
04 April 2012

All I have to do today is ...

1. change the kids out of yesterday's outfits
2. keep the kids alive
3. keep the kids relatively safe
4. keep the kids relatively happy
5. drive to Costco to purchase generic diapers, generic formula, and a hot dog and Diet Coke combo 
but with these happy scenes combined with discovering Julia feeding ancient eye creme to a willing and obviously hungry Sebastian and gulps of vegetable oil to herself after I indulged in a four minute shower ... I'm beginning to think we've set the bar just a little too high -- in every single one of the arenas listed.

We'll see.


  1. Oh,that last photo.... =)

    Totally understand this post.

  2. that hot dog/diet coke combo is amazing

  3. I feel exactly like Julia looks this perhaps she and I should hang and throw a fit party together.

    Or maybe we could just switch places. She could tear my students' papers to shreds and I could go to Costco.

  4. Gulps of vegetable oil? and you thought a jar of garlic was bad.

  5. we had that same bear chair thing Sebastien's in. Bronson hated it sooo hard. no clue why.

  6. I still can't handle costco when I'm alone. I'm impressed by your bravery.

  7. Is she doing a cleanse, do you think?

  8. Sounds similar to our goals today. Hazel is currently half naked still eating breakfast 30 minutes later and Fletcher is crying in his bouncy seat. Perfect start to the day! Good luck with Costco!

  9. wow now i want a hot dog. and a coke.

  10. Oh man. What was it you said some time ago--lower expectations? I never understood before but am certainly beginning to! When I leave the first draft of an article to the very day it's due, I must blame not procrastination, but Eire's shifting sleep schedule and cranky ?teething? symptoms.

    Good luck!

  11. well, at least when simon comes home from work today and asks "what did you do today?" you already have your list prepared.. (or is my husband the only one that never ceases to innocently ask that dreaded question? :)

  12. Just stick with the Hot Dog and Coke....

  13. oh man, how I look forward to your awesome posts each day :D

  14. I fear for your safety when it comes time to change Julia's post-oil diapers. Also, this post is the reason I only shower when there is another adult in the house or when the children are in their cribs.

  15. On the bright side, just think how smooth and non-puffy Sebastian's stomach lining will be!
