
25 January 2012



Don't let those supposed happy campers fool you.  Sebastian broke from his usual happy dappy routine to be a screeching no sleep maniac the past several nights. And as a result, I had to let go of the smidgen of sanity that I had been saving for a rainy day. I think he maybe slept 26 consecutive minutes once ... otherwise it was just teeny feline naps that usually came to a screeeeeeching hault at the most convenient times ... when I was doing important things like shaving my left leg in the shower, watching the ever-edifying Bachelor, tending to Julia's pleasant demands, or teasing my hair.

Being the seasoned and veteran parent that I know I am, I figured he was just a stubborn babe and I was just about ready to let him cry it out at the ripe old age of 12 weeks. Luckily, I thought I caught Julia feeding him a penny so I went digging for copper and struck gold in the form of a bottom tooth. Perfect. I dipped into my bag of parenting no-nos and gave him a generous coating of teething gel, laughed at his soured and expressive reaction and I am confident that we will soon resume living in peace and loving harmony.

I'll have to consult my perfectly up to date and intangible baby book but I don't think Julia sprouted ivories until around six mature months. Next thing I know he'll be riding a bike sans training wheels and making fun of big sister Julia on her tricycle.


  1. That's early! He's advanced, I can tell. Start saving for Harvard.

  2. I feel like nature just vindicated your switch to formula. definitely winning!

  3. Again I say, so crazy.
    But his little smile the sweetest thing ever, that has to make you melt :)

  4. I'm so glad the teething gel worked out for you! Our #1 was teething in the car, on a big highway, in a major traffic jam. Enter teething gel. After placing it on her gums, she immediately started gagging, the projectile vomited all over me. So then, we had a crying vomit-y baby, a crying vomit soaked mama in a car, on a big highway, in a major traffic jam. I've been afraid to use it ever since.

  5. wow... like I said, overachiever.

  6. Aw poor little thing, teething so early! Felicity got her first tooth at two and a half months - it was so shocking to feel it because its so not expected that early! But her next one didn't come til the normal six months so maybe he'll have a break now:)

  7. That sucks little tiny monkey nuts. But you look pretty as a, wait for it, picture.

  8. Poor little guy. TGFTG or else I bet he would be one unhappy camper.

    PS - I love your headband in that pic!

  9. ha! perfect..he'll be eating solids in three weeks.

    ps, i keep tampering with coding, and messing some things up and fixing others. one of these days the blog will be blogworthy once again.

  10. Oh dear! Poor guy...of course it happens when Simon is gone every night. I hope last night was better...remember today is a new day! BTW, love that picture of you &'s rare that there is actually a candid shot of us moms with the babies :)

  11. Benjamin cut his first tooth around that time as well, and now at the ripe old age of 11 months... has almost all of teeth including but not limited to... his molars. not. kidding. reallyneedlesstosay we're working on weening now. sincerely, pained in pittsburgh.

  12. I thought of you today after I left my 23 month old screaming in her crib at naptime, thinking she just wanted out. Well, I was right and also OH SO WRONG as when I went in to release her, she was covered in vomit. So was her crib. And floor. And it was diary vomit because all she wanted was yogurt and cottage cheese ("more. more. more.") this am.

    I started beating myself up about not going to her initially and then I thought, "What would Grace say if this were her?" So I shrugged my shoulders, chalked one up in the "whoops" category and consoled the little rugrat outside of the vomitorium.

    This is a compliment, by the way :)

  13. Yes teething is no fun and that's way early! Yikes! I would have done the teething gel as well ;)

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