
11 May 2012

7 Quick Takes: Linkage (again)

Here's the long list of e-luckies I've been enjoying from the comfort and ease of the www ...

Firstly ... too important to number ... did you see that Cari had a beautiful baby boyorgirl? Click here to see and congratulate like a nice creeper.

1. I'm sure you've seen the Time Magazine cover that has the internet buzzzzzing. Kate wrote a great post on the controversial photo. (Thank you to Colleen for pointing me in the smart direction!)

2. Speaking of Kate, this Kate (same name, different person) wrote a hilarious post about a couple of exchanges with some of her college students. A must read. Must.

3. Blogger extraordinaire Mary wrote a sweet and relatable post about blog friendships.

4. Now that Meggie is a mom, she is ditching her heels and looking for more practical but still stylish footwear. She found some diamonds in the comfort sandal roughage.
4b. Thoughts on Saltwater sandals ... I am so tempted to follow the trendy leader.

5. Speaking of zapatos, I'm in love with Merrick's wedges and her outfit and all of her clothes and I'll stop here. No here. 

6. Jenny never doesn't hit the nail squarely on the head with her incredible writing. I didn't think she could trump her previous typings but this post might be one of my favorites yet.

7. Christine wrote a helpful post on getting snack and catnap prone babies on a schedule. Something I wish I'd read when both needlet 1 and needlet 2 were newborns.

Hallie is hosting the quakes today and please keep Jen and her community in your prayers.


  1. Thanks for pointing me in 1000 different directions. Now I know exactly where to click today :)

  2. Thanks for the linkage love Grace!

    I'm still laughing over your post from yesterday. It was gold.

  3. I met up with an old friend yesterday. We have been blog-stalking each other for a couple of years. Our entire conversation was based on things we had read on each other's blogs. It was liberating and weird all at the same time.

    PS - I refer to you as "my friend" when I talk to people about you. As in, "My friend, Grace, says..."

  4. Ha, thanks for the shout out :) did you purchase a pair for yourself??

  5. Thanks for the shout out! My stats overview is registering a veritable volcano!

    And I call you "my friend Grace," but Jacob always counters: "you mean your blog crush?"

  6. Thank you so much Grace! I already feel cooler! and I'm not talking about the new AC we just had installed.
