
28 February 2012

torture monger

Just in case you were wondering what level of pleasant I'm enjoying this fine morn, we have entered the 'baba-free zone' beginning with today's wake up. It's obviously going really well.  Of course she isn't having any knock off imposters and after 110 minutes of her waging world wars III, IV and V on me ... I'm about to relent and give her a chill pill (her fave: tropical fruit flavored antacid).

I've also begun to let (make?) Sebastian cry (scream) it out (for a separate wordy post to come - fear not) so I should probably rename this power blog 'Camp Mean' or 'Camp Fun' ... either one would be painfully fitting.


  1. I spent five full minutes today with my head on my desk, my hands covering my ears, humming a frantic tune to cover the sounds of four different little people crying.

    Then I realized there was no escape. No. Escape.

    And then I wanted to start a new "Margarita Morning" tradition.

  2. You poor thing. Well, if it makes you feel better my day has been me trying to do pushups while my 3 week old screams in the back ground refusing to sleep. I would drink but that kind of undermines the pushups. Just. kill. me.

  3. Oh my wordl, I remember when I started that with Isaac...the no bottle thing. You know what? I think I relented after all the fights I was putting up with. It wasn't worth it at the time. Eventually...he started to prefer chewing the tops of sippy cups off. AND...a little Camelbak was just the ticket as well. He la-la-loved that.

    Have a wonderful day, Grace. Keep up the good work!

  4. Oh are a brave soul. Good luck...earplugs work wonders ;)

  5. Bottle withdrawal was horrible. They eventually took to the sippy cups and are now addicts. In the next few days, "Project Pacifier Removal" will be put into effect. I'm dreading...nay...terrified of what's about to occur. Both babies fairly needy today. The one in the womb is winning "favorite child".

  6. Today's the day for trying to make ourselves chrazzeee, potty training started today. So far, nothing, nothing at all. It's an awesome time suck is what it is.

  7. Just started letting Paul put himself to sleep in the crib last night and thought about your sleeping posts from Julia when she was 9 months old. It's so hard to see your baby cry - but sleep is so necessary for all humans involved....

  8. Rose had some terrible bottle issues as well. In fact, she wouldn't even hold her own bottle until she was a year old... and then I was supposed to take it away. I let her have it until she was 18 months and then just put water in the bottle and milk in the sippy. Up until then her cup was strictly for juice (in her mind) so she would take a nice gulp of milk thinking it was juice and throw her cup down. I think she went a week without milk and I finally gave her bottle back because I was paranoid about her not getting it. It eventually got easier, but she is very strong willed, so it took some time. (I finally made her strawberry milk and she accepted that, even though it's full of bad stuff at least she's drinking some milk)
