
20 February 2012

another night

another unschedued c-section, temporarily orphaning Simon's family of serial photoboothers. These selfish pregnant ladies need to stop cramping my fancy tuna melt dinner plans style. Don't let my smile fool you. Sebastian's expression plus one clenched jaw and two muttered expletives probably more accurately describe my exact sentiment for the situation.

Also, Julia's mullet (not pictured) is magically back in full force so we might need to look into a little hair transplant for poor Sebastian's cue ball nog (pictured).

And typing of cues, mine to go just arrived. I just lazily asked Julia to retrieve a diaper which she did ... from the trashcan ... in all its used and saturated glory.

At least I have a two million minute Downton Abbey finale waiting to help ease my laughable pain. Please know, in a spirit of fanaticism and solidarity I styled my hair similar to that of Lady Mary's usual do (not fully pictured).


  1. Hey, when you're done with your perfectly sculpted arms, can I have them? Mine seem to have morphed into something belonging to a 67 year old Italian matriarch. Who lived in 1843.

  2. I second Cari; You're got some awesome guns there, little lady. I need to know your secret for after this kidlet makes its way into the world and leaves me so not in shape... and tuna melt sounds really good right now.

  3. In addition to the arms, I would also like a serving of straight-n-white teeth. Neither of which I currently posses.

  4. I'm joining the line for your guns, Julia Roberts smile, but I would also like your hair. That's not so much to ask, is it?
    Now I must go make some sort of cheese sandwich.

  5. Hahaha, I was coming on her to comment the exact same thing that everyone else did. Holy Toned Arms Grace!!! What's your secret?

  6. Please tell me you had an adequate amount of adult bevvies at your disposal to sip your way through the greatest television event of Winter 2012?

  7. i can't wait to watch downton!!!!!!!!!!! also...her side bun-ish thing is sometimes odd.

  8. I'm the only girl in the world that hasn't watched the abbey. Does that make me odd? Yep, but I'm cool with it.

    Love the fake smile, actually it's more of a "what the....!!" kinda look. Looks familiar!

  9. You crack me up! And seriously, your arms look fab!
