
30 May 2012

instavida (overload)

1. who knows
2. light as a feather

3. recreation
4. rearrangement

5. light as a feather again
6. mom trapped in a Julia body

7. fake smile and mini skirt, lost at the zoo
8. genuine smile, buying ingredients for the Fulwiler Margarita

9. curse
10. like father like son (obvi)

11. fuel
12. for the 'pock'


  1. A darling collection of goodies. Your family makes awesome faces.

  2. I love that you take pictures of your kids, because I don't. I think the last time I took a picture may have been their first birthday? These are soo cute, and again, I need to squeeze See Bass..or steal him and take him home with me, whatev. Is it sane to want four children under three?

    Also, wanted to to let you know that I'm experiencing the exact same thing with my little girl as you are with Julio. She's inexplicably going through another attachment phase and won't leave me alone to work, sleep, eat, etc, and cries every time I go to the bathroom. WTH?

  3. Oh her excitement at the pock! I should really take mine more.

  4. #10 is so glorious. Look at Sea-bass' face. Hysterical!

  5. As I read posts, I give myself mental dictation on what I'd like to comment on. For instance, "Say you like the maxi skirt."

    But with your posts, I just can't keep up with them! I want to comment on every picture, every caption. Thank you for the laughs!

    But #6 really settles a moral dilemma I've been talking over with friends. I need to scrape $80 from the June food budget to buy my daughter and myself some matching salt water sandals. She is 8, and this might be my last chance at matchy-matchy.

  6. Once again, I find myself scandalized by your immodest attire.

  7. As I read posts, I give myself mental dictation on what I'd like to comment on. For instance, "Say you like the maxi skirt."

    LOL! I thought I was the only one who did that.

    1. Did *the* Jennifer Fulwiler comment on my comment? Quite awesome.

    2. Haha! That would be my thoughts too!

  8. Wow, how to you manage to live the lifestyle you do and still be such a knock out! If only my life were so glam!

  9. where is this marg? i'm intrigued. love your use of a maxi skirt. i feel like a midget in it......

  10. Grace. If you agree to write a parenting book, I will buy one for every mommy I know. Think about it..

  11. Your kiddos are really cute and this post made me smile. Are you friends with Adrienne? I think I'm connecting dots here...small, small Catholic world. Gotta love it. :)
