
27 March 2012

... and the rest of us wear

almost the same thing apparently.  I'm glad my sharp eye and keen sense of fashion awareness realized we were (almost) all donning red on magenta today so that we might document and share with the always curious internetters.

In other riveting news, I'm going to see your Bumbo on the dangerous glass tabletop and raise you one toddler runnnnnnning to give me the (probably lethal - not being dramatic ever) knife she stupidly and proudly knocked off the counter while trying to get some 'poop' (food - I'm working on it - don't worry) earlier today.

Anyway, if you need me I'll be scrubbing a prolific rush of adrenaline out of the underarms of my current shirt/Simon's former cycling jersey ... and I'll only be stopping for other knife-wielding emergencies.

*I like to think my glamvida warrants that I strive to dress just like her. I'm very in touch in reality.


  1. Grace, you are SO skinny! You look amazing and I love your outfits !!

  2. Totally off topic but I am dying over your backyard. Looks heavenly. I might come visit.

  3. Ana's right, you are skinny. But healthy looking skinny, you look great!

  4. Why do you have so many leaves on the trees? What's wrong with your trees? What's wrong with MY trees?
    I really don't think you should be putting your baby on pavement like that. He could cut his feet. Don't you have a seat of some sort for him?
    Julia's baby has clothes on!

  5. i got it. you're new venture. blogging the outfits of your child's recently unclothed, impoverished doll-child.

  6. hhahahahaah cari's comment is THE usual. also i love the pants and that the one that didn't fit simon?! Now i see that you pulled a 'i bought this for YOU, simon!' when really it was for yourself. don't worry I do it allllll the time.

  7. I LOVE your swing! And I should have taken a photo of me and all my children today. Every single one of us wearing blue, and not by design. We can have teams!

  8. I love how you're carrying your baby and J is carrying hers! She looks like a good mother!

  9. happy birthday. i hope it was good enough to propel you through some more tantrums and whatnot.
