really just super happy for you guys- I LOVE parent/in-law visits.

  2. i love when family comes to town! looks so fun

  3. Is Sebastian ever not smiling?
